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2024 04 17 recording

Title: Knotted surfaces and their profile curves

Speaker: Joel Hass

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: The profile curve of a surface in R3 is formed from the points whose tangent plane is vertical.  This is the "outline" of a surface.  When a surface is transparent, this curve is what is most visible to the eye.  Profile curves play a role in surface reconstruction, the problem of reconstructing a surface from photographs. In this talk I will investigate the relationship between the knot type of a profile curve and that of the surface it lies on.  For example, I will answer the following question:  Is there an unknotted torus whose profile curves contain a component that is the standard trefoil knot?


2024 04 15 recording

Конференция "Ломоносов"

Конференция происходит на русском языке.

Список докладчиков. (Подробнее:


1) Жихарева Екатерина Сергеевна (студент, кафедра дифференциальной геометрии и приложений, механико-математический факультет, МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова), "Трехмерные алгебры Ли, допускающие полупростые алгебраические операторы Нейенхейса" .


2) Левин Виктор Анатольевич (студент, кафедра дифференциальной геометрии и приложений, механико-математический факультет, МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова), "Слоение Лиувилля интегрируемых биллиардов с острыми углами" .


3) Михайлов Иван Николаевич (студент, кафедра дифференциальной геометрии и приложений, механико-математический факультет, МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова), "Расстояние Громова-Хаусдорфа между нормированными пространствами" .


4) Цыганков Дмитрий Александрович (студент, кафедра высшей геометрии и топологии, механико-математический факультет, МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова), "Гиперболические многообразия, соответствующие прямоугольным многогранникам, и их расслоения над окружностью".


2024 04 15 recording

Title: Построение многоугольников Понселе

Speaker: Федор Нилов

Математический кружок

Теорема Понселе утверждает, что если для пары окружностей существует один $n$-угольник, вписанный в одну из них и описанный около другой,

то таких многоугольников существует бесконечно много. Возникает естественный вопрос: для каких n можно построить циркулем и линейкой пару окружностей, для которых существует соответствующий $n$-угольник? Хорошо известна теорема Гаусса-Ванцеля, которая говорит, когда можно построить циркулем и линейкой правильный $n$-угольник. Для правильных многоугольников центры вписанной и описанной окружностей совпадают и теорема Понселе становится тривиальной. А что если мы дополнительно потребуем, чтобы центры окружностей были различными? Мы дадим соответствующие построения для $n=2^k, 3\cdot  2^k, 5\cdot 2^k$, продемонстрируем анимации в Geogebra и обсудим некоторые другие значения n.


2024 04 13 recording

Title: Non-Reidemeister Knot Theory and pure braids invariants

Speaker: Rogozhkin Illia

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: In this seminar I will talk about the non-Reidemeister knots theory  suggested by Manturov V.O. We will consider the invariant of pure braids  $\Gamma_n^4$, that is constructed by considering the braid as a  dynamical system and which gives representations for braids in the form  of words and in the form of 2x2 matrices. Finally, I will propose  another pure braid invariant in matrices of (2n-4)x(2n-4) size, which is  naturally obtained from the Delaunay triangulation of a sphere.


2024 04 10 recording

Title: An embedding of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of a surface into a localized quantum torus

Speaker: Ramanujan Santharoubane

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: I will explain how to build a new embedding of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of a surface into a localized quantum torus via Dehn-Thurston coordinates. The quantum torus is said to be localized because certain extra elements need to be inverted. An important property is that the localized quantum torus is somehow a finite extension of the skein algebra. As an application I will show how to recover a proof of the unicity conjecture already proved by Frohman, Kania-Bartoszynska and Lê. An explicit description of most irreducible representations of the skein algebra at root of unity will be possible.

This is joint work with Renaud Detcherry.


2024 04 08 recording

Title: On biquandles for the groups $G^k_n$ and surface singular braid monoid

Speaker: Igor M. Nikonov

Knots and representation theory seminar

Abstract: The groups $G^k_n$ were defined by V. O. Manturov in order to describe dynamical systems in configuration systems. In the talk we will consider two applications of this theory: we define a biquandle structure on the groups $G^k_n$, and construct a homomorphism from the surface singular braid monoid to the group $G^2_n$.


2024 04 08 recording

Title: Теорема Абеля и дискриминант

Speaker: Ваня Яковлев

Математический кружок

Поиск выражения для решений полиномиального уравнения имеет богатую историю: от формулы корней квадратного трёхчлена, известной в древности, до открытий Кардано и Феррари в эпоху Возрождения для уравнений 3 и 4 степени. 


Теорема, доказанная Нильсом Абелем и Эваристом Галуа, утверждает отсутствие общей формулы для уравнений пятой степени и выше с использованием радикалов. Мы разберём версию доказательства Абеля, использующая геометрию пространства многочленов без кратных корней.


Это неформальное продолжение серии из двух лекций, прочитанных недавно на кружке 179 школы (первая и вторая). Но эта лекция от них не зависима — мы обсуждали дискриминант для многочленов степени 3, а сейчас сразу займёмся общим случаем. 


Доклад рассчитан на студентов младшекурсников и всех заинтересованных слушателей. Понадобятся перестановки, комплексные числа, теорема о неявной функции.


2024 04 06 recording

Title: Cut Locus of Submanifolds: A Geometric Property of the Manifold

Speaker: Sachchidanand Prasad

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: The cut locus of a point in a Riemannian manifold is the collection of all points beyond which a distance minimal geodesics fails to be distance minimal. In this talk, we will briefly discuss the cut locus of a point and submanifolds. We will also review some recent results related to this.


2024 04 03 recording

Title: Homological and quantum representations of mapping class groups

Speaker: Marco De Renzi

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: For a connected surface Σ with connected boundary, there exist two very different constructions of the same family of representations of the mapping class group Mod(Σ): one comes from the non-semisimple TQFT associated with the quantum group of sl(2), while the other arises from twisted homology groups of configuration spaces of  Σ. I will explain the equivalence between the two actions, and how this is expected to generalize in the presence of cohomology classes. This is based on joint works with Jules Martel and Bangxin Wang.


2024 04 01 recording

Title: Dendriform algebras

Speaker: Marı́a Ronco, Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad de Talca, Chile

Knots and representation theory seminar

Abstract: Dendriform algebras are a special type of associative algebras whose product is the sum of two binary products, satisfying certain conditions, they were introduced by J.-L. Loday as Koszul dual of the enveloping algebras of a Leibniz algebra, with the aim of developing a theory of noncommutative Lie algebras (see [4]). The main examples of this type of algebra are associative algebras whose product is given by the shuffle product, and associative algebras equipped with a Rota-Baxter operator.


May be the first example of a dendriform algebra was described by S. Eilenberg and S. MacLane in [3]. They defined a half product on the simplicial complex of singular cochains of a topological space X, and described its relationship with the cup product.


Their result, and the idea of defining an algebraic theory whose free object is described by the vector space generated by the faces of the associahedra, motivated the introduction of two different types of dendriform algebras, equipped with an extra associative product: tridendriform algebras (see [5]), and K algebras. We unified both definitions by introducing q-tridendriform algebras, the case q = 1 corresponds to the tridendriform algebras defined in [5], while for q = 0 we recover Chapoton’s K algebras.


We will give a detailed description of tridendriform algebras, as well as of their Koszul dual algebras called triassociative. Many interesting examples of 1-triassociative algebra were introduced in algebras of words by J.-C. Novelli and J.-Y. Thibon, while the main example of 0-tridendriform algebra is given by Eilenberg-MacLane constructions on simplicial complexes.


Afterwards, we want to explain the notion of tridendriform bialgebra, that is a tridendriform algebra equipped with a coassociative coproduct. The main result is that there exist a funtor from the category of 0-tridendriform bialgebras to the category of S_2 algebras, where an S_2 algebra is a differential algebra equipped with an associative cup product and a structure of brace algebra, as described by J. McClure and J. H. Smith in [6]. Our last result is a structure theorem for conilpotent tridendriform bialgebras, which states that such a bialgebra is an enveloping algebra of its subspace of primitive elements, which has a natural structure of S2 -algebra in the differential case of 0-tridendriform algebras, and a non-differential S2 -algebra for 1-tridendriform algebras. These last results were described in [1]



[1] E. Burgunder, M. Ronco, Tridendriform structure on combinatorial Hopf algebras, J of Algebra 324 (2010) 2860-2883

[2] F. Chapoton, Opérades Différentielles Graduées sur les Simplexes et les Permutoèdres, Bull. Soc. Math. France 130 (2) (2002) 233-251.

[3] S. Eilenberg and S. MacLane, Cohomology theory in abstract groups. I, Ann. of Math. 48 (1947), 51-78.

[4] J.-L. Loday, Algèbres ayant deux opérations associatives (digèbres), C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 321 (2) (1995) 141-146.

[5] J.-L. Loday, M. Ronco, Trialgebras and families of polytopes, in: Homotopy Theory: Relations with Algebraic Geometry, Group Cohomology, and Algebraic K -Theory, in: Contemp. Math., vol. 346, 2004, pp. 369-398.

[6] J E McClure, J H Smith, A solution of Deligne’s Hochschild cohomology conjecture, in: Recent progress in homotopy theory (Baltimore, MD, 2000), Contemp. Math. 293, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI (2002) 153-193

[7] J.-C. Novelli, J.-Y. Thibon, Hopf algebras and dendriform structures aris- ing from the parking functions, Fund. Math. 193 (2007) 189-241.


2024 04 01 recording

Title: Классификация платоновских тел (через классификацию конечных подгрупп вращений сферы)

Speaker: Алексей В. Савватеев

Математический кружок

На основе анализа орбит и неподвижных точек у элементов подгруппы вращений многогранника выводится чисто комбинаторная формула 2(1-1/n) = \sum_C (1-1/n_C), где n - порядок группы, C перечисляет классы сопряжённости нетривиальных неподвижных точек, n_C - количество вращений в подгруппах, оставляющих оные на месте.

Аккуратный анализ этой формулы позволяет затем заключить, что платоновских тел бывает только пять (в трёхмерном пространстве).


2024 03 30 recording

Title: Hidden structures in (higher) Euler characteristic invariants

Speaker: Soohyun Park

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: We will discuss the gamma vector, which was originally considered in the context of the combinatorics of Eulerian polynomials and later resurfaced in a special case of the Hopf conjecture on Euler characteristics of (piecewise Euclidean) nonpositively curved manifolds in work of Gal. Since then, it has appeared in many different combinatorial applications. We find explicit formulas which give a local-global interpretation and complement/contrast lower bound properties stated earlier by Gal. In addition, a formula involving Catalan numbers and binomial coefficients hints at connections to noncrossing partitions and Coxeter groups in existing positivity examples. Finally, we note considering characteristic classes directly lead to log concavity and Schur positivity properties.


2024 03 27 recording

Title: Connectedness and combinatorial interplay in the moduli space of line arrangements.

Speaker: Benoît Guerville-Ballé

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: The moduli space of a line arrangement (also known as the realization space) captures important topological and geometric information about the arrangement. Due to Mnëv’s Universality Theorem, such moduli spaces can behave as wild as one can imagine. Furthermore, the Pappus configuration shows that unexpected collinearity can appear among the singular points of an arrangements. In this talk, and despite these results, we focus on extracting topological information on the moduli space of line arrangements using only combinatorial techniques. In the first part, we investigate the combinatorial class of inductively connected line arrangements defined by Nazir and Yoshinaga. These arrangements are characterized by a recursive structure that ensures their moduli space to be an open Zariski subset of an irreducible algebraic variety, and so to be path-connected. The second part will be devoted to a continuation of their work. For any fixed line arrangement, we inductively compute a combinatorial upper-bound of the number of connected components of the moduli space. Our bound is based on a fine study of the equations governing the incidence relations, and more particularly of their degrees. It is shown to be sharp even for moduli space with an arbitrary large number of connected components. This is a joint work with Juan Viu-Sos.


2024 03 25 recording

Title: Multiplication in Kauffman bracket skein algebra of a 1-hole torus

Speaker: Helen Wong

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The Kauffman bracket skein algebra of a surface is a generalization of the Jones polynomial for links and is one of few constructions from quantum topology that is clearly related to hyperbolic geometry. To further understand the relationship, it is important to understand the multiplicative structure of the skein algebra. In this talk, we present a recursion relation and fast algorithm for multiplication in the skein algebra in the case of a 1-hole torus.


2024 03 25 recording

Title: Слова Штурма и Фибоначчи

Speaker: Тунёв И.В.

Математический кружок

Слова Штурма представляют собой воистину восхитительный математический  объект, который можно определить пятью разными способами используя  понятийный аппарат разных математических наук от абстрактной алгберы до  теории формальных языков. Особый интерес из себя представляет частный  случай слова Штурма — слово Фибоначчи, являющееся к тому же обобщением  чисел Фибоначчи на случай работы со строками. Доклад направлен на  ознакомление слушателей с многообразием слов Штурма и особенностями  слова Фибоначчи в контексте современной математики.


2024 03 23 recording

Title: Ideal tetrahedra, photography principle and invariants of manifolds

Speaker: Roman Dribas

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: We apply the photography principle for hyperbolic 2-3 Pacner move to construct invariants of 4-manifolds.


2024 03 20 recording

Title: Free circle actions on highly connected (2n+1)-manifolds

Speaker: Jiang Yi

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: A natural problem in topology is to determine which manifolds admit certain group actions. The problem we concern in this talk is to determine which highly connected (2n+1)-manifolds admit free circle actions. I will introduce some previous work and our progress on this problem. This is a joint work with Yang Su.v

2024 03 18 recording

Title: Elements of a Lie algebra acting nilpotently in all its representations

Speaker: Oleg Styrt

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: An equivalent condition for an element of a Lie algebra acting nilpotently in all its representations is obtained. Namely, it should belong to the derived algebra and go via factoring over the radical to a nilpotent element of the corresponding (semisimple) quotient algebra.

The talk is based on the preprint


2024 03 16 recording

Title: On the Chromatic Numbers of Integer and Rational Lattices

Speaker: V.O. Manturov

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: In this talk, we give new upper bounds for the chromatic numbers for integer lattices and some rational spaces and other lattices. In particular, we have proved that for any concrete integer number $d$, the chromatic number of $\mathbb{Z}^{n}$ with critical distance $\sqrt{2}d has a polynomial growth in $n$ with exponent less than or equal to $d$ (sometimes this estimate is sharp). The same statement is true not only in the Euclidean norm, but also in any $l_{p}$ norm. Moreover, we have given concrete estimates for some small dimensions as well as upper bounds for the chromatic number of $\mathbb{Q}_{p}^{n}$ , where by $\mathbb{Q}_{p}$ we mean the ring of all rational numbers having denominators not divisible by some prime numbers.


2024 03 13 recording

Title: Cut-diagrams and surfaces in 4-space

Speaker: Jean-Baptiste Meilhan

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: The purpose of this talk is to define a family of (concordance and link-homotopy) invariants of knotted surfaces in 4-space. The construction is modeled on Milnor link invariants, which are numerical concordance invariants of links in 3-space, extracted from the nilpotent quotients of the link group. Our construction makes use of "cut-diagrams" of knotted surfaces in 4-space, which encode these objects in a simple combinatorial way. Roughly speaking, for a knotted surface obtained as embedding of the abstract surface S, a cut-diagram is a kind of 1-dimensional diagram on S with some labeling. We will provide several examples and applications. No expertise in 4-dimensional topology is required for this talk. This is a joint work with Benjamin Audoux and Akira Yasuhara.


2024 03 11 recording

Title: Flat-virtual knot: introduction and some invariants

Speaker: Igor Nikonov

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In attempts to construct a map from classical knots to virtual ones, we define a series of maps from knots in the full torus (thickened torus) to flat-virtual knots. We give definition of flat-virtual knots and presents Alexander-like polynomial and Kauffman bracket for them. We also discuss a possible extension of the notion of flat-virtual knots — so-called multi-flat knots.

2024 03 09

Title: Cluster algebras and generalized skein algebras

Speaker: Han-Bom Moon

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: For each punctured surface admitting a triangulation, we may associate two algebras. One is the cluster algebra of surfaces, and the other is the generalized skein algebra from quantum topology. In this talk, I will explain their compatibility and some consequences in the Teichmuller theory and the structure of cluster algebra.


2024 03 06 recording

Title: On the combinatorial complexity functions of Sturmian words

Speaker: Kirova Valeriia

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Consider combinatorial complexity functions of infinite words, especially factor complexity and its modifications. First of all, we present an overview of the available results for Sturmian words. Special attention is paid to the arithmetical complexity of infinite words, the study of which was initiated by Van der Waarden Theorem on one-color arithmetic progressions. Arithmetical complexity is presented in a sense a modification of factor complexity. An overview of current results and exact values of arithmetic complexity for Sturmian words is presented. We present polynomial Van der Waerden Theorem, which gives rise to the study of a more generalized modification of the factor complexity function - the polynomial complexity of infinite words. 

2024 03 04 recording

Title: Universal construction, foams and link homology

Speaker: Dmitry Solovyev

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: This talk is based on a joint work with Mikhail Khovanov. In this work we review the construction of sl(N) link homology theory coming from foams, which categorifies HOMFLY-PT link invariant and RT sl(N) quantum link invariants. This talk is elementary, the emphasis will be put on the theory of unoriented SL(3) foams, their evaluation and corresponding universal construction. This version of foam theory is related to 4-color theorem and Kronheimer-Mrowka 3-orbifold homology theory. If time permits, we will also talk about how oriented SL(3) foams categorify the Kuperberg invariant.


2024 03 02 recording


Speaker: Jonathan Schneider

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: When does a curve in R² with crossing data lift to a knot in R³, or, more generally, to a fiberwise toral surface in R²×R²? I propose necessary and sufficient conditions. I consider three cases:1. Generic curves, which form the basis of familiar knot diagrams. No restrictions are necessary on crossing data for the static curve; however, a homotopy of the curve must carry the crossing data continuously and avoid "cyclic crossings".2. Cellular curves, where the curve is a finite cellular map.  Here we additionally require that the static curve itself carries crossing data continuously from point to point and avoids cyclic crossings.3. General curves. Here, the "continuity" restriction of the first two cases is inadequate. A stronger pair of conditions, which I call "monotonicity and stability", is necessary.


2024 02 28 recording

Title: Knot in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$ of degree one and long knot invariants

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: In this talk we construct invariants for knots in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$ of degree one by using long knot invariants.


2024 02 26 recording

Title: From the three Reidemeister moves to the three Lie gauge groups 

– with consequences for the unification of physics

Speaker: Christoph Schiller

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Quantum theory suggests that the three observed gauge groups U(1), SU(2) and SU(3) are related to the three Reidemeister moves of knot theory: twists, pokes and slides. The background for the relation is clarified: modelling particles as fluctuating tangles of strands explains wave functions. Classifying tangles explains the elementary fermions and bosons. It is then shown that twists generate U(1) and that pokes generate SU(2). The emphasis is put on deducing the relation between slides, the corresponding strand deformations, the Gell-Mann matrices, and the Lie group SU(3). Consequences for unification are deduced.


2024 02 24 recording

Title: Closed 4-braids and the Jones unknot problem

Speaker: Alexey Sleptsov (Kurchaton institute (ITEP division), MIPT and IITP)

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: Jones polynomial is a famous knot invariant discovered by V.Jones in 1984.The Jones unknot problem is a question whether there is a non-trivial knotwith the trivial Jones polynomial. The answer to this fundamental questionis still unknown despite numerous attempts to solve it. In the talk I willgive a brief review on different approaches to this question. I willdescribe in more detail the construction of Jones polynomials (and HOMFLY-PT) through the braid group and its representations using quantum R-matrices. We will discuss in detail a family of knots that are the closureof 4-braids. I will talk about what options there are for solving the Jonesproblem in this case, both positively and negatively. The talk is based ona recent preprint arXiv:2402.02553 (joint work of Dmitriy Korzun, ElenaLanina, Alexey Sleptsov).


2024 02 21 recording

Title: Inducing graph invariants from the universal $\mathcal{gl}$-weight system

Speaker: Sergei Lando

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Weight systems, which are functions on chord diagrams satisfying certain 4-term relations, appear naturally in Vassiliev's theory of  nite type knot invariants.

In particular, a weight system can be constructed from any  nite dimensional

Lie algebra endowed with a nondegenerate invariant bilinear form. Recently,

M. Kazarian suggested to extend the $gl(N)$-weight system from chord diagrams

(treated as involutions without  xed point) to arbitrary permutations, which

led to a recurrence formula allowing for an e ective computation of its values,

elaborated by Zhuoke Yang. In turn, the recurrence helped to unify the $\mathcal{gl}(N)$

weight systems, for $N = 1, 2, 3,\dots$, into a universal gl-weight system. The

latter takes values in the ring of polynomials $\mathbb{C}[N][C_1,C_2,\dots]$ in in nitely many variables $C_1,C_2,\dots$ (Casimir elements), whose coe cients are polynomials in $N$.

The universal $\mathcal{gl}$-weight system carries a lot of information about chord

diagrams and intersection graphs. The talk will address the question which graph

invariants can be extracted from it. We will discuss the interlace polynomial,

the enhanced skew-characteristic polynomial, and the chromatic polynomial. In

particular, we show that the interlace polynomial of the intersection graphs can

be obtained by a speci c substitution for the variables $n,C_1,C_2,\dots$. This allows

one to extend it from chord diagrams to arbitrary permutations.

Questions concerning other graph and delta-matroid invariants and their

presumable extensions will be formulated.

The talk is based on a work of the speaker and a PhD student Nadezhda



2024 02 19 recording

Title: On biquandles for the groups $G^k_n$ and surface singular braid monoid

Speaker: Igor Nikonov

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The groups $G^k_n$ were defined by V. O. Manturov in order to describe dynamical systems in configuration systems. In the talk we will consider two applications of this theory: we define a biquandle structure on the groups Gkn, and construct a homomorphism from the surface singular braid monoid to the group $G^2_n$.


2024 02 17 recording

Title: Колмогоров и основные понятия теории вероятностей (к 120-летию Андрея Николаевича Колмогорова)

Speaker: А. Буфетов

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: Колмогоров дал математическую аксиоматику теории вероятностей. А в чём именно ключевое достижение Колмогорова? Как соотносится его работа с достижениями предшественников --- Некрасова и Бугаева в Москве, Чебышёва, Маркова и Ляпунова в Санкт-Петербурге, Бернштейна в Харькове,  Де Финетти в Риме, Кейнса и Тьюринга в Кембридже, Бореля в Париже, фон Мизеса в Вене? Почему аксиоматика Колмогорова у одних коллег вызвала сильное сопротивление, а другим -- явилась откровением?  Эти вопросы мы кратко рассмотрим в общедоступном обзорном докладе.

2024 02 12 recording

Title: Гипотеза Римана и диофантовы уравнения

Speaker: Мороз Борис Барух

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: В нашей (совместной с А.А.Норкином) недавней работе явно выписано диофантово уравнение, неразрешимость которого эквивалентна гипотезе Римана. Я расскажу об этой работе.


2024 02 10 recording

Title: Дробные раскраски случайных гиперграфов

Speaker: Дмитрий Александрович Шабанов

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: Поиск точных пороговых вероятностей для различных свойств является одним из центральных направлений исследований в теории случайных графов и гиперграфов. В докладе пойдет речь об одной задаче подобного рода, связанной с так называемыми дробными раскрасками. С помощью метода второго момента и решения ряда экстремальных задач для стохастических матриц нам удалось получить очень точные оценки пороговой вероятности для свойства наличия дробной (4:2) раскраски в биномиальной модели случайного гиперграфа. Полученные результаты также показывают, что эта пороговая вероятность строго превышает пороговую вероятность для классического свойства правильной 2-раскрашиваемости. Доклад основан на совместной работе с П.А. Захаровым.


2024 02 07 recording

Title: Virtualized Delta moves for virtual knots and links

Speaker: Kodai Wada

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We introduce a local deformation called a virtualized Delta move for unoriented virtual knots and links. We prove that it is an unknotting operation for unoriented virtual knots, and give a necessary and sufficient condition for two unoriented virtual links of two or more components to be related by a finite sequence of virtualized Delta moves. We also talk about virtualized Delta, sharp, and pass moves for oriented virtual knots and links. This is a joint work with Takuji Nakamura, Yasutaka Nakanishi, and Shin Satoh.


2024 02 05 recording

Title: The classification of knots in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$ of the small number of crossings

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In this talk we construct invariants for knots in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$ and try to classify knots in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$ with small number crossings.

2024 02 03 recording

Title: Flat-virtual knots: A theory of knots in the full torus and in the thickened Moebius band.

Speaker: Vassily O. Manturov

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: In 2022, the author and I.M.Nikonov have noticed that knots in the full cylinder

S^{1}\times D^{2} have some "hidden" crossings. As a result, this lead to the development

of "flat-virtual theory" and a map from knots/links in the thickened cylinder to knots flat virtual knots/links.

In the present talk, we discuss possible ways of generalising this approach to the 3-dimensional thickening of the Moebius band and to the RP^{3} thought of as a 3-dimensional thickening of RP^{3}.


2024 01 31 recording

Title: Spectral Invariants of Graphs and Their Applications to Combinatorics

Speaker: Alexander Dmitrievich Mednykh

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We present recent results obtained by the authors. They are related to spectral invariants of graphs admitting an arbitrary large cyclic group action. To illustrate them we use the family of circulant graphs G_n = C_n(s_1, s_2, . . . , s_k). The Chebyshev polynomials provide a significant analytical tools for studying the properties of such graphs and their characteristic polynomials. In particular, this gives a way to find analytical expressions for the number of spanning trees τ(n), the number of rooted spanning forests f_{G}(n) and the Kirchhoff index Kf(G_n) of a graph. We are interested in the behaviour of these invariants for sufficiently large n. We provide asymptotic formulas of the above mentioned invariants. These results were motivated by problems arising in theoretical physics, biology and chemistry.


2024 01 29 recording

Title: Traits of crossings and functorial maps

Speaker: Igor Nikonov

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: One of the major applications of parity theory are picture-valued invariants of knots such as parity bracket. We present several examples of such invariants for links in a fixed surface.


2024 01 27 recording

Title: Evaluations of multilinear  polynomials on finite dimensional algebras. 

Speaker: Sergey Malev

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: Let p be a polynomial in several non-commuting variables with coefficients in an algebraically closed field K of arbitrary characteristic. It has been conjectured that for any n, for p multilinear, the image of p evaluated on the set M_n(K) of n by n matrices is either zero, or the set of scalar matrices, or the set sl_n(K) of matrices of trace 0, or all of M_n(K).

In this talk we will discuss the generalization of this result for non-associative algebras such as Cayley-Dickson algebra (i.e. algebra of octonions), pure (scalar free) octonion Malcev algebra and basic low rank Jordan algebras.


2024 01 24 recording

Title: Enriched categories and their centers

Speaker: Zhang Zhi-Hao

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: The notion of an enriched (fusion) category naturally appears in the study of the mathematical theory of topological orders. In this talk, I will introduce a symmetric monoidal 2-category of enriched categories with arbitrary background categories. Then the notion of an enriched (braided or symmetric) monoidal category can be defined as an E_n-algebra in this 2-category. Finally I will introduce the notion of a center and compute the center of an enriched (monoidal or braided monoidal) category. This talk is based on a joint work arXiv:2104.03121 with Liang Kong, Wei Yuan and Hao Zheng.

2024 01 22 recording

Title: The groups $G_{n}^{3}$ and rhombi tilings of 2n-gons

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In this talk we will consider a map from the set of rhombi tilings of 2n-gon to the group $G_{n}^{3}$ and will discuss our further researches.


2024 01 20 recording

Title: Star-operations on Anderson rings

Speaker: Hyungtae Baek

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: Please check here


2024 01 17 recording

Title: The calculation of the rank of the incidence matrix of a hypergraph

Speaker: Zhiyun Cheng

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: In this talk, I will explain how to calculate the rank of the incidence matrix of a hypergraph. Several concrete examples will be discussed.


2024 01 15 recording

Title: Knots in $\mathbb{R}P^3$

Speaker: Visakh Narayanan

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We will discuss some properties of knots in three dimensional projective space. Our technique for this purpose is to associate a virtual link to a link in projective space so that equivalent projective links go to equivalent virtual links (modulo a special flype move). We can then apply techniques in virtual knot theory to obtain a Jones polynomial for projective links which also happens to be equivalent to the Jones polynomial constructed by Drobotukhina. Then we would discuss a combinatorial cobordism theory for projective links which may be used to apply virtual Khovanov homology and the virtual Rasmussen invariant of Dye, Kaestner, and Kauffman to projective links.


2024 01 10 recording

Title: A Game Form of van der Waerden's theorem

Speaker: Mikhail Dobritsyn

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: The van der Waerden’s theorem is an important result in combinatorics of arithmetic progressions. It turns out, this theorem is easily solvable in agame from and winning strategy requires much fewer moves to win.

2024 01 08 recording

Title: Invariants of knots from biquandles and virtual biquandles

Speaker: Manpreet Singh

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We will prove that for a given virtual link L and a virtual biquandle (X,f,R), the set of colorings of L by (X,f,R) is in bijection with the set of colorings of L by a biquandle (X,VR), where VR is a new operator we define on X. The biquandle (X,VR) is the 1-induced biquandle associated with (X,f,R). Moreover, we will prove that for a virtual link L, the associated biquandle BQ(L) is isomorphic to the 1-induced biquandle of the virtual biquandle VBQ(L). Furthermore, the 1-induced biquandle of VBQ(L) is isomorphic to VBQ(L) as virtual biquandles. If time permits, we will introduce a cohomology theory for (X,f,R) and give its applications to knots.

2024 01 03 recording

Title: Rational ellipticity of Riemannian manifolds

Speaker: Professor Chen Xiaoyang

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: It was conjectured by Bott-Grove-Halperin that a compact simply connected Riemannian manifold with nonnegative sectional curvature is rationally elliptic, i.e., it has finite dimensional rational homotopy groups. We will discuss some recent progress on this conjecture. 


2023 12 30 recording

Title: Transformation Groupoid Based on Quotient Vector Spaces —A Mathematical Definition for Theory of Dimensionality

Speaker: Euich Miztani

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: In my last presentation of this seminar on the 19th of December in 2023, a new mapping (projection) is given from any point in its original dimensional space to other dimensional space. In the series of mappings, any point has invariant or symmetry. In other words, the degree of freedom (the number of variables) of any point is unchangeable in the series of mappings. In this time, we explain mathematical definitions in terms of quotient vector space. The first aim is to define our new notions in the last presentation more mathematically. The second aim is to introduce a more concrete mappings from a higher dimensional space to a lower dimensional one.


2023 12 27 recording

Title:Regular maps on Cartesian products and disjoint unions of manifolds

Speaker: Ren Shiquan

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: A map from a manifold to a Euclidean space is said to be k-regular if the images of any distinct k points are linearly independent. For k-regular maps on manifolds, lower bounds on the dimension of the ambient Euclidean space have been extensively studied. In this talk, we study the lower bounds on the dimension of the ambient Euclidean space for 2-regular maps on Cartesian products of manifolds. As corollaries, we obtain the exact lower bounds on the dimension of the ambient Euclidean space for 2-regular maps and 3-regular maps on spheres as well as on some real projective spaces. Moreover, generalizing the notion of k-regular maps, we study the lower bounds on the dimension of the ambient Euclidean space for maps with certain non-degeneracy conditions from disjoint unions of manifolds into Euclidean spaces.


2023 12 25 recording

Title: Virtual index cocycles and invariants of virtual links

Speaker: Igor Nikonov

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Virtual index cocycle is the 1-cochain that counts virtual crossings in the arcs of a virtual link diagram. We show how this cocycle can be used to reformulate and unify some known invariants of virtual links.


2023 12 23 recording

Title: A Functorial Generalization of Coxeter Groups

Speaker: Vadim Leshkov

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: In the work arXiv:2312.07939 we describe the category WC2 of weighted 2-complexes and its subcategory WC1 of weighted graphs. Since a Coxeter group is defined by its Coxeter graph, the construction of Coxeter groups defines a functor from WC1 to the category of groups. We generalize the notion of a Coxeter group by extending the domain of the functor to the category WC2. It appears that the resulting functor generalizes the construction of Coxeter groups, Gauss pure braid groups GVP_{n} (introduced by V. Bardakov, P. Bellingeri, and C. Damiani in 2015), k-free braid groups on n strands G_{n}^{k} (introduced by V. Manturov in 2015), and other quotients of Coxeter groups.

2023 12 20 recording

Title: A map from classical theory to virtual knot theory. An introduction to flat-virtual knots

Speaker: Vassily Olegovich Manturov

Professor Manturov will talk in more detail about two constructions suggested in the papers, where classical objects (classical braid, knots in the full torus and knots in the thickened torus) are mapped analogues of virtual knots: the so-called flat-virtual knots. Professor Manturov will discuss various invariants of the latter leading to lots of invariants of classical objects, generalising the Burau representation, Kauffman bracket, and many other objects. Many unsolved problems will be formulated during the talk.

2023 12 18 recording

Title: Elements of a Lie algebra acting nilpotently in all its representations

Speaker: O.G. Styrt

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: An equivalent condition for an element of a Lie algebra acting nilpotently in all its representations is obtained. Namely, it should belong to the derived algebra and go via factoring over the radical to a nilpotent element of the corresponding (semisimple) quotient algebra.The talk is based on the speaker's preprint


2023 12 16 recording

Title: Elements of a Lie algebra acting nilpotently in all its representations

Speaker: O.G. Styrt

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: An equivalent condition for an element of a Lie algebra acting nilpotently in all its representations is obtained. Namely, it should belong to the derived algebra and go via factoring over the radical to a nilpotent element of the corresponding (semisimple) quotient algebra.The talk is based on the speaker's preprint


2023 12 13 recording

Title:A map from classical theory to virtual knot theory. An introduction to flat-virtual knots

Speaker: Professor Vassily Olegovich Manturov

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Professor Manturov will talk in more detail about two constructions suggested in the papers, where classical objects (classical braid,  knots in the full torus and knots in the thickened torus) are mapped analogues of virtual knots:  the so-called flat-virtual knots. Professor Manturov will discuss various invariants of the latter leading to lots of invariants of classical objects, generalising the Burau representation, Kauffman bracket, and many other objects. Many unsolved problems will be formulated during the talk.


2023 12 11 recording

Title: Rota-Baxter operators and Hopf algebras

Speaker: Igor M. Nikonov

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We will consider several problems related to Rota-Baxter operators and Hopf algebras: 1) construction of group Rota-Baxter operators of arbitrary weight on Lie groups 2) conditions under which a Rota-Baxter operator on a group is a Rota-Baxter operator of a group algebra

3) construction of relative Roth-Baxter operators for noncommutative Hopf algebras


2023 12 09 recording

Title: Aperiodic points for outer billiards

Speaker: Timorin Vladlen

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: This is a joint project with A. Kanel-Belov, Ph. Rukhovich, and V. Zgurskii. A Euclidean outer billiard on a convex figure in the plane is the map sending a point outside the figure to the other endpoint of a segment touching the figure at the middle. Iterating such a process was suggested by J. Moser as a crude model of planetary motion. Polygonal outer billiards are arguably the principal examples of Euclidean piecewise rotations, which serve as a natural generalization of interval exchange maps. They also found applications in electrical engineering. Previously known rigorous results on outer billiards on regular N-polygons are, apart from “trivial” cases of N=3,4,6, based on dynamical self-similarities (this approach was originated by S. Tabachnikov). Dynamical self-similarities have been found so far only for N=5,7,8,9,10,12. In his ICM 2022 address, R. Schwartz asked whether “outer billiard on the regular N-gon has an aperiodic orbit if N is not 3, 4, 6”. We answer this question in affirmative for N not divisible by 4. Our methods are not based on self-similarity. Rather, scissor congruence invariants (including that of Sah-Arnoux-Fathi) play a key role.


2023 12 06 recording

Title: Torsion in the skein module of the complement of a 4-strand Montesinos knot

Speaker: Haimiao Chen 

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: For a 3-manifold M, let S(M) denote its Kauffman bracket skein module. Problem 1.92 (G) (i) in the Kirby's list asks whether S(M) is free when M is irreducible and has no incompressible non-parallel to the boundary torus. We answer this negatively by showing that S(M) contains torsion when M is the complement of a 4-strand Montesinos knot in the 3-sphere.


2023 12 04 recording

Title: Moduli of Fano varieties via K-stability

Speaker: Martinez-Garcia Jesus

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: K-stability is a recent theory that interacts with complex and analytic geometry, birational geometry and moduli theory. Take a Fano variety (a complex projective variety with positive Ricci curvature). Can we construct a compact moduli space that parametrises all the ‘reasonable’ degenerations of this variety (including fairly singular ones) and that it is itself ‘reasonable’ as a space? The answer is positive if the variety is K-(poly)stable and this moduli space, known as K-moduli, parametrises all K-polystable Fano varieties. From a complex viewpoint, K-polystable Fano varieties are precisely those which admit a Kahler-Einstein metric.

Smooth Fano varieties have been classified up to dimension 3 but until recent work by Abban-Zhuang and others, we did not have enough tools to decide which ones were K-polystable, let alone to describe the K-moduli itself. In this talk I will survey these notions and present recent progress in the subject, with special emphasis in the programme to classify Fano varieties and their K-moduli in low dimensions.


2023 12 02 recording

Title: Twisted link and arrow polynomial

Speaker: Qingying Deng

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: It is well-known that a classical link diagram is checkerboard colorable. The notion of a checkerboard coloring for a virtual link diagram was independently introduced by V.O.Manturov  (in 2000) and N. Kamada (in 2002) by using atom and corresponding abstract link diagram, respectively. M.O. Bourgoin introduced the twisted knot theory in 2008 and defined the notion of a checkerboard coloring for a twisted link diagram.

In this talk, we first give two new criteria to detect the checkerboard colorability of virtual links by using odd writhe and arrow polynomial of virtual links, respectively. Then by applying these criteria we determine the checkerboard colorability of virtual knots up to four crossings, with only one exception.

Second, we reformulate the arrow polynomial of twisted links by using Kauffman’s formalism. In fact, in 2012, in case of using the pole diagram, N. Kamada obtained the polynomial by generalizing a multivariable polynomial invariant of a virtual link to a twisted link. Moreover, we figure out three characteristics of the arrow polynomial of a checkerboard colorable twisted link, which is a tool of detecting checkerboard colorability of a twisted link. The latter two characteristics are the same as in the case of checkerboard colorable virtual link diagram.


2023 11 29 recording

Title: The groups $G_{n}^{3}$ and rhombi tilings of 2n-gons

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Moscow-Bejing topology seminar

Abstract: In this talk we will consider a map from the set of rhombi tilings of 2n-gon to the group $G_{n}^{3}$ and will discuss our further researches.


2023 11 27 recording

Title: Intricacies about the binary icosahedral group

Speaker: Scott Carter

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Zeeman's theorem tells us that both the 5-twist spun trefoil and the 2-twist spun torus knot T(3,5) are fibered knotted spheres in 4-dimensional space where the fiber is the punctured Poincare homology sphere. That closed homology sphere is the quotient of the 3-sphere under the action of the binary icosahedral group. It is a 5-fold or 2-fold branched cover of 3-space branched over the respective knot. The group is isomorphic to SL_2(Z/5). I want to understand all of the statements asserted above. To that end, I am working on comparing three different presentations of this group. In as much as possible, I will explicitly represent the elements in the group as strings with quipu, matrices, generators, and elements in the 3-sphere. I'll also give different pictures that allow one to compute relationships among the words in the standard presentation of the group. I'm also interested in braiding the homology sphere in 5-space. 

2023 11 25 recording

Title: Groups $\Gamma_n^4$: algebraic properties.

Speaker: Oleg G. Styrt

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: In theory of knots and braids, there is a special type of groups closely connected with braid groups — namely, groups $\Gamma_n^4$. Each of them is given by involutive generators indexed by ordered $4$-tuples of pairwise distinct integers from $1$ to $n$ and some special relations between them.

The speaker’s research is concentrated mainly on algebraic structure of groups $\Gamma_n^4$. His main result is that, for any $n\geqslant7$, the groups $\Gamma_n^4$ and $\Gamma_n^4/(\Gamma_n^4)'$ are isomorphic to direct products of finitely many copies of $\mathbb{Z}_2$, in part, that $\Gamma_n^4$ is a nilpotent finite $2$-group with $4$-torsion.

If time allows, all are the most of the proof will be presented. 


2023 11 22 recording

Title: Distance formulas for any four points on a plane. Possible applications to pentagon case. 

Speaker: Hayk Sedrakyan

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Given a connected graph with four vertices and six edges (a quadrilateral and its diagonals). We obtained a novel formula to find the length of any of its edges using the other five edge lengths. We are interested in possible applications of this formula to pentagon case.


2023 11 20 recording

Title: Affine superYangian

Speaker: Vladimir A. Stukopin

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: The talk will discuss the Yangians of Lie superalgebras, an important example of quantum groups. Yangians of simple Lie algebras, as well as quantum groups, were introduced by V.G. Drinfeld in the eighties of the last century, but began to be studied somewhat earlier in the works of mathematical physicists, within the framework of the Bethe algebraic ansatz which is a method for studying quantum integrable models. Yangians are closely related to rational solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation and appear as deformations of the Lie bialgebra of polynomial currents with values in the reductive Lie algebra. Since the mid-nineties of the last century, Yangians of Lie superalgebras (or superYangians) have also been studied. Currently, numerous connections have been discovered between Yangians and many problems in representation theory, mathematical and theoretical physics, including superstring theory, and this is an intensively developing area of research. I will try to talk about some, including new results, relating both to the Yangians of basic Lie superalgebras and to the Yangians of affine Kac-Moody superalgebras (affine superYangians), which began to be studied quite recently.


2023 11 18 recording

Title: Affine superYangian

Speaker: Vladimir A. Stukopin

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: The talk will discuss the Yangians of Lie superalgebras, an important example of quantum groups. Yangians of simple Lie algebras, as well as quantum groups, were introduced by V.G. Drinfeld in the eighties of the last century, but began to be studied somewhat earlier in the works of mathematical physicists, within the framework of the Bethe algebraic ansatz which is a method for studying quantum integrable models. Yangians are closely related to rational solutions of the quantum Yang-Baxter equation and appear as deformations of the Lie bialgebra of polynomial currents with values in the reductive Lie algebra. Since the mid-nineties of the last century, Yangians of Lie superalgebras (or superYangians) have also been studied. Currently, numerous connections have been discovered between Yangians and many problems in representation theory, mathematical and theoretical physics, including superstring theory, and this is an intensively developing area of research. I will try to talk about some, including new results, relating both to the Yangians of basic Lie superalgebras and to the Yangians of affine Kac-Moody superalgebras (affine superYangians), which began to be studied quite recently.

2023 11 15 recording

Title: On the structure of the Kauffman bracket skein module

Speaker: Rhea Bakshi Palak

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Skein modules were introduced by Józef H. Przytycki as generalisations of the Jones and HOMFLYPT polynomial link invariants in the 3-sphere to arbitrary 3-manifolds. The Kauffman bracket skein module (KBSM) is the most extensively studied of all. However, computing the KBSM of a 3-manifold is known to be notoriously hard, especially over the ring of Laurent polynomials. With the goal of finding a definite structure of the KBSM over this ring, several conjectures and theorems were stated over the years for KBSMs. We show that some of these conjectures, and even theorems, are not true. In this talk I will briefly discuss a counterexample to Marche’s generalisation of Witten’s conjecture. I will show that a theorem stated by Przytycki in 1999 about the KBSM of the connected sum of two handlebodies does not hold. I will also give the exact structure of the KBSM of of the connected sum of two solid tori and show that it is isomorphic to the KBSM of a genus two handlebody modulo some specific handle sliding relations. Moreover, these handle sliding relations can be written in terms of Chebyshev polynomials. I will also discuss the structure of the skein module of $S^1 \times S^2 \ \# \ H_1$ and $S^1 \times S^2 \ \# \ S^1 \times S^2$. Parts of this talk are based on joint work with Thang Le, Józef Przytycki, Seongjeong Kim, and Xiao Wang. 


2023 11 13 recording

Title: Distance formula for a point inside a triangle (formula for a diagonal of any quadrilateral)

Speaker: Hayk Sedrakyan

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Given a connected graph with four vertices and six edges (a quadrilateral and its diagonals). We obtained a novel formula to find the length of any of its edges using the other five edge lengths. For example, in the case of a convex quadrilateral we are able to find the length of its diagonal using its side lengths and the length of the other diagonal. In the case of a concave quadrilateral (point inside a triangle), we are able to find the distance between this point and any of the vertices of the triangle. 



2023 11 11 recording

Title: On transversals in iterated groups and quasigroups

Speaker: Anna Taranenko

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: Given a binary quasigroup G of order n, let the d-iterated quasigroup G[d] be the (d+1)-dimensional latin hypercube equal to the Cayley table of d times composition of G with itself. A diagonal of a latin hypercube is said to be a transversal if it contains all different symbols. We prove that for a given binary quasigroup G the d-iterated quasigroup G[d] has a transversal either only if d is even or for all large enough d. Moreover, there is r = r(G) such that if the number of transversals in G[d] is nonzero then, it is equal to (1 + o(1)) n!^{d+1} / (r n^{n-1}) as d tends to infinity. If G is a group, then r is the order of its commutator subgroup.


2023 11 08 recording

Title: On invariants for surface-links valued in entropic magmas

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: M. Niebrzydowski and J. H. Przytycki defined a Kauffman bracket magma and constructed the invariant P of framed links in 3-space. The invariant is closely related to the Kauffman bracket polynomial. The normalized bracket polynomial is obtained from the Kauffman bracket polynomial by the multiplication of indeterminate and it is an ambient isotopy invariant for links. In this talk, we reformulate the multiplication by using a map from the set of framed links to a Kauffman bracket magma in order that P is invariant for links in 3-space. We define a generalization of a Kauffman bracket magma, which is called a marked Kauffman bracket magma. We find the conditions to be invariant under Yoshikawa moves except the first one and use a map from the set of admissible marked graph diagrams to a marked Kauffman bracket magma to obtain the invariant for surface-links in 4-space.

2023 10 30 recording

Title: A very general approach to TQFT state sums

Speaker: Kevin Walker

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: I’ll discuss a very general (“universal”) approach to constructing TQFT state sums for manifolds.  This will be based on, but in contrast to that paper I’ll start with concrete examples and work toward the more general statements.


2023 10 28 recording

Title: Quandles with orbit series conditions

Speaker: Timur Nasybullov

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: The notion of quandle was introduced independently by Joyce and Matveev as an invariant for knots. This invariant is very strong, however, usually it is difficult to determine if two knot quandles are isomorphic. Various tricks are used to solve this problem for individual cases of quandles. For each quandle, one can construct its orbit series tree. If two quandles are isomorphic, then their orbit series trees are also isomorphic. During the talk we are going to discuss relations between a quandle and its orbit series tree. In particular, we will discuss the question of when isomorphism of quandles follows from isomorphism of orbit series trees of these quandles. In addition, we are going to discuss various results about quandles which are described in terms of its orbit series tree.


2023 10 25 recording

Title: Classifying representations of the Thompson groups and the Cuntz algebra

Speaker: Dilshan Wijesena

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Richard Thompson’s groups $F$, $T$ and $V$ are one of the most remarkable discrete infinite groups for their several unusual properties. On the other hand, the celebrated Cuntz algebra has many fascinating properties and it is known that $V$ embeds inside the Cuntz algebra. However, classifying the representations of the Thompson groups and the Cuntz algebra have proven to be very difficult.

Luckily, thanks to the novel technology of Vaughan Jones, a rich family of so-called Pythagorean representation of the Thompson groups and the Cuntz algebra can be constructed by simply specifying a pair of finite-dimensional operators satisfying a certain equality. These representations carry a powerful diagrammatic calculus which we use to develop techniques to study their properties. This permits to reduce very difficult questions concerning irreducibility and equivalence of infinite-dimensional representations into problems in finite-dimensional linear algebra. Moreover, we introduce the Pythagorean dimension which is a new invariant for all representations of the Cuntz algebra. For each dimension $d$, we show the irreducible classes form a moduli space of a real manifold of dimension $2d^2+1$. Finally, we introduce the first known notion of a tensor product for representations of the Cuntz algebra.


2023 10 23 

Title: Обобщенные факториалы и p-упорядочения

Speaker: П. Н. Питал

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: В докладе будет рассказано об интересном обобщении понятия факториала, предложенном  М. Бхаргавой для дедекиндовых колец.

2023 10 21 recording

Title: Euclidean volumes of cone manifolds are algebraic numbers

Speaker: Nikolay Abrosimov (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk)

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: The hyperbolic structure on a 3-dimensional cone-manifold with a knot as singularity can often be deformed into a limiting Euclidean structure. In the present work [1] we show that the respective normalised Euclidean volume is always an algebraic number which is reminiscent of Sabitov's theorem (the Bellows Conjecture). This fact also stands in contrast to hyperbolic volumes whose number- theoretic nature is usually quite complicated. This is a joint work with Alexander Kolpakov and Alexander Mednykh.

[1] N. Abrosimov A. Kolpakov A. Mednykh Euclidean volumes of hyperbolic knots // Proceedings of AMS 2023 (in press) DOI: 10.1090/proc/16353


2023 10 18 recording

Title: Light-bulb theorem and knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$.

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We reprove light-bulb theorem by using diagrams of knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$ and consider more general cases.


2023 10 16 recording

Title: On topological interpretation of universal parity-like labellings

Speaker: Igor M. Nikonov

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Some labellings of crossings compatible with Reidemeister moves like the

universal parity and the universal index admit topological interpretation (homological

parity and homotopical index). In the talk we present some other examples of topological

interpretation of universal labellings on knot diagrams in a fixed surface.


2023 10 14 recording

Title: New approaches to Lie algebra weight systems

Speaker: Zhuoke Yang

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: In this talk we introduce a universal weight system (a function on chord diagrams satisfying the 4-term relation) taking values in the ring of polynomials in infinitely many variables, whose particular specialisations are weight systems associated with the Lie algebras gl(N) and Lie superalgebras gl(M|N). We extend this weight system to permutations and provide an efficient recursion for its computation.


2023 10 11 recording

Title: Flat-virtual objects or how to map classical theory to virtual theory

Speaker: Vassily O. Manturov

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Virtual knot theory is a proper generalisation of classical knot theory. It is known that virtual knots and links admit many powerful invariants and techniques that never appeared in classical knot theory.

 In the talk we construct a map from braids, knots and links in the full torus to (closed relatives of) virtual braids, knots, and links.

 The talk is based on joint papers of the speaker with I.M.Nikonov:



 Many unsolved problems will be stated. Many research projects will be formulated.



2023 10 09 recording

Title: Groups $\Gamma_n^4$: algebraic properties.

Speaker: Styrt O.G.

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In theory of knots and braids, there is a special type of groups closely connected with braid groups — namely, groups $\Gamma_n^4$. Each of them is given by involutive generators indexed by ordered $4$-tuples of pairwise distinct integers from $1$ to $n$ and some special relations between them. The speaker’s research is concentrated mainly on algebraic structure of groups $\Gamma_n^4$. His main result is that, for any $n\geqslant7$, the groups $(\Gamma_n^4)’$ and $\Gamma_n^4/(\Gamma_n^4)'$ are isomorphic to direct products of finitely many copies of $\mathbb{Z}_2$, in part, that $\Gamma_n^4$ is a nilpotent finite $2$-group with $4$-torsion. If time allows, all are the most of the proof will be presented. 


2023 10 07 recording
Title: Kontsevich’s invariants as topological invariants of configuration space bundles 

Speaker: Xujia Chen

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: Kontsevich's invariants (also called “configuration space integrals”) are invariants of certain framed smooth manifolds/fiber bundles. The result of Watanabe(’18) showed that Kontsevich’s invariants can distinguish smooth fiber bundles that are isomorphic as topological fiber bundles. I will first give an introduction to Kontsevich's invariants, and then state my work which provides a perspective on how to understand their ability of detecting exotic smooth structures: real blow up operations essentially depends on the smooth structure, and thus given a space/bundle X, the topological invariants of some spaces/bundles obtained by doing some real blow-ups on X can be different for different smooth structures on X.


2023 10 04 recording

Title: Ribbon disk-link realization of contractible finite 2-complex and Kervaire conjecture on group weight

Speaker: Akio Kawauchi (Osaka Central Advanced Mathematical Institute, Osaka Metropolitan University)

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Kervaire conjecture that the free product of every non-trivial groupand the infinite cyclic group is not normally generated by one elementis confirmed. The idea is to solve Conjecture Z of a knot exterior proposed  by F. Gonzalez-Acuna and A. Ramirez as an equivalent conjecture. For this solution,a ribbon disk-link realization of a contractible finite complex and the asphericity ofa ribbon disk-link are used.


2023 10 02 recording

Title: Examples of weight systems of framed chord diagrams

Speaker: Igor Nikonov (joint work with Denis Ilyutko)

Knots and representation theory


We extend Bar-Natan’s construction of weight systems induced by Lie algebra representations  to the case of framed chord diagrams.


2023 09 30 recording

Title: Matrix sets closed under conjugations and summing commuting elements.

Speaker: Oleg Styrt

Knots, graphs and groups


The talk is devoted to describing matrix sets closed under conjugations and summing commuting elements. There are two well known important and principally different sets satisfying these properties: the sets of all semisimple and of all nilpotent matrices. It is also easy to see that the general case is directly reduced to describing such sets lying in some of these two special ones.

The talk is aimed to present the result obtained for an algebraically closed field.

2023 09 27 recording

Title: Weight systems related to Lie algebras

Speaker: Sergei Lando (HSE University, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology)

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Please check the link


2023 09 25 recording

Title: A note on geometric realization of extreme Khovanov homology for some family of links.

Speaker: Hongdae Yun

Knots and representation

Abstract: The Khovanov (co)homology was introduced by Mikhail Khovanov in 2000 and Viro explained it in terms of enhanced states of diagram. Also J. González-Meneses, P.M.G. Manchón, M. Silvero proved (potential) extreme Khovanov homology of link is isomorphic to independence simplicial complex of Lando graph from the link. In this talk, we recall the definition of Khovanov homology. Furthermore we investigate the geometric realization of extreme Khovanov homology of some family of knots and links. This is joint work with Mark H Siggers and Seung Yeop Yang.


2023 09 23 recording

Title: Generalization of prime ideals

Speaker: Hyungtae Baek, School of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: In 2011, Anderson and Badawi generalized the concept of prime ideals and in 2020, Hamed and Malek generalized the concept of prime ideals using multiplicative sets.


In this talk, for a commutative ring with identity $R$ and a multiplicative subset $S$ of $R$, we define an {\it $S$-$n$-absorbing ideals} generalizing these and

examine following problems:


(1) If $I$ is an $S$-$n$-absorbing ideal of $R$, then is $IR_S$ an $n$-absorbing ideal of $R_S$? What about the converse?

(2) When is each ideal $I$ of $R$ disjoint from $S$ an $S$-$n_I$-absorbing ideal for some $n_I \in \mathbb{N}$?

(3) When are $I \bowtie^f J$, $\overline{K}^f$ and $\overline{I \times K}^f$ $S^{\bowtie^f}$-$n$-absorbing ideal of $A \bowtie^f J$?

(4) Consider the ideal $H$ of $f(A) + J$ such that $f(I)J \subseteq H \subseteq J$.

When is $I \bowtie^f H$ an $S^{\bowtie^f}$-$n$-absorbing ideal of $A \bowtie^f J$?


D. F. Anderson and A. Badawi, On $n$-absorbing ideals of commutative rings, Comm. Alg. {\bf 39(5)}, 1646-1672 (2011).

A. Hamed and A. Malek, $S$-prime ideals of a commutative ring, Beitr Algebra Geom {\bf 61}, 533-542 (2020).


2023 09 20 recording

Title: The $F$-polynomial invariant for knotoids

Speaker: Fengling Li

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: As a generalization of the classical knots, knotoids deal with the open ended knot diagram in a surface.

In recent years, many polynomial invariants for knotoids appeared, such as the bracket polynomial, the index polynomial and the $n$th polynomial, etc.

In this talk, we introduce a new polynomial invariant $F$-polynomial for knotoids and discuss some properties of it. This is joint work with Yi Feng.


2023 09 18 recording

Title: Exotic 2-knots and 2-links in 4-manifolds

Speaker: Younes Benyahia, SISSA, Italy

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Two smoothly embedded surfaces in a 4-manifold are called exotic if they are topologically isotopic but smoothly not. In 1997, Fintushel and Stern constructed the first examples of exotic surfaces. Since then, there have been many constructions of exotic surfaces in other settings, in particular, ones closer to the smooth unknotting conjecture.

In this talk, we give a construction of infinite families of exotic 2-spheres (in some 4-manifolds) that are topologically unknotted, and we show how to adapt the idea to obtain infinite families of exotic 2-links. This is a joint work with Bais, Malech and Torres (see also


2023 09 16 recording

Title: Skein modules for $S^1 \times S^2 \ \# \ S^1 \times S^2$

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: Skein modules were introduced by Józef H. Przytycki and by Vladimir Turaev independently. The Kauffman bracket skein module (KBSM) is the most extensively studied one. However, computing the KBSM of a 3-manifold is known to be notoriously hard, especially over the ring of Laurent polynomials. Marché conjectured that the KBSM of closed oriented $3$-manifolds splits into the direct sum of free and certain torsion modules over the ring of Laurent polynomials. The counterexample to this conjecture is given by the connected sum of two copies of the real projective space. With the goal of finding a definite structure of the KBSM over this ring, we compute KBSM of $S^1 \times S^2 \ \# \ S^1 \times S^2$. We show that it is isomorphic to KBSM of a genus two handlebody modulo some specific handle sliding relations. Moreover, these handle sliding relations can be written in terms of Chebyshev polynomials. This is joint work with Rhea Palak Bakshi and Xiao Wang



2023 09 13 recording

Title: On two practical problems of social choice theory

Speaker: Fedor Duzhin

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We will introduce two practical problems in the social choice theory.

The first scenario is envy-free division. Here, n friends are renting an n-bedroom apartment together. They need to split the rent and distribute the bedrooms among themselves so that everyone is happy with their bedroom, i.e., no one would prefer someone else's room to their own (given the rent). We will derive the existence of an envy-free division from Sperner's Lemma (combinatorial analog of Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem).

The second scenario is peer evaluation. Here, n students work on a common task, and the job of the course instructor is to grade individual contributions to group work. We assume that there exists an objective truth - a vector of individual contributions that is known to students but not to the instructor. Students are required to do peer evaluation, i.e., all team members report their version of the truth. We will show then how the instructor can design a method of grading that encourages students to report the truth (the collective truth-telling is a strict Nash equilibrium).

2023 09 11 recording

Title: Photography principle, data transmission, and invariants of manifolds

Speaker: Igor Nikonov

Knots and representation

Abstract: In the present talk we discuss the techniques suggested in [V. O. Manturov, I.M. Nikonov, The groups Гn4, braids, and 3-manifolds, arXiv: 2305.06316] and the photography principle [V.O.Manturov, Z.Wan, The photography method: solving pentagon, hexagon, and other equations, arXiv:2305.11945] to open a very broad path for constructing invariants for manifolds of dimensions greater than or equal to 4.



2023 09 09 recording

Title: Further directions in the photography method

Speaker: Vassily Manturov

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: I will discuss the photography method according to the papers

and give a long list of unsolved problems covering lots of topics in various fields of




2023 09 06 recording

Title: Classifying representations of the Thompson groups and the Cuntz algebra

Speaker: Dilshan Wijesena

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Richard Thompson’s groups $F$, $T$ and $V$ are one of the most remarkable discrete infinite groups for their several unusual properties. On the other hand, the celebrated Cuntz algebra has many fascinating properties and it is known that $V$ embeds inside the Cuntz algebra. However, classifying the representations of the Thompson groups and the Cuntz algebra have proven to be very difficult.

Luckily, thanks to the novel technology of Vaughan Jones, a rich family of so-called Pythagorean representation of the Thompson groups and the Cuntz algebra can be constructed by simply specifying a pair of finite-dimensional operators satisfying a certain equality. These representations carry a powerful diagrammatic calculus which we use to develop techniques to study their properties. This permits to reduce very difficult questions concerning irreducibility and equivalence of infinite-dimensional representations into problems in finite-dimensional linear algebra. Moreover, we introduce the Pythagorean dimension which is a new invariant for all representations of the Cuntz algebra. For each dimension $d$, we show the irreducible classes form a moduli space of a real manifold of dimension $2d^2+1$. Finally, we introduce the first known notion of a tensor product for representations of the Cuntz algebra.



2023 09 04 recording

Title: Quasi-polynomial solutions of anharmonic oscillators

Speaker: Dmitrii Rachenkov (PhD, SISSA)

Knots and representation

Abstract: In 2014, in the article “Quadratic differentials as stability conditions” T. Bridgeland and I. Smith proved that that moduli spaces of meromorphic quadratic differentials with simple zeroes on compact Riemann surfaces can be identified with spaces of stability conditions on a class of CY3 triangulated categories. These categories can be defined using quivers with potential associated to triangulated surfaces.

Any quadratic differential defines an anharmonic oscillator equation and one can ask whether it has as a solution quasi-polynomial (=polynomial multiplied by exponent). The general answer – work in progress! – should have a nice view in terms of the spaces of stability conditions .

In my talk I am going to present in examples Bridgeland-Smith’s construction. If time permits I will speak about Shapiro-Tater conjecture which proof involves

quasi-polynomial solutions of a quartic anharmonic oscillators.

References: arXiv:2203.16889, arXiv:1302.7030



2023 09 02 recording

Title: Gram matrix of tetrahedron and volume

Speaker: Bao Vuong

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: We review some properties of Gram matrix for tetrahedra and give some integral formulas for the volume of hyperbolic and spherical tetrahedron.



2023 08 30 recording

Title: Folded Morse trees and spectral networks

Speaker: Tianyu Yuan

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We present an approach to do Morse theory on symmetric products of surfaces, and show its relation to higher-dimensional Heegaard Floer homology (HDHF). As an application, we recover the finite Hecke algebra by Morse theory. We also sketch the application to spectral networks. This is joint work with Ko Honda and Yin Tian.


2023 08 28 recording

Title: On biquandles for the groups $G^k_n$ and surface singular braid monoid

Speaker: Igor Nikonov

Knots and representation theory

The groups $G^k_n$ were defined by V. O. Manturov in order to describe dynamical systems in configuration systems. In the talk we will consider two applications of this theory: we define a biquandle structure on the groups Gkn, and construct a homomorphism from the surface singular braid monoid to the group $G^2_n$.

2023 08 26 recording

Title: 3-manifolds and Vafa-Witten theory

Speaker: Sergei Gukov

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: We initiate explicit computations of Vafa-Witten invariants of 3-manifolds, analogous to Floer groups in the context of Donaldson theory. In particular, we explicitly compute the Vafa-Witten invariants of 3-manifolds in a family of concrete examples relevant to various surgery operations (the Gluck twist, knot surgeries, log-transforms). We also describe the structural properties that are expected to hold for general 3-manifolds, including the modular group action, relation to Floer homology, infinite-dimensionality for an arbitrary 3-manifold, and the absence of instantons.


2023 08 23 recording

Title: Kodaira type conjecture on almost complex 4 manifolds

Speaker: Professor Lin Dexie (Chongqing University)

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: In this paper, we define a refined Dolbeault cohomology on almost complex manifolds. We show that the condition h 1,0 = h˜0,1 implies a symplectic structure on a compact almost complex 4 manifold, where ˜h 0,1 is the Hodge number of the refined Dolbeault cohomology and h 1,0 is the Hodge number of the Dolbeault cohomology defined by Cirici and Wilson [5]. Moreover, we prove that the condition h 1,0 = h˜0,1 is equivalent to ∂∂¯-lemma, which is similar to the case of compact complex surfaces. Meanwhile, unlike compact complex surfaces, we show that on compact almost complex 4 manifolds the equality b1 = h 0,1 +h 1,0 does not hold in general.


2023 08 21 recording

Title: Bipartite knots and its applications

Speaker: Alina Pavlikova

Knots and representation 

Abstract:  The non-bipartite knot conjecture, formulated in 1987 by Józef Przytitzky, remained open for 24 years, despite the efforts of several eminent mathematicians, including its author and J. H. Conway [3]. In 2011, S. Duzhin found a necessary condition for a knot to be bipartite and gave examples of non-bipartite knots. Further study of bipartite knots we explore their rich combinatorial structure and  hidden connections with the four color graph theorem.

2023 08 19 recording

Title: Explicit cocycle formulas on finite abelian groups and Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants of n-torus

Speaker: Zheyan Wan (BIMSA)

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: We provide explicit and unified formulas for the cocycles of all degrees on the normalized bar resolutions of finite abelian groups. This is achieved by constructing a chain map from the normalized bar resolution to a Koszul-like resolution for any given finite abelian group. With the help of the obtained cocycle formulas, we compute the Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants of the n-torus for all n. This talk is based on


2023 08 16 recording

Title: Kontsevich's characteristic classes and formal smooth structures 

Speaker: Lin Jianfeng

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: In 2018, Watanabe disproved the 4-dimensional Smale conjecture by showing that the diffeomorphism group of a 4-dimensional disk relative to its boundary is non-contractible. In Watanabe's proof he used a version of Kontsevich's characteristic classes to detect non-trivial smooth families of disk bundles. In this talk we will show that Kontsevich's characteristic classes only depend the formal smooth structure, i.e. a lift of the tangent microbundle to a vector bundle. As an application, we will prove that for an arbitrary compact 4-manifold (with or without boundary), the forgetful map from diffeomorphism group to the homeomorphism group is not a rational homotopy equivalence. And we will prove the same result for the 4-dimensional Euclidian space. This is joint work with ​Yi Xie (Peking University)

2023 08 14 recording

Title:  n-Color Vertex Homology

Speaker: Ben McCarty

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We will show how to categorify the vertex bracket polynomial, which is based upon one of Roger Penrose’s formulas for counting the number of 3-edge colorings of a planar trivalent graph. We produce a bigraded theory called bigraded n-color vertex homology whose graded Euler characteristic is the vertex bracket polynomial. We then produce a spectral sequence whose E∞ page is a filtered theory called filtered n-color vertex homology, and show that it is generated by certain types of properly colored ribbon subgraphs. In particular for n = 2, we show that the n-color vertex homology is generated by colorings that correspond to perfect matchings.  This is joint work with Scott Baldridge.


2023 08 12 recording

Title: A state sum for the total face color polynomial

Speaker: Scott Baldridge

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: The total face color polynomial is based upon the Poincaré polynomials of a family of filtered n-color homologies. It is an abstract graph invariant when the graph is trivalent and calculates the sum of n-face colorings of ribbon graphs of the graph for each positive integer n. As such, it may be seen as a successor of the Penrose polynomial, which at n = 3 counts 3-edge colorings (and consequently 4-face colorings) of planar trivalent graphs. In this talk we describe a simple-to-express state sum formula for calculating the polynomial based upon earlier work of Lou Kauffman. This formula unites two different perspectives about graph coloring: one based upon topological quantum field theory and the other on diagrammatic tensors.  

This is joint work with Lou Kauffman and Ben McCarty and is based upon the paper recently uploaded to the arXiv found here:


2023 08 09 recording

Title: Framed links in thickened surfaces and quantum invariants of 3-manifolds with boundary

Speaker: Eiji Ogasa

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We can associate surgeries on thickened surfaces to integer framings.  Framed links in thickened surfaces have virtual framed link representations.  Compact oriented 3-manifolds with boundary whose boundary is a disjoint union of two homeomorphic surfaces always have virtual framed link representations.  By using these facts, we can define quantum invariants of such manifolds.  This talk is based on the speaker's paper with Louis H. Kauffman. See

Quantum invariants of links and 3-manifolds with boundary defined via virtual linksLouis H. Kauffman and Eiji OgasaJournal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications by:0

2023 08 07 No recording

Title: The number of rooted forests in circulant graphs

Speaker: Lilya A. Grunwald 

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In this paper, we develop a new method to produce explicit formulas for the number fG(n) of rooted spanning forests in the circulant graphs G = Cn(s1, s2, . . . , sk) and G = C2n(s1, s2, . . . , sk, n). These formulas are expressed through Chebyshev polynomials. We prove that in both cases the number of rooted spanning forests can be represented in the form fG(n) = p a(n)2, where a(n) is an integer sequence and p is a certain natural number

depending on the parity of n. Finally, we find an asymptotic formula for fG(n) through the

Mahler measure of the associated Laurent polynomial P(z) = 2k+1−

Pki=1(zsi+z−si ).

2023 08 05 recording

Title: $R[X]_A$ of zero-dimensional reduced rings

Speaker: Hyungtae Baek (School of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University, Republic of Korea)

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract:Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity and

let $R[X]$ be the polynomial ring over $R$. Consider the following two subsets of $R[X]$:


$N := \{f \in R[X] \,|\, c(f) = R\}$ and\\

$U := \{f \in R[X] \,|\, f {\rm \ is \ a \ monic \ polynomial} \}$.


Then $N$ and $U$ are multiplicative subset of $R[X]$, so we obtain the rings $R[X]_N$ and $R[X]_U$, which are called the {\it Nagata ring} of $R$ and {\it Serre's conjecture ring} of $R$ respectively. The Nagata rings and the Serre's conjecture rings has been researched actively.


In this talk, we investigate the new subring $R[X]_A$ of Nagata ring and Serre's conjecture ring and examine following problems:



\item[(1)] If $R[X]_A$ is a PIR, then is $R$ a PIR? What about the converse?

\item[(2)] If $R[X]_A$ is an arithmetical ring, then is $R$ an arithmetical ring? What about the converse?

\item[(3)] If $R[X]_A$ is a Pr\"ufer ring, then is $R$ a Pr\"ufer ring? What about the converse?




1. D. D. Anderson, D. F. Anderson, and R. Markanda, {\it The rings $R(X)$ and $R \left< X\right>$}, J. Algebra {\bf 95} (1985), 96-155.


2. L. R. Le Riche, {\it The ring $R\left< X \right>$}, J. Algebra {\bf 67} (1980), 327-341.

2023 08 02 recording

Title: Super-Ptolemy coordinates and C^2-torsion polynomial

Speaker: Seokbeom Yoon

Abstract: Ptolemy coordinates is an efficient tool to parameterize (a certain type of) SL(2,C)-representations of ideally triangulated 2- or 3-manifolds. Inspired from works of super-Ptolemy coordinates for surfaces, we introduce super-Ptolemy coordinates for ideally triangulated 3-manifolds which parameterize OSp(2|1)-representations. Analogous to the 1-loop conjecture, we then propose a conjectural formula to compute C^2-torsion polynomials, also known as twisted Alexander polynomials associated with SL(2,C)-representations. This is joint work with Stavros Garoufalidis.


2023 07 31

Zoom discussion -- ICM2022 talk

Federico Ardila -- The geometry of geometries: matroid theory, old and new

The theory of matroids or combinatorial geometries originated in linear algebra and graph theory, and has deep connections with many other areas, including field theory, matching theory, submodular optimization, Lie combinatorics, and total positivity. Matroids capture the combinatorial essence that these different settings share.  In recent years, the (classical, polyhedral, algebraic, and tropical) geometric roots of the field have grown much deeper, bearing new fruits. We survey some recent successes, stemming from three geometric models of a matroid: the matroid polytope, the Bergman fan, and the conormal fan. 

2023 07 29 recording

Title: Hexagonal rhombille tilings, Groups G_{n}^{k}, line configurations, and Desargues flips

Speaker: Vassily O. Manturov

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: The regular hexagon has two tilings into three rhombi; they differ by a flip. This

forms an illusion of a "reversible cube". A tiling picture of

a (2n)-gon into rhombille can be viewed in 3D as a collection of cubes in 3-space.

The flip naturally corresponds to addition/deletion of a cube lying on the top.

The dual picture to such a rhombille tiling is a 4-valent graph on the plane which

can be seen as a tangle diagram.

The hexagonal flip corresponds to the third Reidemeister move.

We have mentioned that such flips naturally correspond to generators of the group G_{n}^{3}.

Besides, from the point of view of configurations of lines, the hexagonal flip can be viewed

as a Desargues flip, and the main relation of the group G_{n}^{3} of length 8 naturally appears in the picture.

In the talk we shall relate various problems in geometry, topology, and group theory,

among which we mention hyperbolic volumes, configurations of lines, braid group actions.

Many unsolved problems will be formulated.

2023 07 26 recording

Title: Pentagon Identity and Multidimensional Integrability

Speaker: Sergei Sergeev

Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: none


2023 07 24 No recording

Title: An algorithmically computable complete invariant of knots

Speaker: Dimitris Kodokostas

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We present a couple of complete invariants S and R of oriented knots inspace. The value of each invariant on any knot k is a set, infinite forthe first and finite for the second. The value R(k) (a finite set) iscomputed algorithmically from any knot diagram K of k in a finite numberof steps. The algorithm reveals the knotting number of k as well.

2023 07 22 recording

Title: A sheaf-theoretic approach to classical and virtual knot theory

Speaker: M. Chrisman

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: In this talk, we define a ​``​space of virtual knots" that is analogous to the space $\mathbb{K}$ of knots in $\mathbb{R}^3$. This is done be first translating the notion of​``knot", ​``isotopy", and ​``knot invariant" into the 2-category of Grothendieck topoi. For example, a​``knot" becomes a geometric morphism from the category of sets to the category of sheaves on the space $\mathbb{K}$. In other words, a​``knot" is a point of the Grothendieck topos $\text{Sh}(\mathbb{K})$. This parallels the fact that a knot is a point of the knot space. We then show that there is a site $(\textbf{VK},J_{\textbf{VK}})$ such that the category of sheaves $\text{Sh}(\textbf{VK})$ on this site behaves naturally as a ​``space of virtual knots". For example, the points of this topos are exactly virtual knots. Likewise, we recover virtual isotopy and virtual knot invariants as geometric morphisms. This talk is based on the paper

2023 07 19 No recording

Title: Braid-like group. Simplicial structure on pure singular braid groups.

Speaker: Tatiana Kozlovskaya

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We recall basic definitions from Knot Theory, Braid Theory andthe construction of J. Wu and F. Cohen which connects braid groups andhomotopy groups of 2-sphere. In more detail we discuss singular braidgroups and its subgroup of pure singular braid group. We describepresentation of these groups and linear representation.

2023 07 17 recording

Title: Bigraded 2-color homology is not a variant of Khovanov homology

Speaker: Scott Baldridge

Abstract: In this talk we show why the calculation for bigraded 2-color homology of a CW complex of a surface is not the same as Khovanov homology for virtual links, even through the functor that transforms the underlying ribbon graph of the CW complex to a virtual link.  Thus, bigraded n-color homology is a different homology theory from Khovanov homology. 

This talk will be general in nature and include some recent history behind the problem of coloring faces (edges) of planar and ribbon graphs. 

2023 07 15 recording

Title: Quantization, polynomial automorphisms, and the Jacobian problem.Speaker: A. Ya. Kanel-Belov

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: Let $F: \mathbb{C}^n\to \mathbb{C}^n$~- be a polynomial mapping of a complex space into itself. When is it reversible? The necessary condition is obviously local invertibility at every point. The famous {\em Jacobian problem} states that this condition is sufficient. For more than 20 years, until 1968, the Jacobian problem was considered solved for $n=2$, since then new ``proofs'' appear every few months.

The {\em Jacobian problem} is closely related to Dixmier's conjecture, the formulation of which for $n=1$ looks innocent: let $P, Q$~ be polynomials in $x$ and $(d/dx)$, and $PQ– QP=1$. Is it true that $(d/dx)$ can be expressed in terms of $P$ and $Q$. This claim has not yet been proven. Recently it was possible to prove that this assertion is equivalent to the Jacobian problem for $n=2$. The stable equivalence of the Jacobian and Dixmier conjectures is proved in The proof uses an analogy between classical and quantum objects. It is supposed to give an elementary explanation of this analogy and also to discuss Kontsevich's hypotheses.

Another, close, statement is called the Abienkar–Moh theorem and looks like an Olympiad problem (which it is). Let $P, Q, R$ be polynomials, and $R(P(x),Q(x))=x$. Prove that either the degree of $P$ divides the degree of $Q$, or vice versa. The {\em Abiancar problem} states that all embeddings of an affine line in $\mathbb{C}^3$ are isomorphic. Over $\mathbb{R}$ the answer is no -- there are polynomial knots, so Abyankar's problem can be viewed as a way to define a knot in an abstract algebraic way.

Significant advances in the Jacobian problem were made by the remarkable mathematician Yagzhev (a student of L.A. Bokut) who connected the subject with universal algebra. Burnside-Type Problems'', Automorphisms in Birational and Affine Geometry (Bellavista Relax Hotel, Levico Terme –Trento, October 29th – November 3rd, 2012, Italy), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 79, Springer Verlag, 2014, 249– 285, arXiv: 1308.0674

The first part of the report is an introduction to the problem and is supposed to be quite elementary.

2023 07 12 recording

Title: Symplectic groupoid and Teichmuller space of closed genus two curves (continued)

Speaker: Michael Shapiro

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We study log-canonical coordinates for the symplectic groupoid of unipotent upper-triangular matrices. As a byproduct we produce such coordinates for the Teichmuller space of closed genus two curves. This is a joint work with L. Chekhov.


2023 07 10 recording

Title: T^n-action on G_{n,2} and moduli spaces of genus zero curves
Speaker: Svjetlana Terzic
Knots and representation theory
The canonical action of the compact torus T^n on the complex Grassmann
manifolds G_{n,2} of two-dimensional
complex subspaces in the complex vector space C^{n} is an important
example which has applications in many
areas of mathematics.

In studying the corresponding orbit spaces in our papers in the last few
years, we introduced and studied the objects, such as chambers
of a hypersimplex, spaces of parameters of chambers, universal space of
parameters, which turn out to be of crucial importance for their

We present our recent results which establish relations between some of
these objects and moduli spaces of weighted stable rational curves of
genus zero.

The talk is based on joint works with Victor M. Buchstaber.

2023 07 08 recording

Title: The photography method and invariants of higher manifolds coming from common sense

Speaker: V.O. Manturov

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: Manifolds can be encoded by triangulations and Pachner move. It is natural to look for certain "state-sum" formulas for invariants where the sum is taken over "weights" associated to some faces of a triangulation. For example, so are Turaev-Viro invariant.

Various Pachner moves give rise to various equations which have close ties with different branches of mathematics, the Pentagon relation the Yang-Baxter relation, the Zamolodchikov relation and so on.

How to solve such equations? In a recent paper, the author introduced the {\em photography method} saying that if in some {\em state} (say, triangulation of a pentagon) one can recover the {\em data} (say, lengths, areas) for any other state then if we pass from one state to the other, the information will not change.

This extremely simply proved statement gives rise to solutions of any equations valued ...everywhere.. Just by looking at elementary geometry, you can use your favourite formula(Ptolemy, Cayley-Menger or some formula from hyperbolic geometry) and get a guaranteed solution to equations corresponding to Pachner moves.

The two easy observations that1) Any triangulation of a polytope is realised locally in the Euclidean (hyperbolic) space2) A triangulation of a manifold need not be realisable

we obtain that1) Our solutions give rise to invariants;2) These invariants are non-trivial

Going further and seeing similarity with line configurations and Desargues flips, one can construct invriants valued in more sophisticate geometrical construction.


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2023 07 05 recording

Title: On the path homology of Cayley digraphs and covering digraphs

Speaker: Sergey Ivanov

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We develop a theory of covering digraphs, similar to the theory of covering spaces. By applying this theory to Cayley digraphs, we build a ``bridge'' between GLMY-theory and group homology theory, which helps to reduce path homology calculations to group homology computations. We show some cases where this approach allows us to fully express path homology in terms of group homology. To illustrate this method, we provide a path homology computation for the Cayley digraph of the additive group of rational numbers with a generating set consisting of inverses to factorials.

2023 07 03 recording

Title: Virtual index cocycles and invariants of virtual links

Speaker: Igor Nikonov

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Virtual index cocycle is the 1-cochain that counts virtual crossings in the arcs of a virtual link diagram. We show how this cocycle can be used to reformulate and unify some known invariants of virtual links.

2023 07 01 recording

Title: The photography method: solving pentagon and other equations

Speaker: Zheyan Wan (BIMSA)

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: In this talk, we show how the principle “if data from two pictures allows one to restore the whole object” allows one to solve pentagon and other equations. Here we show that concrete solutions, both old and new ones, to some equations (pentagon, hexagon, etc., mostly having close ties with mathematical physics) can be solved and some invariants can be obtained. We give an explicit algorithm that can be generally done in other situations and formulate further directions and unsolved problems. This talk is based on

2023 06 28 No recording

Title: The photography method

Speaker: V.O. Manturov

Geometric Topology Seminar

A well-known fact widely studied in cluster algebra theory is that the Ptolemy equation (xy=ac+bd for an inscribed quadrilateral with side-lengths a,b,c,d, and diagonal lengths x,y) yields solutions to many equations and representations of many groups. 

An important example (closely related to cluster algebra theory) is that {\em the Ptolemy transformation yields the Pentagon identity.} 

In the talk, we shall show how very easy arguments from school geometry give rise to important theorems in many branches of mathematics. 

This work was initiated in papers


2023 06 28 recording

Title: Cluster twist groups and quadratic differentials

Speaker: Prof. Qiu Yu

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: With King, we introduce cluster twist groups to study fundamental groups of moduli spaces of quadratic differentials with simple zeros. If time permits, I will also mention recent works on quadratic differentials as stability conditions, with Barbieri-Moller-So and with Christ-Haiden.

2023 06 26 recording

Title: Topological complexity of enumerative problems in algebraic geometry

Speaker: Weiyan Chen

Abstract: Among the many enumerative problems in algebraic geometry, we would like to have some way to measure their complexities. One such way is by studying the topological complexity of algorithms solving those problems, first defined by S. Smale. We consider one particular enumerative problem: finding the 9 flex points on a smooth cubic plane curve. We prove a lower bound on its topological complexity: any algorithm that solves this problem must be sufficiently complex. We also show that our lower bound is close to be best possible. The key is to bound the Schwarz genus of covers associated to this problem. This talk is on joint work with Zheyan Wan.

2023 06 24 recording

Title: Free root spaces of Borcherds-Kac-Moody Lie superalgebras.

Speaker: Shushma Rani

Knots, graphs and groups

Abstract: File

2023 06 21 recording

Title: Symplectic groupoid and Teichmuller space of closed genus two curves

Speaker: Michael Shapiro

Abstract: We study log-canonical coordinates for the symplectic groupoid of unipotent upper-triangular matrices. As a byproduct we produce such coordinates for the Teichmuller space of closed genus two curves. This is a joint work with L. Chekhov.

2023 06 19 recording slide

Title: Multi-Virtual Knot Theory

Speaker: Louis Kauffman

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: This talk will discuss an extension of virtual knot and link theory that uses an arbitrary cardinality of distinct virtual crossings. In this generalization all virtuals detour with respect to one another and with respect to classical crossings and

graphical crossings. There are corresponding generalizations of cobordisms of virtual knots and links, welded knot theory, flat virtual theory and free knot and link theories.

We discuss basic invariants and their generalizations such as the Jones polynomial, Kauffman bracket, Arrow polynomial, fundamental group, augmented fundamental groups, quandles and biquandles, Sawollek polynomials and other invariants. This work is motivated by specific invariants for two virtual crossings that generalize the bracket polynomial and give knot theoretic versions of generalized Penrose evaluations for trivalent graphs. There are many questions about this generalization of virtual knot theory and we will discuss a number of them in this talk.

2023 06 17 recording

Title: The stability of persistent homology of hypergraphs

Speaker: Shiquan Ren

Knots, Graphs and Groups

Abstract: Hypergraph is the most general model for complex networks involving group interactions. Taking the ideas of path homology from Alexander Grigor'yan, Yong Lin, Yuri Muranov and Shing-Tung Yau [18–22], Stephane Bressan, Jingyan Li and the authors of this article introduced embedded homology of hypergraphs [6] in 2019, which has leaded to successful applications in protein-ligand binding network [24, 25] in 2021.

A fundamental question arising from practical applications is about the

stability of the persistent embedded homology of hypergraphs. In this

talk, we prove the stability of the persistent embedded homology as

well as the persistent homology of the associated simplicial complex with

respect to perturbations of the filtration on a hypergraph. We apply the

persistent homology methods to morphisms of hypergraphs and prove

the stability with respect to perturbations of the filtrations. We prove

the constancy of the persistent Betti numbers under some conditions on

the simple-homotopy types of hypergraphs. This is a joint work with Professor Jie Wu.

2023 06 14 recording

Title: Knots in three dimensional torus

Speaker: Vuong Bao

Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We consider a diagrammatic approach to investigate tame knots and links in three dimensional torus T3. We obtain a finite set of generalised Reidemeister moves for equivalent links up to ambient isotopy. We give a presentation for fundamental group of link complement in 3-torus T3 and the first homology group. We also compute Alexander polynomial and twisted Alexander polynomials of this class of links.

2023 06 12 recording

Title: The photography method

Speaker: V.O. Manturov

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A well-known fact widely studied in cluster algebra theory is that

the Ptolemy equation (xy=ac+bd for an inscribed quadrilateral

with side-lengths a,b,c,d, and diagonal lengths x,y) yields solutions

to many equations and representations of many groups.

An important example (closely related to cluster algebra theory)

is that {\em the Ptolemy transformation yields the Pentagon identity.}

In the talk, we shall show how very easy arguments from school geometry

give rise to important theorems in many branches of mathematics.

This work was initiated in papers

07 June 2023

Title: Combinatorial properties of link quandles

Speaker: Manpreet Singh (University of South Florida)

Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar


In the talk, I will introduce the notion of residual finiteness of quandles and

prove that all link quandles are residually finite. Using the preceding result, we

will see that the word problem is solvable for link quandles. I will talk about the

orderability properties of link quandles. Since all link groups are left-orderable,

it is reasonable to speculate that link quandles are left (right)-orderable. In

contrast, we will see that the orderability of link quandles behave quite

differently than that of the corresponding link groups

05 June 2023

Title: A TQFT Approach to Graph Coloring

Speaker: Ben McCarty

Abstract: We will define the Penrose polynomial of a graph, which was originally defined by Roger Penrose in an important 1971 paper, and shares many similarities with Kauffman’s bracket and therefore the Jones polynomial. We then show how to modify the definition to obtain a related family of polynomials, called the n-color polynomials. Each of the n-color polynomials may be thought of as an analog of the Jones polynomial, and is the graded Euler characteristic of a bigraded homology theory (analogous to Khovanov homology). We then show how to define a spectral sequence leading to a filtered homology theory (analogous to Lee homology) where coloring information becomes apparent. We will then discuss several applications of the theory to graph coloring.

31 May 2023

Title: 2-representations and 2-vector bundles

Speaker: Professor Huan Zhen (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: An elliptic cohomology theory is an even periodic multiplicative generalized cohomology theory whose associated formal group is the formal completion of an elliptic curve. It is at the intersection of a variety of areas in mathematics, including algebraic topology, algebraic geometry, mathematical physics, representation theory and number theory. From different perspectives we have different interpretations of elliptic cohomology, which gives us different ways to study it. One approach is via a representing object of elliptic cohomology. Other than elliptic spectrum, a good choice is its geometric object. For example, the geometric object of K-theory is vector bundle. As a higher version of K-theory, the geometric object of elliptic cohomology should be “2-vector bundle”. Analogous to the relation between vector bundles and group representations, a 2-representation of a 2-group is a 2-vector bundle at a point. We glue the local (equivariant) 2-vector bundles together by higher sheafification and obtain the 2-stack of (equivariant) 2-vector bundles. Currently I'm exploring further the relation between this model of 2-vector bundles and elliptic cohomology.

29 May 2023

Title: On biquandles for the groups $G^k_n$ and surface singular braid monoid

Speaker: Igor M. Nikonov

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The groups $G^k_n$ were defined by V. O. Manturov in order to describe dynamical systems in configuration systems. In the talk we will consider two applications of this theory: we define a biquandle structure on the groups Gkn, and construct a homomorphism from the surface singular braid monoid to the group $G^2_n$.

27 May 2023

Title: From Colorings to Virtual Links and Back - A Sequel

Speaker: Louis H Kauffman, UIC

Abstract: We review the formulation of graph colorings in terms of colored circuits (formations) and how it applies to a proof of the Penrose formula. We generalize the Penrose formula - once to obtain coloring counts for all cubic graphs - then to make a new perfect matching polynomial. The new perfect matching polynomial is mapped by a correspondence to virtual link theory to meet a generalized bracket polynomial. The appropriate virtual knot theory for this construction has two virtual crossings that detour over each other and over the classical crossings. A Reidemeister Two configuration with the two distinctvirtual crossings does not cancel. This form of Doubled Virtual Knot Theory is the correct image for the expanded Penrose evaluation and leads to new virtual invariants and new examples of virtualization phenomena between classical and virtual knot theory as well as new relationships between coloring theory and virtual knot theory.


25 May 2023

Title: On Ubiquitous groups \Gamma_n^k

Speaker: Vassily Olegovich Manturov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


Abstract: We shall introduce a family of groups $\Gamma_n^k$ for integer parameters n>k.  These groups initially arose in relation to braids  on 2-surfaces (G_{n}^{4}

and their analogues for higher-dimensional surfaces, k>4, I.M.Nikonov).

The crucial relation for these group is the well-known pentagon identity.

This identity has been widely studied by various authors in different contexts

(say, in the book by Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky in relation to triangulations),

and it immediately appears that:

Invariants of braids give rise to invariants of 3-manifolds and invariants of

3-manifolds give rise to invariants of (surface) braids.

The book of Gelfand-Kapranov-Zelevinsky dealt with (spaces of) triangulations from

topological, combinatorial, functorial and other points of view, but the authors overlooked

groups which appeared naturally in this context.

Cluster algebras, Coxeter groups, Associahedra (Stasheff polytopes) all play crucial

roles in science because they are all related to (and connect) various branches of


The groups $\Gamma_{n}^{k}$ are related to at least these three notions.

Apart from low-dimensional topology, we list several branches of mathematics

where the groups $\Gamma$ naturally appear:

triangulations (ideal triangulations),

braids, knots, manifolds, and their invariants, 

cluster algebras, 

tropical geometry, 

s-t duality,

Drinfeld's associators,

plane arrangements,

and, probably, many other areas still to be discovered and to dream about

like dessins d'enfant,



hyperbolic structures.

24 May 2023

Title: Dual billiards outside of regular polygons: self-similarity

Speaker: Timorin Vladlen (joint work with Alexei Kanel-Belov, Philipp Rukhovich, and Valery Zgursky)

Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: Dual billiards form an important but still poorly understood class of dynamical systems. Introduced by M. Day in 1945 and, independently, by B. Neumann in the 1950s, they gained visibility and recognition after the works of J. Moser, who proposed to view them as toy models of celestial mechanics. Polygonal dual billiards are arguably the main examples of Euclidean PETs (Polygon Exchange Transformations). In contrast to interval exchange transformations, there is no satisfactory general theory of PETs, thus, working out specific examples is useful and may shed light on more general phenomena. We discuss new cases of self-similarity for dual billiards outside regular n-gons: n=7 and n=9. These cases, discovered and rigorously verified with the help of computers, have interesting new features compared to what was known before (systems with n=3,4,6 are “trivial”/“integrable”, and those with n=5,8,10,12 have been thoroughly studied by Tabachnikov, Schwartz, Bedaride-Cassaigne, Rukhovich).

22 May 2023

Title: 6-valent graphs from $G_{n}^{3}$-like group and graph-valued knot invariant

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim, Jilin university, Changchun, China

Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In this talk we will introduce one modification of $G_{n}^{3}$ group and construct a map from braid group to frame 6-valent *-graph with leaves by using it. By extending this map, we construct a knot invariant valued in equivalence class of graphs up to some local moves by using plat representation of links.

17 May 2023

Title: Random hypergraphs, random simplicial complexes, and their Künneth-type formulae

Speaker: Dr. Shiquan Ren (School of Mathematics and Statistics, Henan University)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: Random hypergraphs and random simplicial complexes on fi- nite vertices were studied by M. Farber, L. Mead, and T. Nowik, 2022. The map algebra on random sub-hypergraphs of a fixed simplicial complex, which detects relations between random sub-hypergraphs and random simplicial sub-complexes, was studied by the authors of this article, 2022. In this talk, we study the map algebra on random sub-hypergraphs of a fixed hypergraph. We give some algorithms generating random hypergraphs and random simplicial complexes by considering the actions of the map algebra on the space of probability distributions. We prove some Künneth-type formulae for random hypergraphs and random simplicial complexes on finite vertices. This is joint work with Prof. Jie Wu and Dr. Chengyuan Wu.


15 May 2023

Title: Conformal envelopes of Novikov--Poisson algebras

Speaker: Pavel Kolesnikov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Novikov and Novikov--Poisson algebras emerged in the works on formal variational calculus (Gelfand, Dorfman) and on differential equations of hydrodynamic type (Balinski, Novikov). These classes of algebras form varieties of linear algebras with one or two binary operations. Canonical examples of Novikov and Novikov--Poisson algebras may be obtained from commutative algebras with a derivation.

It is known that every Novikov algebra may be embedded into such an example, but for Novikov--Poisson algebras this is not the case. The picture becomes different when we turn to conformal algebras (V. Kac). The notion of a conformal algebra, initially emerged in the analysis of vertex algebras (this is a popular object in representation theory and mathematical physics), may be applied for solving pure algebraic problems. We prove that every Novikov--Poisson algebra may be embedded into a commutative conformal algebra with a derivation.

This is a joint work with A.A. Nesterenko (NSU).

10 May 2023 Recording

Title: A Transformation Groupoid and Its Representation — A Theory of Dimensionality 

Speaker: Professor Euich Miztani

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In higher dimensional physics there are usually two ways of dimensional reduction. One is by Kaluza-Klein theory and another by braneworld. In this talk, we would like to discuss a third way of dimensional reduction. It is remarkably succinct, integrated by the groupoid and represented by the operation. Additionally, since it has a symmetry in physics or invariant in mathematics, it suggests an unknown conservation law based on Noether’s theorem.

08 May 2023 Recording

Title: Graphenes: From virtual links to ribbon graphs

Speaker: Scott Baldridge

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We introduce a new equivalence relation on decorated ribbon graphs, and show that its equivalence classes directly correspond to virtual links. We demonstrate how this correspondence can be used to convert any invariant of virtual links into an invariant of ribbon graphs, and vice versa. This is joint work with Lou Kauffman and Will Rushworth.

01 May 2023 Recording

Title: Rational slice genus bounds from knot Floer homology

Speaker: Matthew Hedden

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We use relative adjunction inequalities for properly embedded surfaces in smooth 4-manifolds to study the "rational slice genus" of knots in a rational homology sphere.  This quantity is a 4-dimensional analogue of the rational Seifert genus introduced by Calegari and Gordon.  Unlike the latter quantity, however, determining the rational slice genus of a given knot involves solving an infinite number of minimal genus problems in the 3-manifold times an interval.  It is therefore surprising that we can compute it for certain classes, including Floer simple knots.  This is joint work with Katherine Raoux.

29 April 2023 Recording

Title: From Colorings to Virtual Links and Back 

Speaker: Louis H Kauffman, UIC

Organization: Заседание семинара "Узлы, графы и группы" под руководством проф. РАН В.О. Мантурова

Abstract: This talk continues the previous talk on "epsilon" but will be self contained. We review the formulation of graph colorings in terms of colored circuits (formations) and how it applies to a proof of the Penrose formula. We generalize the Penrose formula in two directions - one to obtain coloring counts for all cupid graphs - the other to make a perfect matching polynomial. The perfect matching polynomial is then mapped by a correspondence to virtual link theory to meet the bracket polynomial. This in our work with Baldridge and Rushmore creates a conduit between virtual graphs and virtual links that is under investigation. The talk will discuss this correspondence.

27 April 2023 Recording

Title: A group-valued invariant of knots in the full torus

Speaker: Roman Dribas,  Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Rus­sia.


Abstract: We constru­ct a group-valued in­variant of knots in the full torus. The non-triviality of th­is invariant provides a sliceness obstru­ction.

26 April 2023 Recording

Title: Endmorphisms of cohomology ring of a Lie group 

Speaker: Professor Zhao Xu-an (Beijing Normal University)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Let G be a compact simply connected Lie group. We Consider the Boardman map B: [G,G]-->Hom(H*(G), H*(G)). To understand the image of this map, we take the complex topological K-theory into account. By connecting K-theory and ordinary cohomology via Chern character, we give an approximation of the image of the map B.

24 April 2023 Recording

Title: Нелейтоновы клеточные комплексы

Speaker: Антон А. Клячко

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Теорема Лейтона (1982) говорит, что два конечных графа, имеющих общее накрытия, имеют общее конечное накрытие.
Для двумерных комплексов аналогичное утверждение уже неверно, но «насколько неверно» --- это открытый вопрос.

17 April 2023 Recording

Title: 0 shake slice knots are slice

Speaker: Eylem Yildiz

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: I'll give a proof along with required 4-manifold constructions. This is a joint work with Selman Akbulut.


15 April 2023 Recording

Title: Diagrammatic Algebra, State Sums and Relationships of Graph Theory and Virtual Knot Theory

Speaker: Louis H Kauffman, UIC

Organization: Заседание семинара "Узлы, графы и группы" под руководством проф. РАН В.О. Мантурова

Abstract: This talk will begin by describing diagrammatic algebra behind the structure of the quaternions and vector cross product.
We then show how this algebra is related to map coloring and (via generalization) to the diagrammatic Jacobi relation behind Vassiliev invariants.
We then discuss recent relations between graph theory and virtual knot theory with many examples. The talk is intended to be self-contained with  elementary explanations for its concepts and techniques.

10 April 2023 Recording

Title: Quipu: Using strings with decorations to represent elements in various finite groups

Speaker: Scott Carter

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract:  Dihedral, dicyclic, and quaternionic groups have nice permutation representations in which the elements of a cyclic subgroup are depicted as quipu upon permutation string diagrams. These are the analogues of braids, but crossings are allowed. Other groups such as the binary tetrahedral group, the binary octahedral group, ${\mbox{\rm GL}}_2(\Z/3)$, and $\mbox{\rm SL}}_2(\Z/4)$ have similar depictions but then the quipu are made up of elements of dihedral, dicyclic, or semi-dihedral groups.
We'll use these depictions to explain $2$-dimensional group cohomology, and show how to compute $2$-cocycles.
The talk should be accessible to grad students and others who have learned a little bit of group theory. It's based upon joint work with Yongju Bae and Byeorhi Kim.

03 April 2023 Recording

Title: On skein invariants

Speaker: I.M. Nikonov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract:  After J.H. Conway, it is known that some knot invariants can be defined by relations (called skein relations) on diagrams which differ at a local site. Among skein invariants one can mention Alexander and Jones polynomials, Arf invariant and writhe polynomial. In the talk we will remind these and other examples of skein invariants and introduce a new skein invariant for links in a fixed thickened surface.

29 March 2023 Recording

Title: Space of configurations of points on a circle

Speaker: Prof. Jacob Mostovoy

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar
Abstract: This talk will be a surveyof many types of configuration spaces of points on a circle. I will mention the finite subset spaces, the symmetric products (usual and mod 2), the configuration spaces with bounded multiplicities, the generalizations of the James construction and themoduli spaces of stable real rational curves with marked points.

27 March 2023 Recording

Title: Compactness in Poisson geometry: Looking for examples

Speaker: Camilo Angulo

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract:  The goal of this talk is to present a class of examples of Poisson manifolds that enjoy "good" topological properties. 

A Poisson structure is a type of Lie algebra bracket on the space of functions of a manifold. I plan to explain the consequences of carrying such a structure, how one can have a compact group-like object integrating it, and how to build examples of the latter.

20 March 2023 Recording

Title: Hyperbolic Volumes of Virtual Knots and their Compositions

Speaker: Colin Adams

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Virtual knots correspond to knots in thickened surfaces and as such can possess hyperbolic metrics. For low crossing number, they are almost all hyperbolic. We will discuss hyperbolicity of virtual knots and their corresponding volumes, paying particular attention to their behavior under composition.

15 March 2023 Recording

Title: Collapsibility of non-cover of graphs, and the minimal exclusion sequence

Speaker: Prof. Jinha Kim (IBS, Korea)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Given a graph G, the non-cover complex of G is the combinatorial Alexander dual of the independence complex of G. An elementary d-collapse of a simplicial complex is an operation that preserves the homology group of dimension greater or equal to d. We say a simplicial complex is d-collapsible if we can obtain the void complex by a finite sequence of elementary d-collapses. Aharoni asked if the non-cover complex of a graph G without isolated vertices is (|V(G)|−i\gamma(G)−1)-collapsible where i\gamma(G) denotes the independent domination number of G. We prove that the answer to the question is yes for all graphs. To prove this, we use the minimal exclusion sequence, which was introduced by Matoušek and Tancer in 2009. This is joint work with Ilkyoo Choi and Boram Park.

13 March 2023 Recording

Title: n-значные группы: теория и приложения

Speaker: В.М. Бухштабер

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: В первой части доклада мы введём основные понятия теории n-значных групп, обсудим результаты, которые легли в её основу, опишем области математики и математической физики в которых нашла приложения эта теория. Во второй части доклада мы представим широкий класс циклических n-значных групп, образующие которых определяют генераторы многозначных динамических систем дискретного времени.

08 March 2023 Recording

Title: Alexander polynomial, Dijkgraaf-Witten invariant, and Seifert bred surgery

Speaker: Prof. Chen Haimiao (BTBU)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We apply Dijkgraaf-Witten invariants over semidirect products of abelian groups to show that, if the k/h-surgery along a knot K results in a small Seifert 3-manifold with multiplicities a1, a2, a3, then many constraints on k, a1, a2, a3 can be read off from the Alexander polynomial of K.

06 March 2023 Recording

Title: Combinatorial Ricci and Yamabe flows on two-dimensional surfaces and their weighted modifications

Speaker: Theodore. Yu. Popelencky

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We give an overview of known results concerning discrete versions of Ricci and Yamabe flows.
We concentrate on the definitions and results of Bennett Chow and Fing Luo and the results about generalizations and modifications of these flows by to R.Pepa and the author.

27 February 2023 Recording

Title: Elementary Approaches to Elementary Particles

Speaker: Louis H Kauffman, UIC

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: It is well known that the algebraic structure for elementary particles in the standard model
is to regard a particle to correspond to an irreducible representation of a unitary group. Thus quarks correspond to fundamental representations of SU(3). Interactions of particles correspond to the decompositions of tensor products into irreducible representations.
There have been combinatorial and topological proposals to model particles that use elementary topology (for example — framed braids) and combinatorics.
This talk will consider examples of this type in the work of Joachim Lambek, Sundance Bilson-Thompson and Jack Avrin.
We shall exhibit these models and discuss their properties and possible limitations.

22 February 2023 Recording

Title: Pochette surgery and Scharlemann's manifolds

Speaker: Professor Motoo Tange (University of Tsukuba)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: A pochette is S^1\times D^3\natural S^2\times D^2. Iwase and Matsumoto defined a new 4-dimensional surgery, pochette surgery. Pochette surgery is a generalization of Gluck surgery and can also produce homotopy 4-spheres. In this talk, we focus on homotopy S^3\times S^1\#S^2\times S^2's defined by Scharlemann. We give the way to produce Scharlemann manifolds by pochette surgery and consider the diffeomorphism types of Scharlemann manifolds.

20 February 2023 Recording

Title: Mapping class groups of circle bundles over a surface

Speaker: Chen Lei (University of Maryland)

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In this talk, we study the algebraic structure of mapping class group Mod(M) of 3-manifolds M that fiber as a circle bundle over a surface S1 → M → Sg. We prove an exact sequence 1 → H1(Sg) → Mod(M) → Mod(Sg) → 1, relate this to the Birman exact sequence, and determine when this sequence splits.

15 February 2023 Recording

Title: On the loop spaces of certain polyhedral products

Speaker: Professor Li Cai 

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: The work of Davis and Januszkiewicz showed that a class of interesting manifolds, which are called moment-angle manifolds after the work of Buchstaber and Panov, is obtained as the homotopy fiber between morphism of polyhedral products. We will show some recent progress on the loop spaces of certain polyhedral products, and their relations with the loop space of the homotopy fiber of a morphism between them.

13 February 2023 Recording

Title: Boundary of Groups

Speaker: Yulan Qing, Fudan university

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Gromov boundary provides a useful compactification for all infinite-diameter Gromov hyperbolic spaces. It consists of all
geodesic rays starting at a given base-point and it is an essential tool in the study of the coarse geometry of hyperbolic groups. In this
study we introduce a generalization of the Gromov boundary for all finitely generated groups. We construct the sublinearly Morse
boundaries and show that it is a QI-invariant topological space and it is metrizable. We show the geometric genericity of points in this
boundary using Patterson Sullivan measure on the visual boundary of CAT(0) spaces. Lastly we discuss the connection between the
sublinearly Morse boundary and random walk on groups. As applications we answer open problems regarding QI-invariant models of random walk on CAT(0) groups and on mapping class groups.

06 February 2023 Recording

Title: New results on braids and manifolds

Speaker: Vassily O. Manturov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The famous pentagon relation appears in many areas of mathematics: cluster algebras, 3-manifold invariants etc. It is known that this relation (in its group form) turns out to be the most important relation of the groups \Gamma_{n}^{4}. Hence, one can get invariants of braids valued in groups \Gamma. Interestingly, the same relation appears in the recoupling theory, which is widely used in the construction of 3-manifold invariants (Turaev-Viro invariants).
We shall discuss the interrelation between 3-manifold invariants and braid invariants via the groups \Gamma, Ptolemy relation, Pentagon relation, special spines and Biedenhan-Elliot equations.

30 January 2023 Recording

Title: Some new results in generalised knots and braids

Speaker: Roger Fenn

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Over the past decades many generalisations of classical knots and braids have been invented and investigated. In this talk I shall talk about some of these generalisations and their similar theorems.

23 January 2023 Recording

Title: A new presentation and categorification of the osp(1|2)-link invariant

Speaker: Mark Ebert

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: There is a known connection between the quantum osp(1|2n) and so(2n+1) polynomial knot invariants studied by Blumen and Clark.
In the rank 1 case, the uncolored U_q(osp(1|2)) invariant is equal to the U_{t^{-1}q}(sl_2) invariant where t^2=-1.
Blumen defined these invariants using Markov traces on Birman-Wenzl-Murakami algebras and Clark constructed the invariants using the representation theory of the quantum covering group.

In this talk, we construct a link invariant that coincides with Clark's uncolored osp(1|2) link invariant on oriented links. This new presentation of the osp(1|2) link invariant is defined using a Kauffman bracket-type skein relation and Markov traces on the Temperley–Lieb algebra.
We construct this presentation of the osp(1|2) link invariant using the representation theory of the quantum covering group, and compare our construction to Clark's. Finally, we categorify the osp(1|2)-invariant using a modified version of Khovanov homology equipped with an extra Z_4 -grading.

18 January 2023 Recording

Title: Double coverings of hyperplane arrangements

Speaker: Professor Ye Liu

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Hyperplane arrangements are studied in singularity theory, topology, combinatorics etc. We discuss recent advances on the double coverings of complement of hyperplane arrangement, including our joint work with Professor Yongqiang Liu.

16 January 2023 Recording

Title: Braided open book decompositions in S^3

Speaker: Benjamin Bode

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: It is well known that every link is the closure of a braid. In this talk I will discuss different ways to define what it could
mean for an open book decomposition in the 3-sphere to be braided. These different definitions turn out to be equivalent. I will also
discuss applications to the construction of links of isolated singularities of real polynomial maps.

09 January 2023 Recording

Title: On homotopy braids

Speaker: V. V. Vershinin

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The homotopy braid group \hat{B}_n is the subject of the paper. First, the linearity of ̂Bn over the integers is proved. Then we prove that the group \hat{B}_3 is torsion free.

04 January 2023 Recording

Title: One stabilization is not enough for exotic contractible 4-manifolds

Speaker: Sungkyung Kang

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We construct an example of a cork that remains exotic after taking a connected sum with $S^2 \times S^2$. Combined with a work of Akbulut-Ruberman, this implies the existence of an exotic pair of contractible 4-manifolds which remains absolutely exotic after taking a connected sum with $S^2 \times S^2$.

02 January 2023 Recording

Title: On generalized configuration space and its homotopy groups

Speaker: Jun Wang

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Let M be a subset of vector space or projective space. The authors define  generalized configuration space of M which is formed by n-tuples of elements of M where any k elements  of each n-tuple are linearly independent. The generalized configuration space  gives a generalization of  Fadell's classical configuration space, and Stiefel manifold. Denote  generalized configuration space of M  by W_{k,n}(M). 

For studying topological property of the generalized configuration spaces, the authors calculate homotopy groups for some special cases. This article gives the fundamental groups of  generalized configuration spaces of  RP^m  for some special cases, and the connections between the homotopy groups of generalized configuration spaces of S^m  and the homotopy groups of Stiefel manifolds. It is  also proved that the higher homotopy groups of generalized configuration spaces W_{k,n}(S^m) and W_{k,n}(RP^m) are isomorphic.

28 December 2022 Recording

Title: On Intersecting Subgroups of Brunnian Link Groups 

Speaker: Professor Yu Zhang, Harbin Institute of Technology

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Let $G(L_n)$ be the link group of a Brunnian $n$-link $L_n$ and $R_i$ be the normal closure of the $i$th meridian in $G(L_n)$ for $1\leq i\leq n$. We show that the intersecting subgroup $R_1\cap R_2\cap\cdots \cap R_m$ coincides with the iterated symmetric commutator subgroup $\prod\limits_{\sigma\in \Sigma_m}[[R_{\sigma(1)}, R_{\sigma(2)}],\ldots, R_{\sigma(m)}]$ for $2\leq m\leq n$. Moreover, we give a presentation for the intersecting subgroup $R_1\cap R_2\cap\cdots \cap R_n$.

26 December 2022 Recording

Title: Kontsevich's "Miracle", cubic graphs and moduli space M {0.4}

Speaker: Elizaveta A. Mudraya

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We discuss how cubic graphs capture a wealth of information about the dessins d'enfants, especially those arising from Kontsevich's "miracle" and his main theory of the moduli space M{0.4} (1992). 

25 December 2022 No recording

Title: On skein invariants

Speaker: Igor Nikonov

Organization: The 2nd China-Russia Conference on Topology and Combinatorics

Abstract: After J.H. Conway, it is known that some knot invariants can be defined by relations (called skein relations) on diagrams which differ at a local site. Among skein invariants one can mention Alexander and Jones polynomials, Arf invariant and writhe polynomial. In the talk we will remind these and other examples of skein invariants and introduce a new skein invariant for links in a fixed thickened surface. 

25 December 2022 No recording

Title: Virtual knot theory methods in classical knot theory

Speaker: V.O. Manturov

Organization: The 2nd China-Russia Conference on Topology and Combinatorics

Abstract: Over the last 20 years, virtual knot theory has experienced lots of new powerful invariants, including picture-valued invariants: invariants which are valued in linear combination of knot diagrams which sometimes allow one to judge about lots of properties of a knot by looking at one particular knot diagram. These constructions did not work in classical knot theory directly. In the present talk we map knots and braids in the thickened cylinder to virtual objects which allows one to pull back powerful knot invariants. The construction for braids allows one to upgrade the Burau representation to a stronger one by using virtual knot theory method.

The main construction takes a diagram on a cylinder (torus) and adds some ``invisible'' crossings which gives rise to a diagram which can be formally immersed but not embedded (drawn) on the cylinder (torus) and living comfortably in thickened surfaces of higher genera. This allows one to ``pull back'' invariants of virtual theory to the theory of knots in the thickened cylinder (torus).

The approach also allows one to study concordance of two-component links with one trivial

component by using virtual knot theory methods.

V.O.Manturov, I.M.Nikonov, Maps to braids to virtual braids and braid representations,

V.O.Manturov, I.M.Nikonov, Maps from knots in the cylinder to flat-virtual knots,

21 December 2022 Recording

Title: New quantum classical link invariants via virtual links

Speaker: Eiji Ogasa

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Kauffman and the author found a new quantum invariant of oriented compact 3-manifolds with boundary, where the boundary is
a disjoint union of two closed oriented surface with a symplectic basis. The invariants include the invariants in the title.
See the speaker's papers below for detail. In this talk we concentrate on the invariants in the title.

Louis H. Kauffman and Eiji Ogasa
A New Classical Link Invariant defined via Virtual Links and Quantum Invariants of 3-Manifolds with Boundary
Heather A. Dye, Louis H. Kauffman, and Eiji Ogasa
Quantum Invariants of Links and 3-Manifolds with Boundary defined via Virtual Links: Calculation of some examples
arXiv:2203.12797 [math.GT]

19 December 2022 Recording

Title: A Transformation Groupoid and Its Representation

Speaker: Miztani Euich

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In today’s theoretical physics, especially higher dimensional physics, physicists have discussed space and dimension with fully free imaginations. However, that results in very complicated constructions or strange aspects.
On the other hand, also in mathematics, we cannot say that the relationships between lower and higher dimensional spaces have been scrutinized far enough.
With this in mind, I would like to try to explain a way of thought to make them clearer.

14 December 2022 Recording

Title: Knot theory and machine learning

Speaker: Prof. Andras Juhasz (University of Oxford)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: The signature of a knot K in the 3-sphere is a classical invariant that gives a lower bound on the genera of compact, oriented surfaces in the 4-ball with boundary K. We say that K is hyperbolic if its complement admits a complete, finite volume hyperbolic metric. I will explain how we have used methods from machine learning to find an unexpected relationship between the signature and the cusp shape of a hyperbolic knot. This is joint work with Alex Davies, Marc Lackenby, and Nenad Tomasev.

07 December 2022 Recording

Title: From complex dynamics to products of random matrices

Speaker: Dr. Wu Hao (National University of Singapore)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: In this talk, I will first introduce some works on the dynamics on holomorphic correspondences on compact Riemann surface. Then I will move to the prodcuts of random matrices on SL2(C) in a view of holomorphic correspondences on the Riemann sphere CP1. A new norm and some new function spaces on CP1 will be introduced, which are the key points allow us to weaken the conditions for some classical limit theorems on products of random matrices.

05 December 2022 Recording

Title: Starred Knots, Knotoids, Virtual Knots and Mock Alexander Polynomials

Speaker: Louis Kauffman

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: This talk is joint work with Neslihan Gugumcu and continues the talk from last week.
A "starred knot" is a knot or link diagram with "stars" placed in some of its regions. Reidemeister moves are not allowed to pass arcs across the stars. The starred knot is taken up to this restricted form of Reidemeister equivalence. Adding the star is equivalent to removing a tube from either the thickened plane or from the thickened two-sphere (or from a thickened surface when we generalize to virtual knots). Thus we are using diagrammatic models for knots and links in handle bodies.
This talk will discuss generalizations of the Alexander-Conway polynomial to starred knots, knotoids and virtual knots and knots in thickened surfaces.
These Mock Alexander Polynomials can be defined on diagrams whenever the number of faces in the diagram is equal to the number of crossings.
The generalizations use state summations that can be expressed in terms of permanents of matrices associated with the diagrams of the starred entities. These state summations generalize the structures in the author's monograph Formal Knot Theory that apply to the Alexander-Conway polynomial. Thus we create analogs of the Alexander-Conway polynomial via state summation. We will show by examples how the state sums we are using go beyond the determinant formulations of the the original Alexander polynomial and we will give a number of new examples of computations and formulations of the invariants.

28 November 2022 Recording

Title: An answer to a question of J.W. Cannon and S.G. Wayment

Speaker: Olga Frolkina

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Solving R.J.Daverman’s problem, V.Krushkal described sticky Cantor sets in R^N for N>3; these sets cannot be isotoped off of itself by small ambient isotopies. Using Krushkal sets, we answer a question of J.W.Cannon and S.G.Wayment (1970). Namely, for N>3 we construct compacta X in R^N with the following two properties: some sequence of compacta X_k in R^N \ X converges homeomorphically to X, but there is no uncountable family of pairwise disjoint subsets of R^N each of which is embedded equivalently to X. Such examples were described by Cannon and Wayment for N=3 and for N>4. Our construction works for any N>3$ thus giving the answer for the hitherto open case N=4. Unlike the work of Cannon and Wayment, our proof does not require relying on the complicated results of R.Bing (1957-1961), J.Bryant (1968), A.V.Chernavsky (1973) and R.J.Daverman (1973).

21 November 2022 Recording

Title: Vassiliev 2-categories and formal skein theory

Speaker: Uwe Kaiser

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: I will discuss a construction of 2-categories defined from the singularity stratification on the space of immersions of circles into a 3-manifold. A certain skein functor then defines a formal skein theory, which maps into usual skein theories. Some applications to the computation of skein modules is discussed and how it relates to liftings of string topology operations. 

14 November 2022 Recording

Title: Torus actions and persistent homology

Speaker: Ivan Limonchenko

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The talk will be devoted to a new invariant of the combinatorial type of a simplicial complex, the double cohomology of its moment-angle complex, which arose in toric topology, and its applications in topological data analysis. Its introduction was motivated by the generalization of the concept of persistent homology barcodes obtained in the framework of toric topology using the so-called persistent Tor-algebras, however, no prior knowledge of topological data analysis is assumed.

On the one hand, this invariant can be defined "algebraically" as the secondary cohomology of the moment-angle complex of a given simplicial complex with respect to the differential we introduce on the Koszul algebra. On the other hand, it also allows for a "geometric" description that does not use toric topology and is based on knowledge of the combinatorial structure of all full subcomplexes of a simplicial complex.

This new combinatorial invariant in some cases turns out to be significantly more convenient for calculations than the usual moment-angle complex cohomology. I will show examples of calculations of our invariant, as well as several theorems that allow simplifying calculations in a more general situation.

The talk is based on joint works with A. Bahri, T. E. Panov, J. Song and D. Stanley.


09 November 2022 Recording

Title: Seifert surfaces for virtual knots and Floer homology

Speaker: Eiji Ogasa

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: We introduce a new Alexander polynomial for virtual knots, which is mirror sensitive and which can obstruct a virtual knot from being classical. We also introduce a new invariant, a signature for virtual knots, which is mirror sensitive. We discuss a relation between virtual knots and Floer homology. This talk (on-line) is based on the speaker’s joint paper with Andr´as Juh´asz and Louis H. Kauffman.

07 November 2022 No Recording

Title: Mod m Alexander numbering and liftings of virtual knots by using knots in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In this talk, we construct a map from virtual knots to knots in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$ by using cut system, where $S_{g}$ is an orientable surface of genus $g$. By using the image in the class of knots in $S_{g}\times S^{1}$, one can obtain liftings in $S_{g} \times \mathbb{R}$, which have $m$-components for $m>1$. We will show that each lifting of $m$ components is mod $m$ Alexander colorable. This work is in progress.

31 October 2022 Recording

Title: Surfaces, cluster algebras, and bases

Speaker: Fan Qin

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We give a brief introduction to (quantum) cluster algebras and several important families of their bases. We will discuss examples and intuitive topological models. In the end, we present some recent results about the common triangular bases for strata of algebraic groups, which arise from monoidal categorification.

26 October 2022 Recording

Title: Knot Theory questions inspired by several complex variables

Speaker: Mark Lawrence

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: Developments in recent decades have shown that complex analysis methods and algebraic geometry have relevance for knot theory. This can be seen with ideas like quasipositivity, and of course with Floer theory. The concepts of pseudoconvex domains, polynomial and rational convexity have also interacted with symplectic topology, especially in low dimensions. In this talk, I will discuss some knot theory problems which a several complex variables person finds interesting. I have discussed these with some experts, and they seem to be new. The two topics are variations on the idea of quasipositivity, and Legendrian knots. I will list several problems, and then discuss progress on two of them. Part of this is based on joint work with Georgios Dimitroglou-Rizell of Uppsala University.

24 October 2022 Recording

Title: О логарифмической оценке функции короста периодических и равномерно рекуррентных слов

Speaker: Мельников Игорь Александрович

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Check the link

19 October 2022 Recording

Title: Category of braided sets, extensions and 2-analogues

Speaker: Dmitri Talalaev

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: A braided set is the same thing as a solution of the set-theoretic Yang-Baxter equation. It is important to rephrase this in a categorical language from the point of view of natural questions of morphisms, extensions and simple objects in this family. I will tell about several results in the problem of constructing extensions of braided sets and how this problem can be generalized to 2-braided categories, how to build extensions of sets with solutions of the Zamolodchikov tetrahedron equation.

17 October 2022 Recording

Title: Singularities of small-dimensional Nijenhuis operators

Speaker: Akpan Dinmukhammed

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A Nijenhuis operator L is a (1, 1)-tensor field on a smooth manifold M with vanishing Nijenhuis torsion NL. At each point x ∈ M, the algebraic type of L(x) is characterized by its Jordan normal form. In this talk we will discuss about singularities of a two-dimensional Nijenhuis operator in the case when its trace trL has a non-zero differential at the singular point. A description of such singularities reduces to studying the smoothness of some function which is a fraction depending on partial derivatives of the determinant of L. We completely describe singularities for some special classes of functions. We also obtained interesting examples of Nijenhuis operators and their singularities. Report based on article: D. Akpan, Singularities of two-dimensional Nijenhuis operators, European Journal of Mathematics, 2022.

12 October 2022 Recording

Title: Checkerboard surface subgroups of alternating link groups from the view point of non-positively curved cubings

Speaker: Makoto Sakuma

Organization: Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

Abstract: It has been proved by Aitchison and others that the exterior of a prime alternating link admits a non-positively curved cubical decomposition, in which the checkerboard surfaces are totally geodesic. This structure was used by Agol in the classification of the parabolic generating pairs of  hyperbolic 2-bridge link groups. In this talk, I will first explain our interpretation of his arguments and then talk about application of the non-positively curved cubings to the study of subgroups of alternating link groups which arise as intersections of conjugates of checkerboard surface fundamental groups. This is a joint work with Shunsuke Sakai.

10 October 2022 Recording

Title: Unknotting numbers and satellite operations

Speaker: Tye Lidman

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A natural measure of complexity for knots is the unknotting number. The unknotting number is poorly understood for most general constructions in knot theory, including connected sums. We will discuss some new lower bounds on the unknotting numbers of a large family of knots, called cable knots. The arguments use Heegaard Floer homology, but will be presented in such a way that no familiarity is necessary with the theory. This is joint work with Jen Hom and Jung Park.


03 October 2022 Recording

Title: Braids and knots. Maps from the cylinder to virtual category

Speaker: V.O.Manturov and I.M.Nikonov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Virtual knot theory has experienced a variety of exquisite invariants.

 The most striking of them are invariants valued in pictures: unlike classical knot invariants valued in some numbers, rings, groups, the new invariants of virtual knots and links are valued in linear combinations of diagrams of virtual links.

There are bracket invariants [\cdot] for which for some complicated virtual knots K the formula [K]=K holds meaning that the value of the invariant [\cdot] on a particular diagram K is equal to this concrete diagram with coefficient 1.

This allows one to reduce some problems about knots to problems about pictures: for any diagram K' equivalent to K one has [K']=K which (by construction) means that K ``sits inside'' K'. This makes virtual knot theory similar to the theory of free groups: the reduced word representing a group element appears as a subword in any word equivalent to it. Such invariants (parities, brackets etc.) appear in the virtual knot theory because of the existence of homologynof the ambient space (virtual knots naturally live in thickened 2-surfaces); this explains why these invariants do not work directly in the classical knot theory. When working in the thickened torus or in the full torus, the parity bracket (as stated) turns out to be rather poor.

 The aim of the present talk is to construct a functorial map from knots in the full torus (knots in the thickened torus) to some generalisation of virtual knots of very high genera. It turns out that one particular non-trivial homology class allows one to create pictures on surfaces of higher genera.

 In the first part, we deal with classical braids and ``exchange'' one or two classical strands for homology classes which leads us to ``picture-valued'' invariants of classical braids and new representations of the classical braid groups.

 In the second quesiton we construct maps from knots in the full torus and the thickened torus to

flat-virtual knots\footnote{A generalisation of virtual knots where some crossings do not possess over/under structure).

26 September 2022 Recording

Title: Generalized Knotoids and Knotoidal Graphs

Speaker: Maxwell Jiang

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In 2010, Turaev introduced knotoids as a variation on knots that replaces the embedding of a circle with the embedding of a closed interval with two endpoints which here we call poles. We define generalized knotoids to allow arbitrarily many poles, intervals, and circles, each pole corresponding to any number of interval endpoints, including zero. This theory subsumes a variety of other related topological objects and introduces some particularly interesting new cases. We explore various analogs of knotoid invariants, including height, index polynomials, bracket polynomials and hyperbolicity. We further generalize to knotoidal graphs, which are a natural extension of spatial graphs that allow both poles and vertices.

12 September 2022 Recording

Title: On multi-linkoids, graphoids and bonded knotoids

Speaker: Neslihan Gugumcu

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Knotoids, introduced by Turaev in 2012, are open-ended knot diagrams extending classical knot theory. The classification problem of knotoids has been studied by many researchers since then. These studies result in useful invariants for knotoids that have also been utilized in the study of molecular structures.
This talk will be about about knotoids and their generalizations such as \textit{multi-linkoids} and \textit{graphoids} and related objects such as \textit{braidoids}. We will discuss how we can construct invariants for them and utilize them to understand molecular structures.
This talk contains works joint with S.Lambropoulou, L. Kauffman, B. Gabrovsek and P. Pongtanapanaisan.

05 September 2022 Recording

Title: Yang-Baxter equation and representations of braid-like groups

Speaker: Timur Nasybullov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: During the talk we are going to speak about representations of braid groups, virtual braid groups and some quotients of virtual braid groups. We will discuss connections between solutions of the set-theoretic Yang-Baxter equation and representations of braid-like groups, and provide a general method of how to construct a representation of the virtual braid group from the solution of the set-theoretic Yang-Baxter equation on some algebraic system. Special attention will be paid to the relations between representations of braid-like groups and the corresponding knot theories.

29 August 2022 Recording

Title: Virtual singular braid groups and permutations

Speaker: Oscar Ocampo

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Let $VSG_n$ be the virtual singular braid group with $n$ strands. In this talk, we determine all possible homomorphisms, up to conjugation, from $VSG_n$ to the symmetric group $S_n$, and for the particular case $n=2$ we give a presentation (and a description) for the kernel in each case. For all possible homomorphisms we obtain a decomposition of $VSG_n$ as a semi-direct product of the kernel of the respective homomorphism and the symmetric group.

24 August 2022 Recording

Title: The essential normality of quotient module over the polydiscs and K-homology

Speaker: Professor Penghui Wang (Shandong University)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: In this talk, I will give some recent developments on the essential normality of Hilbert modules. Such a topic is closed related the extension theory of compact metric space by C*-algebra, introduced by Brown-Fillmore-Douglas, when they characterized essential normal operators. In this talk, I will give the complete characterization of the essential normality of homogenuous quotient modules of Hardy module over the polydisc, which can be seen as a positive answer of polydisc-version of Arveson-Douglas conjecture. The talk is based on some joint works with Prof. Kunyu Guo at Fudan University and Prof. Chong Zhao at Shandong University.

22 August 2022 Recording

Title: Bounds on Pachner moves in cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds

Speaker:  Tejas Kalelkar

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A Pachner move is a local combinatorial change to the triangulation of a manifold. Any two geometric ideal triangulations of a cusped complete hyperbolic 3-manifold M are related by a sequence of Pachner moves through topological triangulations. We give a bound on the length of this sequence in terms of the total number of tetrahedra and a lower bound on the dihedral angles. This leads to an effective algorithm to check the equivalence of hyperbolic knots (given geometric ideal triangulations of their complements). Given a geometric ideal triangulation of M, we also calculate a lower bound on the systole length of M in terms of the number of tetrahedra and a lower bound on dihedral angles.

This talk is joint work with Sriram Raghunath.

17 August 2022 Recording

Title:  The torsion generating set of the extended mapping class groups

Speaker: Prof. Xiaoming Du (SCUT)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: For the extended mapping class group of the closed orientable surfaces with genus at least 3, we prove that they can be generated by two elements of finite orders. For the case of the torus we prove it cannot.

15 August 2022 Recording

Title: New Invariants for virtual knots via spanning surfaces

Speaker:  Andras Juhasz

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We define three different types of spanning surfaces for knots in thickened surfaces. We use these to introduce new Alexander-type polynomials, genera, and a signature invariant. One of these Alexander polynomials extends to  virtual knots, can obstruct a knot from being classical, and is mirror sensitive. We also propose several constructions of Heegaard Floer homology for knots in thickened surfaces, and give examples why they are not stabilization invariant.  However, we can define Floer homology for virtual knots by taking a minimal genus representative.   Finally, we use the Behrens--Golla delta-invariant to obstruct a knot from being a stabilization of another.

10 August 2022 Recording

Title: Quantization, polynomial automorphisms, and the Jacobian problem.

Speaker: Professor Alexey Yakovlevich Kanel-Belov

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar


Let $F: \mathbb{C}^n\to \mathbb{C}^n$~- be a polynomial mapping of a complex space into itself. When is it invertible? The necessary condition is  local invertibility at every point. The famous {\em Jacobian conjecture} states that this condition is sufficient. For more than 20 years, until 1968, the Jacobian conjecture was considered solved for $n=2$, since then new ``proofs'' appear every few months.

The {\em Jacobian conjecture} is closely related to Dixmier's conjecture, the formulation of which for $n=1$ looks innocent: let $P, Q$~ be polynomials in $x$ and $(d/dx)$, and $PQ– QP=1$. Is it true that $(d/dx)$ can be expressed in terms of $P$ and $Q$? This claim has not yet been proven. Recently it was possible to prove that this assertion is equivalent to the Jacobian problem for $n=2$. The stable equivalence of the Jacobian and Dixmier conjectures was proved by Tsuchimoto and Belov and Kontsevich in The proof uses an analogy between classical and quantum objects. It is supposed to give an elementary explanation of this analogy and also to discuss Kontsevich's hypotheses.

Another, close, statement is called the  Abhyankar –Moh theorem and looks like an Olympiad problem. Let $P, Q, R$ be polynomials, and $R(P(x),Q(x))=x$. Prove that either the degree of $P$ divides the degree of $Q$, or vice versa. The {\em  Abhyankar   problem} states that all embeddings of an affine line in $\mathbb{C}^3$ are isomorphic. Over $\mathbb{R}$ the answer is no -- there are polynomial knots, so Abyankar's problem can be viewed as a way to define a knot in an abstract algebraic way.

Significant advances in the problem of the Jacobian were made by the remarkable mathematician A.Yagzhev (a student of L.A. Bokut) by linking the topic with universal algebra, the review of Alexei Belov, Leonid Bokut, Louis Rowen, Jie-Tai Yu, ``The Jacobian Conjecture, Together with Specht and Burnside-Type Problems'', Automorphisms in Birational and Affine Geometry (Bellavista Relax Hotel, Levico Terme –Trento, October 29th – November 3rd, 2012, Italy), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 79, Springer Verlag, 2014, 249– 285, arXiv: 1308.0674

08 August 2022 Recording

Title: A free-group valued invariant of knots in the full torus

Speaker: Roman Dribas

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Constructed free-group valued invariant of knots in the full torus that pretending to detect sliceness and invertibility.

27 July 2022 Recording

Title: Simplicial complexes and probability bounds for the union of random events

Speaker: Prof. Jiuyu Fan, Sichuan University

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: We prove a simultaneous generalisation of the classical Bonferroni Inequalities and the Chordal Graph Sieve of Dohmen. These inequalities are bounds of the probability of a finite union of random events. Our generalised upper (resp lower) bound, stated in terms of an abstract simplicial complex, holds whenever the Euler Characteristic of all its nonempty full subcomplexes are uniformly bounded below (resp above) by 1. This bound is an alternating sum of the probability of the intersection of those events indexed by the vertices that lie in each face of such simplicial complexes.

25 July 2022 Recording

Title: Estimating the distance between two bodies inside a unit hypercube.

Speaker: Abdulamin Ismailov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Assume we have two bodies of fixed non-zero volume in an n-dimensional cube. It turns out that there is an upper bound on the distance between them not dependent on the dimension even though the diameter of the unit cube is unbounded as n tends to infinity. To prove our statement we would need a certain isoperimetric inequality in a cube, which could be derived from the Gaussian isoperimetric inequality, which in turn follows from the spherical isoperimetric inequality.

20 July 2022 Recording

Title: Non-Abelian Hodge correspondence and Hitchin fibers

Speaker: Prof. Qiongling Li, Nankai University

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: Let X=(S,J) be a closed Riemann surface with genus at least 2. The non-abelian Hodge theory provides a correspondence between the representation variety of the fundamental group of S into a Lie group G with the moduli space of G-Higgs bundles over the Riemann surface X. There is a natural fibration, defined by Hitchin, from the moduli space of Higgs bundles to the complex vector space formed by holomorphic differentials of various ranks. The Fuchsian Higgs bundles of rank 2 are embedded into the moduli space of rank n Higgs bundles and we call their Hitchin fibers the n-Fuchsian fibers. We show Higgs bundles in such n-Fuchsian fibers give rise to representations which are dominated by n-Fuchsian representations. This work is joint with Song Dai (Tianjin University).

13 July 2022 Recording

Title: On the Ehrhart Theory of Schubert Matroid Polytopes

Speaker: Prof. Jiuyu Fan, Sichuan University

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: Ehrhart theory is a theory on integer-point enumeration of polyhedra. Monical, Tockanand Yong first studied the Newton polytopes of various important polynomials in algebraic combinatorics. They conjectured that the Newton polytopes of Schubert polynomials are Ehrhart positive. It was shown by Fink, Meszaros and St Dizier that the Newton polytopes of Schubert polynomials are the Minkowski sum of Schubert matroid polytopes. This motivates us to study the Ehrhart polynomial of Schubert matroid polytopes. In this talk, we shall first recall some backgrounds on Ehrhart theory and Schubert polynomials, and then report some progress on the Ehrhart polynomial of Schubert matroid polytopes. This talk is based on joint work with Yao Li.

11 July 2022 Recording

Title: Bilinear pairings, categorification, and generalized Deligne categories

Speaker: Radmila Sazdanovic

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The Deligne category of symmetric groups is the additive Karoubi closure of the partition category. The partition category may be interpreted, following Comes, via a particular linearization of the category of two-dimensional oriented cobordisms. In this talk we will use a generalization of this approach to the Deligne category coupled with the universal construction of two-dimensional topological theories to construct their multi-parameter monoidal generalizations, one for each rational function in one variable. We will also talk about related categorifications of the one variable polynomial ring with integer coefficients where bilinear pairings stem from the inner product of orthogonal polynomials. This talk is based on joint work with M. Khovanov.

04 July 2022 Recording

Title: Establishing connections between algebraic and combinatorial problems through signatures of bilinear forms related to certain graphs.

Speaker: Ismailov Abdulamin

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Let $D$ be a finite set of natural numbers. Consider the following algebraic question: we are given a non-zero polynomial with complex coefficients of the form $\displaystyle f(z) = \sum_{d \in D} c_d z^d$, denote by $\rho_{-}(f)$ a part of the unit circle(defined by $z\overline{z} = 1$) that $f$ sends to the left half-plane, what is the minimum value that $\rho_{-}(f)$ could take? We will be able to get a lower bound on $\rho_{-}(f)$ by considering the following combinatorial problem: in a circulant graph on $n$ vertices pairs of vertices at a distance $d \in D$ are connected by an edge, by $\alpha(D)$ denote the fraction of vertices in some maximum(largest size) independent subset as $n$ tends to infinity, what $\alpha(D)$ equals to? It turns out $\alpha(D) \leq \rho_{-}(f)$. The link between these two different questions is going to be a signature of a certain bilinear form related to the graph described above. We will discuss these kinds of connections here.

27 June 2022 Recording

Title: On Quandles and Quandle rings

Speaker: Mohamed Elhamdadi

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Quandles are set theoretic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation. Their linearization leads to Quandle rings, a notion introduced in recent years by Bardakov-Passi-Singh, in parallel to group rings. We will discuss quandle rings and some of their properties. Idempotents and zero-divisors are important objects in the study of quandle rings (Kaplansky conjecture for quandles). Any quandle sits in the set of idempotents of its quandle ring (as trivial idempotents). Quandles for which the idempotents form quandles themselves lead to enhancements of some knot invariants. 

22 June 2022 Recording

Title: Weakly reducible H'-splittings of 3-manifolds

Speaker: Prof. Fengling Li, Dalian University of Technology

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: In this talk, we introduce the H'-splitting for compact connected orientable 3-manifold. We show that any compact connected orientable 3-manifold admits an H'-splitting, then generalize Casson-Gordon's Theorem on weakly reducible Heegaard splitting to the H'-splitting case. 

20 June 2022 Recording

Title: Skein modules: A braid theoretic approach

Speaker: Ioannis Diamantis

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Skein modules were introduced independently by Przytycki and Turaev as generalizations of knot polynomials in the 3-sphere to knot polynomials in arbitrary 3-manifolds. They have become very important algebraic tools in the study of 3-manifolds, since their properties reflect geometric and topological information about them. For example, the Kauffman bracket skein module of a 3-manifold M detects the presence of non-separating 2-spheres and tori embedded in M. However, computing skein modules of 3-manifolds is known to be very hard. In this talk we will present a braid theoretic approach for computing Kauffman bracket and HOMFLYPT skein modules of c.c.o. 3-manifolds. The advantage (and importance) of this braid approach lies in the fact that it can shed light to the problem of computing (various) skein modules of arbitrary c.c.o. 3-manifolds, since much of the diagrammatic complexity is absorbed into the proofs of the algebraic statements. 

15 June 2022 Recording

Title: Real twisted quasi-elliptic cohomology and its power operation

Speaker: Prof. Zhen Huan, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: Quasi-elliptic cohomology is closely related to Tate K-theory. It is constructed as an object both reflecting the geometric nature of elliptic curves and more practicable to study than most elliptic cohomology theories. It can be interpreted by orbifold loop spaces and expressed in terms of equivariant K-theories. We formulate the complete power operation of this theory. Applying that we prove the finite subgroups of Tate curve can be classified by the Tate K-theory of symmetric groups modulo a certain transfer ideal. In this talk, we define Real twisted quasi-elliptic cohomology and construct its power operation after giving a proper definition of Real twisted power operations. This is joint work with Matthew Spong and Matthew Young.

13 June 2022 Recording

Title: Intersection formulas for parities on virtual knots

Speaker: Igor M. Nikonov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We show that parities on virtual knots come from invariant 1-cycles on the arcs of knot diagrams. In turn, the invariant cycles are determined by quasi-indices on the crossings of the diagrams. The found connection between the parities and the (quasi)-indices allows to define a new series of parities on virtual knots.

08 June 2022 Recording

Title: Categorifying The Constrained Embedded Homology of Hypergraphs

Speaker: Dr. Shiquan Ren, Henan University

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: Hypergraphs are high-dimensional generalizations of graphs. A hypergraph can be obtained by deleting some non-maximal simplices from a simplicial complex. Given a finite set V, the complete hypergraph ∆[V] on V is 2^V \ {∅}, where 2^V is the powerset of V. If a hypergraph is the complement of a simplicial sub-complex of ∆[V], then we call this hypergraph an independence hypergraph. Let HI be the category whose objects are hypergraphs and whose morphisms are injective morphisms of hypergraphs. Let SI be the category whose objects are simplicial complexes and whose morphisms are injective simplicial maps. Let IHI be the category whose objects are independence hypergraphs and whose morphisms are injective morphisms of hypergraphs. In this talk, we construct some modules (which will be called the constrained embedded (co)homology) on HI. As particular cases, we construct some modules (which will be called the constrained homology) on SI as well as some modules (which will be called the constrained cohomology) on IHI. We prove some Künneth-type formulae and some Mayer-Vietoris sequences. As applications, we construct the persistence constrained embedded (co)homology and discuss the topological data analysis (TDA) of hyper-networks. This work is in progress and is joint with Prof. Jingyan Li.

06 June 2022 Recording

Title: On invariants for surface-links valued in entropic magmas

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: M. Niebrzydowski and J. H. Przytycki defined a Kauffman bracket magma and constructed the invariant P of framed links in 3-space. The invariant is closely related to the Kauffman bracket polynomial. The normalized bracket polynomial is obtained from the Kauffman bracket polynomial by the multiplication of indeterminate and it is an ambient isotopy invariant for links. In this talk, we reformulate the multiplication by using a map from the set of framed links to a Kauffman bracket magma in order that P is invariant for links in 3-space. We define a generalization of a Kauffman bracket magma, which is called a marked Kauffman bracket magma. We find the conditions to be invariant under Yoshikawa moves except the first one and use a map from the set of admissible marked graph diagrams to a marked Kauffman bracket magma to obtain the invariant for surface-links in 4-space.

1 June 2022 Recording

Title: On Thurston's "geometric ideal triangulation" conjecture

Speaker: Prof. Huabin Ge, Renmin University of China

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: Using combinatorial Ricci flow methods, we shall prove the following theorem: Let M be a compact 3-manifold with boundary consisting of surfaces of genus at least 2. If M admits an ideal triangulation with valence at least 10 at all edges, then there exists a unique hyperbolic metric on M with totally geodesic boundary under which the ideal triangulation is geometric. For a special class of 3-manifolds, the theorem affirms a folklore conjecture which exists for almost 40 years under not so strong assumptions. This is based on joint work with Ke Feng and Bobo Hua.

30 May 2022 Recording

Title: Random points, lines, and polygons and their interaction with integral geometry

Speaker: Mehdi Golafshan

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Integral geometry refers to a set of conclusions and mathematical methods used to analyse geometric quantities. Luis Santaló and Wilhelm Blaschke popularised this word. Crofton's formula expresses the length of a plane curve as the number of intersections with a random straight line. Symmetry considerations determine the random term. Santalo's integral geometry is the application of Kolmogorov's probability theory to Klein's Erlangen programme. This method uses invariant measure on homogeneous (ideally compact) Lie group spaces and differential form integrals. Buffon's needle problem calculates the likelihood that a needle will land on at least two slats when dropped on a slatted floor. This method can be used for various stochastic geometric processes.

In this presentation, we will discuss several key cases and theorems in this field, as well as our ultimate result, which is available on arXiv: 2205.05151

25 May 2022 Recording

Title: \epsilon-net Induced Lazy Witness Complexes on Graphs

Speaker: Dr. Naheed Anjum Arafat (School of Computing, National University of Singapore)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: Computation of persistent homology of simplicial representations such as the Rips and the Cˇech complexes do not efficiently scale
to large point clouds. It is, therefore, meaningful to devise approximate representations and evaluate the trade-off between their efficiency and
effectiveness. The lazy witness complex economically defines such a representation using only a few selected points, called landmarks.
Topological data analysis traditionally considers a point cloud in a Euclidean space. In many situations, however, data is available in the form
of a weighted graph. A graph along with the geodesic distance defines a metric space. This metric space of a graph is amenable to topological
data analysis. We discuss the computation of persistent homologies on a weighted graph. We present a lazy witness complex approach leveraging the notion of the \epsilon-net that we adapt to weighted graphs and their geodesic distance to select landmarks. We show that the value of the parameter of the \epsilon-net provides control on the trade-off between choice and number of landmarks and the quality of the approximate simplicial representation. We present three algorithms for constructing an \epsilon-net of a graph. We comparatively and empirically evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the choice of landmarks that they induce for the topological data analysis of different real-world graphs.

23 May 2022 Recording

Title: The invariants of n-dimensional Rubik's Cube

Speaker: Isaev Roman

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: It is well known that Rubik's cube has a set of group invariants. These values do not change if any layer was rotated, but they can change in case if some of the cubes were removed from the puzzle, mixed up and returned back. In this paper, we generalize the puzzle to the case of an arbitrary dimension after which we describe all the invariants.

18 May 2022 Recording

Title: Homotopy of manifolds stabilized by projective spaces

Speaker: Ruizhi Huang (The Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: We study the homotopy of the connected sum of a manifold with a projective space, viewed as a typical way to stabilize manifolds. In particular, we show a loop homotopy decomposition of a manifold after stabilization by a projective space, and provide concrete examples. To do this, we trace the effect in homotopy theory of surgery on certain product manifolds by showing a loop homotopy decomposition after localization away from the order of the image of the classical J-homomorphism. This a joint work with Prof. Stephen Theriault.

16 May 2022 Recording

Title: Deformations of Yang-Baxter operators from n-Lie algebra cohomology

Speaker: Emanuele Zappala

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: n-Lie algebras are n-ary algebraic structures that generalize the notion of Lie algebras. They were first introduced by Nambu in the context of Hamiltonian dynamics, and then rediscovered by Filippov in purely algebraic terms. Their cohomology theory was first discussed by Takhtajan in order to generalize the Chevalley-Eilenberg cochain complex. In this talk, I will show a general construction that associates a Yang-Baxter (YB) operator to any given n-Lie algebra, and I will discuss how the n-Lie algebra cohomology produces deformations of these YB operators. More specifically, I will discuss how the deformation theory of the YB operators is classified by the cohomology theory of self-distributive structures associated to n-Lie algebras, and the relation between this cohomology theory and that of n-Lie algebras. Consequently, nontrivial cohomology classes of Yang-Baxter cohomology will be shown to arise from nontrivial cohomology classes of n-Lie algebras. Additionally, I will present an interpretation of the previous construction in terms of Nijenhuis-Richardson cohomology (i.e. the Lie-theoretic version of Gerstenhaber-Schack cohomology). Applications to knot theory in terms of invariant polynomials will finally be considered.

09 May 2022 Recording

Title: Braidings, braid equivalences and Jones-type invariants

Speaker: Sofia Lambropoulou, National Technical University of Athens

Knots and representation theory

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We will present algorithms for turning knots and links into braids in various diagrammatic settings. Then we will explain the construction of Jones-type knot and link invariants via Markov traces on appropriate quotient algebras of braid groups

02 May 2022 Recording

Title: Analytic Linear Lie rack Structures on Leibniz Algebras

Speaker: Mohamed Boucetta

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Please check the following link for abstract

27 April 2022 Recording

Title: On the mirror symmetry of a pair of pants

Speaker: Cheol Hyun Cho (Seoul National University, email:

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: We show that closed geodesics of a hyperbolic pair of pants are in one to one correspondence with indecomposable Cohen-Macaulay modules of multiplicity one over the singularity C[[x,y,z]]/(xyz). The latter was classified by Burban-Drozd. This homological mirror symmetry correspondence is realized by an explicit geometric functor to the equivalent category of matrix factorizations. This is a joint work with Kyungmo Kim, Kyungmin Roh and Wonbo Jeong.

25 April 2022 Recording

Title: Temperley-Lieb Recoupling Theory and WRT invariants for Virtual Links

Speaker: Louis Kauffman

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: This talk will outline the theory of virtual three manifold invariants via Temperley-Lieb Recoupling theory due to Dye and Kauffman, both for its own sake and for its application in our recent work with Eiji Ogasa.

18 April 2022 Recording

Title: Perfect colorings of hypergraphs and spectra of multidimensional matrices

Speaker: Anna Taranenko

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In this talk, we consider perfect colorings (equitable partitions) of hypergraphs. A perfect k-coloring of a hypergraph is a coloring of its vertices into k colors such that the color of a vertex defines the color ranges of incident hyperedges. One of the simplest examples of perfect 2-colorings of hypergraphs are transversals. Another important example is a (hyper)graph covering that defines a local homomorphism between (hyper)graphs. While perfect colorings of graphs are extensively applied, similar objects for hypergraphs are hardly studied. The main aim of the talk is to show that the most of nice algebraic properties of perfect colorings of graphs remain true for hypergraphs.
For these purpose, we consider the multidimensional adjacency and Laplacian matrices of hypergraphs and define perfect colorings through a multidimensional matrix equation. Next, we study the interrelations between the spectral properties of a hypergraph and its perfect colorings. In particular, we prove that all eigenvalues of multidimensional parameter matrices of a perfect coloring are always the eigenvalues of the hypergraph adjacency matrix. At last, we consider in more details some special cases of perfect colorings of hypergraphs (transversals and coverings).

13 April 2022 Recording

Title: Quantum invariants of links and 3-Manifolds with boundary defined via virtual links

Speaker: Eiji Ogasa

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: We introduce new topological quantum invariants of 3-manifolds with non-vacuous boundary whose boundaries are a disjoint union of two diffeomorphic closed oriented surfaces, defined via virtual links. We define new topological qauntum invariants of classical links in the 3-sphere by using the above invariants. The invariants are non-trivial and calculable. Virtual links produce new invariants of classical links in the 3-sphere. This talk is based on the speaker’s joint paper arxiv2108.13547[math.GT] with Kauffman, and the speaker’s joint paper arXiv:2203.12797 [math.GT] with Dye and Kauffman.

11 April 2022 Recording

Title: Trisections of 4-manifolds

Speaker: Maggie Miller

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Trisections of 4-manifolds, in which 4-manifolds are described into three simple pieces, were introduced by Gay and Kirby in 2012. These decompositions allow for simple combinatorial diagrams of 4-manifolds. Meier and Zupan later showed that these diagrams can encode surfaces properly embedded in 4-manifolds up to smooth equivalence; these diagrams can be used for useful operations such as taking regular branched covers over a specified surface. In the last decade, many papers have been written showing how to perform various operations using trisections or giving examples of interesting trisected manifolds.

In this talk, I’ll go over the basic definitions in the study of trisections and summarize some notable results in the area, e.g. Islambouli’s construction of inequivalent same-genus trisections on a closed 4-manifold, Lambert-Cole’s gauge-theory-free proof of the Thom conjecture, or Abrams—Gay—Kirby’s argument that essentially any smooth 4-dimensional problem can be reformulated as a group theoretic statement.

06 April 2022 Recording

Title: The universal quantum Invariant of 3-manifolds and the mapping class group of surfaces

Speaker: Anderson Vera (Pohang University of Science and Technology, email:

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: In this talk we will see an historical account of quantum invariants of knots and 3-manifolds, as well as some of the important questions about them. Then, we will show some explicit relationship of the functorial extension of the universal (quantum) perturbative invariant of 3-manifolds (Le-Murakami-Ohtsuki invariant) with invariants of algebraic nature of the "symmetry group" of a surface (mapping class group). More precisely, we give a topological interpretation of some terms appearing in the LMO invariant using algebraic invariants of the mapping class group.

04 April 2022 Recording

Title: Об оценке расстояний между двумя множествами объема $\varepsilon$ в некоторых многомерных телах единичного объёма

Speaker: Ивлев Фёдор

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: При переходе от малых размерной к большим размерностям в Евклидовом пространстве в правильных телах единичного объёма их диаметр, то есть наибольшее расстояние между двумя точками этих тел, стремится к бесконечности. Это обстоятельство может мешать перекладывать некоторые факты, верные в конечных размерностях, на случай бесконечномерных пространств или при использовании предельного перехода. Оказывается, что если рассматривать понятие диаметра фигуры не как максимальное расстояние между двумя произвольными точками, а как расстояние между двумя множествами объёма $\varepsilon$, то даже при переходе к пространствам высокой размерности, расстояние между двумя телами такого фиксированного объёма может быть ограничено.

Мы установили конечность расстояния между двумя телами объёма $\varepsilon$ внутри $n$-мерного куба или шара единичного объёма (вне зависимости от $n$ но в зависимости от $\varepsilon$) для шара в общем случае, а для куба в случае, когда оба тела являются выпуклыми и при ещё одном дополнительном условии в случае многомерного куба.

30 March 2022 Recording

Title:  A path to smooth homotopy theory

Speaker: Enxin Wu (Shantou University, email:

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: Classical homotopy theory is modelled essentially on topological spaces/simplicial sets. In this talk, I will present a possible way of doing homotopy theory on smooth spaces called diffeological spaces, which include smooth manifolds, infinite-dimensional and singular spaces.

28 March 2022 Recording (Password for access to record :     !Rfx&x%1    )

Title: Analogues of braid groups and Coxeter groups and their applications in topology, algebra and geometry

Speaker: V. O. Manturov


Abstract: A family of groups $G_{n}^{k}$ may be regarded as analogues of braid groups and Coxeter groups. Defining relations for look like group-like versions of the ``tetrahedron relations'' (higher Yang-Baxter-Relations).
If dynamical systems describing the motion of $n$ particles possess a nice codimension 1 property governed by exactly $k$ particles, then these dynamical systems admit a topological invariant valued in $G_{n}^{k}$.}
These groups have connections to different algebraic structures; in particular, the construction of invariants, valued in free products of cyclic groups. All generators of the groups are reflections but there are many ways to enhance them to get rid of $2$-torsion. Later joint work with I.M.Nikonov introduced and studied a second family of groups, which are closely related to sets of triangulations of manifolds fixed number of points.
There are two ways of introducing these groups: geometrical (depending on the metric) and topological. The second one can be thought of as a ``braid group'' of the manifold and is an invariant of the topological type of the manifold; in a similar way, one can construct the smooth version. The talk is a survey giving an overview of recent results related to manifolds, dynamical systems, knots and braids.
Many problems and research projects will be formulated at the end of the talk.
V.O. Manturov, D.A. Fedoseev, S. Kim, I.M. Nikonov, “On groups Gkn and Γkn: A study of manifolds, dynamics, and invariants”, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences, 11:02 (2021), 2150004
{Book} V.O.Manturov, D.A.Fedoseev, S.Kim, and I.M.Nikonov,
Invariants and Pictures:Low-Dimensional Topology and Combinatorial Group Theory,

28 March 2022 Recording

Title: On Torsion in Skein Modules

Speaker: Bakshi Rhea Palak

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Skein modules are invariants of 3-manifolds which were introduced by Józef H. Przytycki in 1987 as generalisations of the Jones, HOMFLYPT, and Kauffman bracket polynomial link invariants in the 3-sphere to arbitrary 3-manifolds. Over time, skein modules have evolved into one of the most important objects in knot theory and quantum topology having strong ties with many fields of mathematics such as algebraic geometry, hyperbolic geometry, and the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev 3-manifold invariants, to name a few. One avenue in the study of skein modules is determining whether they reflect the geometry or topology of the manifold, for example, whether the module detects the presence of incompressible or non-separating surfaces in the manifold. Interestingly enough this presence manifests itself in the form of torsion in the skein module. In this talk we will discuss various skein modules which detect the presence of non-separating surfaces. We will focus on the framing skein module and show that it detects the presence of non-separating 2-spheres in a 3-manifold by way of torsion.

23 March 2022 Recording

Title:  $Z_2$-Thurston norms on Seifert manifolds

Speaker: Xiaoming Du (South China University of Technology)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: Given a manifold $M$ and an element $c \in H_2(M;Z_2)$, the $Z_2$-Thurston norm of $c$ is related to the minimal (non-orientable) genus of the non-orientable surfaces representing the homology class $c$. The norms of all of the elements in the $Z_2$-homology group can produce a lower bound of the complexity of $M$, i.e., the number of tetrahedra necessary to triangulate $M$. In this talk, for every orientable Seifert manifold $M$ with an orientable orbit space, we give a general method to compute the $Z_2$-Thurston norms of all the elements in $H_2(M;Z_2)$.

21 March 2022 Recording

Title: Rota--Baxter operators, skew braces, and Yang--Baxter equation

Speaker: V. G. Bardakov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Recently, L. Guo, H. Lang, Y. Sheng [Advances in Mathematics, 387 (2021), 107834] defined a Rota--Baxter operator on groups. In my talk I recall this definition, give examples, explain some general constructions of Rota--Baxter operators on some classes of  groups: on nilpotent groups, on free product of groups, on direct powers of a group.

Further we discuss the Yang--Baxter equation and its connection with some algebraic systems, in particular, with braces and skew  braces.
Braces were introduced by W. Rump in 2006 for construction of involutive solutions for the Yang--Baxter equation. In 2017, L. Guarnieri and L. Vendramin defined  skew  braces for studying general solutions.
We connect groups with Rota--Baxter operators and skew  braces, show that every Rota--Baxter group gives rise to a skew brace. Moreover, every skew  brace can be  embedded into a Rota--Baxter group.

We interpret theory of skew braces in terms of Rota--Baxter operators.

The results of my talk can be found in the articles:
V. G. Bardakov, V. Gubarev, Rota--Baxter operators on groups, arXiv:2103.01848V. G. Bardakov, V. Gubarev, Rota--Baxter groups, skew left braces, and the Yang--Baxter equation, J. Algebra,  596 (2022),  328--351.

16 March 2022 Recording1 Recording2

Title:  A new homology theory of orbifolds from triangulations

Speaker: Li Yu (Nanjing University)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: We introduce a new homology theory of compact orbifolds called stratified simplicial homology (or st-homology for short) from some special kind of triangulations adapted to the orbifolds. In the definition of st-homology, the orders of the local groups of an orbifold are encoded in the boundary map so that the theory can capture some structural information of the orbifold. We can prove that st-homology is an invariant under orbifold isomorphisms and more generally under weight-preserving homotopy equivalences. It turns out that the free part of st-homology of an orbifold can be computed from the usual simplicial homology of the orbifold. So it is the torsion part of st-homology that can really give us new information of an orbifold. Moreover, we introduce a wider class of objects called pseudo-orbifolds and develop the whole theory of st-homology in this setting.

14 March 2022 Recording

Title: On the volume of non-Euclidean polyhedra

Speaker: V.A. Krasnov (The RUDN University)

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In the report we will consider the application of the scheme of proof of the Sforza formula to the derivation of formulas for the volume of a hyperbolic orthoscheme and non-Euclidean octahedra with symmetries. In the second part of the report, we will consider the problem of calculating the volume of a cyclic polyhedron and a permutohedron (permutation polyhedron) in a hyperbolic space of constant curvature, given by the Poincaré model in the upper half-space, in terms of vertex coordinates.

09 March 2022 Recording

Title:  The group of quasi-isometries of the real line cannot act effectively on the line

Speaker: Shengkui Ye (New York University, Shanghai)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: Let QI+(R) be the group of orientation-preserving quasi-isometries of the real line. In this talk, we will show that QI+(R) is a left-orderable, non-simple group, which cannot act effectively on the real line R.

07 March 2022 Recording

Title: Coloured Jones polynomials at N-th roots of unity from N-dimensional R-matrices

Speaker: R. Kashaev

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: For any positive integer N, one can associate an N-dimensional R-matrix depending on a primitive N-th root of unity w and a discrete spectral parameter n taking the values 1,2,…,N. We conjecture that this R-matrix calculates the n-colored Jones polynomial evaluated at q=w. This can be proven for n=N, and the case n<N has been checked on few examples. This is a joint work with Stavros Garoufalidis.

28 February 2022 Recording, Note

Title: Infinite order rationally slice knots

Speaker: Jeniffer Hom

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A knot in S^3 is rationally slice if it bounds a disk in a rational homology ball. We give an infinite family of rationally slice knots that are linearly independent in the knot concordance group. In particular, our examples are all infinite order. All previously known examples of rationally slice knots were order two. The proof relies on bordered and involutive Heegaard Floer homology. No prior knowledge of Heegaard Floer homology will be assumed. This is joint work with Sungkyung Kang, JungHwan Park, and Matt Stoffregen.

23 February 2022 Recording

Title: Quantization proof of Bergman's centralizer theorem II

Speaker: Weichao Zhang from Huizhou University

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: This is a continuing talk on the quantization proof of the famous Bergman's centralizer theorem. So far as we know, no new proofs appeared after Bergman for almost fifty years. Bergman's centralizer theorem states that the centralizer of a non-scalar element in $k\langle X\rangle$ is isomorphic to the ring of polynomials in one indeterminate. In the previous talk, we present a quantization proof that there is non rank two commutative subalgebra in the free associative algebra. This is a key step of the proof. In this talk, we will refine the whole proof. More precisely, by using the invariant theory of generic matrices, we demonstrate the integrally closeness of the centralizer, which implies that the centralizer is isomorphic to one dimensional polynomial ring. This is a joint work with Alexei Belov-Kanel.

21 February 2022 Recording

Title: Khovanov homology and the search for exotic 4-spheres

Speaker: Ciprian Manolescu

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A well-known strategy to disprove the smooth 4D Poincare conjecture is to find a knot that bounds a disk in a homotopy 4-ball but not in the standard 4-ball. Freedman, Gompf, Morrison and Walker suggested that Rasmussen’s invariant from Khovanov homology could be useful for this purpose. I will describe three recent results about this strategy: that it fails for Gluck twists (joint work with Marengon, Sarkar and Willis); that an analogue works for other 4-manifolds (joint work with Marengon and Piccirillo); and that 0-surgery homeomorphisms provide a large class of potential examples (joint work with Piccirillo).

16 February 2022 Recording


Speaker: Weichao Zhang from Huizhou University

Organization: Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract:  Knot invariants for oriented knot diagrams can be constructed using skein relations. Usually, each knot invariant has only one skein relation, and the skein relation has three or four terms. In this talk, we use a system of skein equations to construct knot invariants, and each skein equation has six or eight terms. The multiple skein relations use new ways to smooth or virtualize a crossing. The definition of this invariant uses virtual crossings.  We gave an example that both Kauffman two-variable polynomial and HOMFLY polynomials fail to distinguish a pair of knots, but a simplified version of this invariant can distinguish those knots. Virtual crossings play a key role in this construction.  If the virtual terms are deleted, the simplified version invariant become trivial.

14 February 2022 Recording

Title: Homotopy coherent representations

Speaker: Jim Stasheff

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Homotopy coherence has a considerable history, albeit also by other names. For this volume highlighting symmetries, the appropriate use is homotopy coherence of representations, at one time known as representations up to homotopy/homotopy coherent representations. We provide a brief semi- historical survey providing some links that may not be common knowledge.


07 February 2022 Recording

Title: Enumeration of spanning forests and trees and the Kirchhoff index for circulant graphs.

Speaker: Alexander Mednykh (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University) 

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The results of this report were obtained together with my colleagues Yong Su Kwon, Lilia Grunwald and Ilya Mednykh. We investigate a  family of circulant graphs C_n (s_1, s_2, ..., s_k) formed by the vertices  of regular n-gon  and all the diagonals of length s_1, s_2, ..., s_k. We present  explicit formulas for the number of spanning trees,  spanning forests, and the Kirchhoff index for such graphs. In all cases, the answer is given in terms of Chebyshev polynomials, calculated at the roots of some prescribed  polynomials. Arithmetic and asymptotic properties of the above numbers and their generating functions will be investigated.

31 January 2022

Title: New methods for constructing random knots and random manifolds

Speaker: Joel Has

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: I’ll begin with a discussion of why random knots are interesting and some simple models that have been explored. I will the describe two more recent methods of generating random knots. The first, based on work with Even Zohar, Linial and Nowik, gives a method of constructing a knot from a permutation. All knots are obtained by this method, and the combinatorics of permutations can be exploited to derive properties of random knots. In particular, this “Petaluma Model” allows computation of the exact distribution of the linking number of a random two component link.

      More recently I have been studying a model that produces random submanifolds in general dimensions, in joint work with Even Zohar. I will describe how this model can be used to search for surfaces in the 4-ball of small genus whose boundary is a given knot.

24 January 2022

Title: Coloured Jones and coloured Alexander invariants from two Lagrangians intersected in a symmetric power of a surface

Speaker: Cristina Palmer-Anghel

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Please check here.

17 January 2022


Speaker: Alexander Mednykh (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Novosibirsk State University)

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We investigate the existence of hyperbolic, spherical or Euclidean structure on cone-manifolds whose underlying space is the three-dimensional sphere and singular set is a given two-bridge knot. For  knots with not more than 7 crossings we present trigonometrical identities involving the lengths of singular geodesics and cone angles of such cone-manifolds. Then these identities are used to produce exact integral formulae for the volume of the corresponding cone-manifold modeled in the hyperbolic, spherical and Euclidean geometries.


10 January 2022

Title: A state sum invariant for knotoids

Speaker: Louis Kauffman

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: This talk is joint work with Neslihan Gugumcu. The talk will describe a new polynomial invariant of knotoids that is based on summing over all path states of a knotoid. A path state of a knotoid is a smoothing of the knotoid diagram that forms a connected path from the initial point of the knotoid to its final point. These states form a generalization of the states used for models of Alexander and Alexander-Conway polynomials in the book “Formal Knot Theory” by Kauffman. We will discuss properties of this invariant, possible generalizations of the invariant, and also properties of the states themselves, including a generalization of the Clock Theorem in Formal Knot Theory.


03 January 2022

Title: Group-valued sliceness obstructions for classical knots

Speaker: Vassily O. Manturov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We present several simple constructions of classical knot invariants valued in groups. Generators correspond to some secant lines; these generators are substitutes for crossings. The group presentations can be written straightforwardly and correspond to “moves". The constructions are cobordism-friendly and give rise to sliceness obstructions for classical knots.


27 December 2021

Title: Volume formula for a hyperbolic tetrahedron and some applications

Speaker: Nikolay Abrosimov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: I am going to give a brief review of known results concerning the volume of a hyperbolic tetrahedron. Then we will concentrate on our joint result with Vuong Huu Bao [1]. We consider a compact hyperbolic tetrahedron of a general type. It is a convex hull of four points called vertices in the hyperbolic space H3. It can be determined by the set of six edge lengths up to isometry. For further considerations, we use the notion of edge matrix of the tetrahedron formed by hyperbolic cosines of its edge lengths. We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a tetrahedron in H3. Then we find relations between their dihedral angles and edge lengths in the form of a cosine rule. Finally, we obtain exact integral formula expressing the volume of a hyperbolic tetrahedron in terms of the edge lengths. The latter volume formula can be regarded as a new version of classical Sforza’s formula [2] for the volume of a tetrahedron but in terms of the edge matrix instead of the Gram matrix. At the end of the talk I am planning to give an overview of some applications of our volume formula.



[1] Abrosimov N.,Vuong B. Explicit volume formula for a hyperbolic tetrahedron in terms of edge lengths // J. of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 2021, article no. 2140007.

[2] G. Sforza, Ricerche di estensionimetria negli spazi metrico-proiettivi, Memorie Reale Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed arti di Modena, 1907, III, VIII (Appendice), p. 21-66.


20 December 2021

Title: Classification & applications of the algebraic concordance of almost classical knots

Speaker: Micah Chrisman

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: As is well known, J. Levine classified the algebraic concordance group $\mathscr{G}^{\mathbb{F}}$ of knots in the $3$-sphere, where $\mathbb{F}$ is a field of characteristic 0. In this talk, we will define two generalizations of the algebraic concordance group for homologically trivial knots in thickened surfaces $\Sigma \times [0,1]$, where $\Sigma$ is closed and oriented. The generalizations are called the coupled algebraic concordance group and the uncoupled algebraic concordance group. These can be realized as concordance classes of Seifert surfaces. For the uncoupled algebraic concordance group $\mathscr{VG}^{\mathbb{F}}$, we prove that $\mathscr{VG}^{\mathbb{F}} \cong \mathscr{I}(\mathbb{F})\oplus \mathscr{G}^{\mathbb{F}}$, where $\mathscr{F}$ is the fundamental ideal of the Witt ring over $\mathbb{F}$. For $\mathbb{F}=\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z}$, we also define an Arf invariant. Examples will be given in the several cases, with applications to virtual knots.


16 December 2021

Title: An algorithmic method to compute plat-like Markov moves for genus two 3-manifolds

Speaker: Paolo Cavicchioli

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: The talk deals with equivalence of links in 3-manifolds of Heegaard genus 2. Starting from a description of such a manifold introduced in [1], that uses 6-tuples of integers and determines a Heegaard decomposition of the manifold, we construct an algorithm (implemented in c++) which allows to find the words in B_{2, 2n}, the braid group on 2n strands of a surface of genus 2, that realizes the plat-equivalence for links in that manifold. In this way we extend to the case of genus 2 the result obtained in [2] for genus 1 manifolds. We describe in particular a case of this construction.

[1] Casali, M. R. & Grasselli, L. 2-symmetric crystallizations and 2-fold branched coverings of S3.Discrete Math.87,9–22 (1991).


[2] Cattabriga, A. & Gabrovšek, B. A Markov theorem for generalized plat decomposition. Ann.Sc. Norm. Super. Pisa Cl. Sci.XX,1273–1294 (2018).


13 December 2021

Title: Analytical method for study of polyhedra and orbifolds in three dimensional spaces of constant curvature

Speaker: Bao Vuong

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The work is devoted to analytical methods for the study of geometric properties for some classes of three-dimensional polyhedra, as well as orbifolds in spaces of constant curvature. In the first part of the work, we consider hyperbolic tetrahedra and octahedra with symmetries. Necessary and sufficient conditions of existence have been established for them; obtaining relations between the lengths of the edges and dihedral angles in the form of cosine laws; explicit integral formulas for hyperbolic volumes are obtained. The second part of the work is devoted to the study of antiprisms in spaces of constant curvature. Criteria for existence are established, relations between the lengths of edges and dihedral angles are found, and exact formulas for the volumes of antiprisms in Euclidean, spherical, and hyperbolic spaces are obtained. In the third part of the thesis, it is proved that all three-dimensional closed orientable Euclidean manifolds, except for the three-dimensional torus, are hyperelliptic, that is, they are two-sheeted coverings of the three-dimensional sphere branched over knots and links. A one-to-one correspondence between the indicated manifolds and Euclidean orbifolds is established. It is shown how the hyperelliptic involution acts on these manifolds.


06 December 2021

Title: Biquandle Bracket Quivers

Speaker: Sam Nelson

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Biquandle brackets are skein invariants for biquandle-colored knots. Taken over the set of biquandle colorings of an oriented knot or link, the multiset of biquandle bracket values is an invariant from which can be recovered the biquandle counting invariant and, depending on the particular biquandle bracket, classical skein invariants as well as biquandle 2-cocycle invariants. A set of biquandle endomorphisms endows the multiset with an invariant quiver structure, proving a categorification of these invariants distinct from the Khovanov-style homological categorifications.


29 November 2021

Title: Some new Turan type theorems

Speaker: Gyula Katona

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Please check


22 November 2021

Title: On sliceness of the knots 6.31445, 6.52373, 6.62002 and 6.86951

Speaker: I.M. Nikonov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In a series of papers H. Boden, M. Chrisman, R. Gaudreau considered the slice status classification of the virtual knots up to six classical crossings. Using Turaev’s graded genus, Rasmussen invaruant, generalized Alexander polynomial and extended $\bar\mu$-invariants, they derermines sliceness of all but four virtual knots. We finish the classification by giving 75%-negative answer to the question whether the remaining knots are slice. Our approach relies on parity arguments.

18 November 2021

Title: Three faces of sliceness for knots: pictures, groups, matchings.

Speaker: Vassily O. Manturov


Abstract: My talk will be devoted to sliceness obstructions for various analogues of knots. We shall be mostly concerned with the two cases:

1) Free knots (capped by formal folded 2-discs).

2) Knots in the full torus (to be capped by a disc in S^{1}\times D^{3}).

A naive approach requires some "matchings" between crossings to be paired: say, for a 2-component link a mixed crossing can not be paired with a pure crossing. We'll see that one can strongly generalise the "matching" approach.


15 November 2021

Title: On winding parities of crossings of knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$

Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: For knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$, where $S_{g}$ is an oriented surface of genus $g$, one of important information is “how many times a half of a crossing turns around $S^{1}$, and we call it winding parity of a crossing. In this talk we extend this notion more generally and discuss its meaning. This is an ongoing work.


08 November 2021

Title: Extreme and almost-extreme Khovanov spectra

Speaker: Marthania Silvero

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: At the end of the past century, Mikhail Khovanov introduced the first homological invariant, now known as Khovanov homology, as a categorification of Jones polynomial. It is a bigraded homology supported in homological and quantum gradings. Given a link diagram, we refer to the maximal quantum grading such that the associated Khovanov complex is non-trivial as extreme grading.

In this talk we discuss various properties of extreme and almost-extreme Khovanov homology and their geometric realizations. We will  also study the relations of these models with Khovanov spectra, introducecby Robert Lipshitz and Sucharit Sarkar as a spatial refinement of Khovanov homology.

I would be very grateful if you could give me some hint on the audience, that is, whether they are familiar with Khovanov homology and/or homological link invariants, so I can give a quick definition of Khovanov homology or maybe better a gentle introduction on it, depending on the audience background.


01 November 2021

Title: Parity on based matrices

Speaker: Igor M. Nikonov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A parity is a labeling of the crossings of knot diagrams which is compatible with Reidemeister moves. We define the notion of parity for based matrices -- algebraic objects introduced by V. Turaev in his research of virtual strings. We present the reduced stable parity on based matrices which gives a new example of a parity of virtual knots.


25 October 2021

Title: On universal parity on free two-dimensional knots

Speaker: Igor M. Nikonov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In the talk we review the definition of parity on 2-knots, and prove that the Gaussian parity is universal on free two-dimensional knots.


18 October 2021

Title: Extending graph invariants to embedded graphs

Speaker: Sergei Lando

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The classical approach (developped by B.Bollobas, O.Riordan, and many others) to extending graph invariants to embedded graphs consists in enhancing the invariants by implementing in them information about the embedding of a graph into a surface. The talk will be devoted to another approach, which is based on the Hopf algebra structures on spaces of graphs, chord diagrams modulo 4-term relations, and delta-matroids. The approach proved to be efficient, and it allows one to extend to embedded graphs such invariants as the degeneracy of a graph, the number of signed Hamiltonian cycles, skew characteristic polynomial, and the Stanley symmetrized chromatic polynomial.


18 October 2021

Title: Spatial self-interlocking structures: 3d and 2d

Speaker: V.O. Manturov

Organization: Seminar "Geometry, Topology and their Applications".

Abstract: The talk is devoted to the theory of self-interlocking structures and to the recent breakthrough in it:

a) There exist two-dimensional self-interlocking structures in

3-dimensional space;

b) One can construct self-interlocking 2-dimensional structures which are

rigid once two polygons are fixed.


The main idea of this construction is the ``decahedron'': collection of ten (stretched) faces of the dodecahedron (without two opposite ones). They were suggested by V.O.Manturov and realised in coordinates by V.O.Manturov and S.Kim


Until recently many constructions of 3-d self-interlocking structures were known; these structures are rigid if we fix all polytopes "along the boundary". The main ideas (truncated cubes, octahedra, dodecahedra) belong to A.Ya-Belov.


The self-interlocking structure theory has many applications to architecture, composite materials, ceramics, armors etc. The principal novelty by V.O.Manturov is the possibility of constructing these structures of "infinitely thin" polyhedra (polygons).


Surprisingly, the system of self-interlocking cubes was found by A.Ya.Belov only in 2002. It is related, in particular, with the lack of human intuition about 3-space.


In the end of the talk we'll suggest a list of problems, both purely mathematical and those related to applications.


The talk is based on joint works with A.Ya.Kanel-Belov, S.Kim.


13 October 2021

Title: Spatial self-interlocking structures: three-dimensional and two-dimensional

Speaker: A.Ya. Kanel-Belov and V.O. Manturov

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: The talk is devoted to the theory of self-interlocking structures and to the recent breakthrough in it:

a) There exist two-dimensional self-interlocking structures in 3-dimensional space;

b) One can construct self-interlocking 2-dimensional structures which are rigid once two polygons are fixed.


The main idea of this construction is the ``decahedron'': collection of ten (stretched) faces of the dodecahedron (without two opposite ones). They were suggested by V.O.Manturov and realised in coordinates by V.O.Manturov and S.Kim


Until recently many constructions of 3-d self-interlocking structures were known; these structures are rigid if we fix all polytopes "along the boundary". The main ideas (truncated cubes, octahedra, dodecahedra) belong to A.Ya-Belov.


The self-interlocking structure theory has many applications to architecture, composite materials, cheramics, armors etc.

The principal novelty by V.O.Manturov is the possibility of constructing these structures of "infinitely thin" polyhedra (polygons).


Surprisingly, the system of self-interlocking cubes was found by A.Ya.Belov only in 2002. It is related, in particular, with the lack of human intuition about 3-space.

In the end of the talk we'll suggest a list of problems, both purely mathematical and those related to applications.


11 October 2021

Title: A note on the ring $R[X]_B$

Speaker: Hyung Tae Baek

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity, $R[X]$ the polynomial ring over $R$ and

$$B = \{f \in R[X] \,|\, {\rm \ the \ coefficient \ of \ the \ least \ degree \ term \ of \ } f {\rm \ is \ } 1 \}.$$

Then $B$ is a multiplicative subset of $R[X]$; so we obtain the quotient ring $R[X]_B$ of $R$ by $B$. Also, since $B$ is a subset of $N=\{f \in R[X] \,|\, c(f) = R\}$, $R[X]_B$ is a subring of the Nagata ring $R[X]_N$ of $R$. In this talk, we investigate the PIR property and Pr\"ufer domain property in $R[X]_B$. For this purpose, we examine the ideal theory, dimension theory and factorization theory in $R[X]_B$.


06 October 2021

Title: Generalized torsion elements in 3-manifold groups

Speaker: Masakazu Teragaito (Hiroshima University)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: In a group, a nontrivial element is called a generalized torsion element if some nonempty finite product of its conjugates yields the identity element. Although most 3-manifold groups are torsion-free, it is expected to admit generalized torsion.

The existence of generalized torsion is an obstruction against that of bi-ordering.

We conjecture that if a 3-manifold group is not bi-orderable, then it admits a generalized torsion element. In this talk, we present several positive answers toward this conjecture. Some parts of talk are based on joint works with Tetsuya Ito, Kimihiko Motegi.


04 October 2021

Title: Spatial self-interlocking structures: three-dimensional and two-dimensional

Speaker: A.Ya. Kanel-Belov and V.O. Manturov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The talk is devoted to the theory of self-interlocking structures and to the recent breakthrough in it:a) There exist two-dimensional self-interlocking structures in 3-dimensional space;b) One can construct self-interlocking 2-dimensional structures which are rigid once two polygons are fixed.

The main idea of this construction is the ``decahedron'': collection of ten (stretched) faces of the dodecahedron (without two opposite ones). They were suggested by V.O.Manturov and realised in coordinates by V.O.Manturov and S.Kim

Until recently many constructions of 3-d self-interlocking structures were known; these structures are rigid if we fix all polytopes "along the boundary". The main ideas (truncated cubes, octahedra, dodecahedra) belong to A.Ya-Belov.

The self-interlocking structure theory has many applications to architecture, composite materials, cheramics, armors etc.The principal novelty by V.O.Manturov is the possibility of constructing these structures of "infinitely thin" polyhedra (polygons). Surprisingly, the system of self-interlocking cubes was found by A.Ya.Belov only in 2002. It is related, in particular, with the lack of human intuition about 3-space. In the end of the talk we'll suggest a list of problems, both purely mathematical and those related to applications.


29 September 2021

Title: Random knot probability

Speaker: Anda Xiong, University of Birmingham

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: We propose and verify the equation of the probability of random knots in R^3. We generate equilateral and non-equilateral random polygons of a massive data quantity and then find the probability of knot types. We find that different knot types have a great universality in their probability distribution. We also find that the probability of the unknot does not decrease in pure exponential term as previously studied in Z^3, but actually obeys an asymptotic function like every other knot type, and thus falls into a greater universality of knot probability.


27 September 2021

Title: Parity functors

Speaker: Igor M. Nikonov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A parity is a rule to assign labels to the crossings of knot diagrams in a way compatible with Reidemeister moves. Parity functors can be viewed as parities which provide to each knot diagram its own coefficient group that contains parities of the crossings. In the talk we describe parity functors for free knots.


20 September 2021



Organization: Knots and representation theory



13 September 2021

Title: Knots-quivers correspondence, and applications

Speaker: Marko Stosic

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In this talk I will give an overview of the knots-quivers correspondence. This deep relationship connects colored HOMFLY-PT invariants of a knot with Donaldson-Thomas invariants of the corresponding quiver. I shall also present some of the surprising outcomes of this relationship, in particular related to torus knots and rational knots as well as extensions to tangles.


06 September 2021

Title: Kirby diagrams and 5-colored graphs representing compact 4-manifolds

Speaker: Maria Rita

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: It is well-known that any framed link (L,c) uniquely represents the 3-manifold M3(L,c) obtained from S3 by Dehn surgery along (L,c), as well as the PL 4-manifold M4(L,c) obtained from D4 by adding 2-handles along (L,c). Moreover, if trivial dotted components are also allowed (i.e. in case of a Kirby diagram (L(*),c)), the associated PL 4-manifold M4(L(*),c) is obtained from D4 by adding 1-handles along the dotted components and 2-handles along the framed components.


In the present talk we present the relationship between framed links and/or Kirby diagrams and the so called crystallization theory, which represents compact PL manifolds of arbitrary dimension by regular edge-colored graphs: in particular, we describe how to construct a 5-colored graph representing M4(L(*),c), directly “drawn over” a planar diagram of (L(*), c).


As a consequence, the combinatorial properties of Kirby diagrams yield upper bounds for both the graph-defined invariants gem-complexity and generalized regular genus of the associated 4-manifold.


01 September 2021

Title: Disk potential functions for polygon spaces

Speaker: Yoosik Kim

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss 3D polygon spaces from the perspective of SYZ mirror symmetry, completely integrable systems, Lagrangian Floer theory, and cluster varieties. I am going to highlight the importance of 3D polygon spaces in (1) construction of cluster varieties as mirrors via Floer theory and SYZ mirror symmetry (2) computation of disk potential functions via the process from global to local and from local to global’ process. This is based on joint work in progress with S.-C. Lau and X. Zheng.


30 August 2021

Title: 1-cocycles and knot invariants

Speaker: Thomas Fiedler

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We introduce an appropriate moduli space for diagrams of classical knots and we lift the Chmutov-Khoury-Rossi-Brandenbursky Gauss diagram formulas for the coefficients of the Conway polynomial to combinatorial 1-cocycles on this moduli space. In contrast to the Conway polynomial they can distinguish mirror images of knots when they are evaluated on canonical loops in the moduli space, and at least as 1-cocycles they are sensitive to the orientation of the knots.


18 August 2021


Speaker: Sheng Bai

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A quadrisecant line of a knot K is a straight line which intersects K in four points, and a quadrisecant is a 4-tuple of points of K which lie in order along the quadrisecant line. If K has a finite number of quadrisecants, take W to be the set of points of K which are in a quadrisecant. Replace each subarc of K between two adjacent points of W along K with the straight line segment between them. This gives the quadrisecant approximation of K. It was conjectured that the quadrisecant approximation is always a knot with the same knot type as the original knot. We show that every knot type contains two knots, the quadrisecant approximation of one knot has self intersections while the quadrisecant approximation of the other knot is a knot with a different knot type.


16 August 2021

Title: Внешние биллиарды вне правильных многоугольников: случай n=7

Speaker: Филипп Д.Рухович

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Рассмотрим многоугольник $\Gamma$. Из точки $p$ на плоскости проведем касательную (т.е. опорную прямую) к $M$ и отразим $p$ относительно точки касания. Такое преобразование называется {\it преобразованием внешнего биллиарда}. При последовательном применении такой операции, точка может оказаться {\it периодической} (т.е. вернуться в какой-то момент в себя), {\it апериодической} (никогда не вернуться в себя), а также {\it вырожденной} (внешний биллиард можно применить конечное число раз).

Особое место занимает случай, когда $\Gamma$ есть правильный $n$-угольник. В случаях $n=3,4,6$ ситуация проста (апериодических траекторий нет); также ситуация была исследована для случая $n=5$ и, частично, $n=10$ (апериодическая точка есть, но периодические точки образуют множество полной меры). Автором были получены результаты для случаев $n=8,12,10$. Р.Шварц, основываясь на компьютерных экспериментах, высказал предположение, что только для случаев $n=5,10,8,12$, по-видимому,

есть точное самоподобие, которое позволяет полностью описать периодические структуры и найти апериодические точки. Шварц проводил эксперименты для случая $n=7$, и самоподобие найти не удалось.


Тем не менее, более глубокий компьютерный анализ дал возможность установить, что в случае $n=7$ самоподобие все-таки существует. С его помощью, легко показать существование апериодической точки - однако полнота меры

периодических точек остается под вопросом. В докладе пойдет речь о компьютерном доказательстве существования самоподобия и, как следствие, апериодической точки, а также о том, каковы могут быть дальнейшие шаги в изучении как случая n=7, так и других случаев.


11 August 2021

Title: Homotopy invariants for graph braid groups

Speaker: Byung Hee An

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: In this talk, I will present recent results on configuration spaces of graph braid groups including edge stabilizations, finitely generated chain models, edge formalities, and asymptotic homologies. I will also introduce some questions and future directions.


09 August 2021

Title: Quadrisecants and essential secants of knots: a survey

Speaker: Elizabeth Denne

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A quadrisecant line is one which intersects a curve in at least four points. In this survey talk, we review the history and current state of knowledge about quadrisecants. We give key ideas behind the proof that non-trivial knots must have an alternating quadrisecant line. This includes the idea of an essential secant, which captures something about the knottedness of a knot. If time allows, we show how these ideas can be applied to questions about the geometry of a knot (for example total curvature and ropelength).


04 August 2021

Title: Fixed points of symplectic/Hamiltonian circle actions

Speaker: Donghoon Jang (Pusan National University)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: During this talk, we study symplectic/Hamiltonian circle actions on symplectic manifolds that have fixed points. We discuss when a symplectic action is Hamiltonian, and the existence of a symplectic action with fixed points, which is not Hamiltonian. We discuss classifications of a symplectic action when there are few fixed points. We discuss classifications of Hamiltonian actions in low dimensions (up to dimension 4).

02 August 2021

Title: Three Important Examples

Speaker: Scott Carter

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Boy’s Surface, Gilller’s Surface, and Fox’s Example 12 are among the most important examples of which we know that illustrate problems in embedding surfaces in 4-dimensional space (smoothly and with the standard smooth structures). The talk begins with a discussion of decker sets in general. Constructions of all three surface will be presented in  fairly complete ways. 

Since these examples are quite well-known (even though I am not sure what we mean by a well-known mathematical example), not a lot of new material will be discussed. On the other hand in my own experience, not so geometrically inclined researcher have troubles with the diagrammatic methodology. So it is my hope that by seeing these examples, these same researchers will become more comfortable with the methods.

28 July 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Scanning diffeomorphisms

Speaker: Ryan Budney

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: Cerf gave a beautiful homotopy-equivalence, a map we call scanning, between the space of diffeomorphisms of the n-disc (fixing boundary) Diff(D^n) and the loop space of embeddings of a co-dimension one disc ΩEmb(D^{n−1},D^n). The "barbell manifold" is our term for the boundary connect-sum of two copies of S^{n−1}×D^2. We will use a weak form of Cerf's scanning map to show a family of diffeomorphisms of the barbell manifold is non-trivial. We then proceed to embed the barbell manifold in S^1×D^n and check the extensions of the barbell diffeomorphism families to Diff(S^1×D^n) are homotopically non-trivial, using another scanning map. This allows us to show π_{n−3} Diff(S^1×D^n) is not finitely generated for all n≥3. One way of restating this result is that the component of the unknot in the space of smooth embeddings Emb(S^{n−1},S^{n+1}) has a not-finitely-generated (n−2)-nd homotopy group, for all n≥3.  Our invariants of diffeomorphism groups can be thought of as (low order) Vassiliev invariants, generalizing previous work of Budney-Conant-Sinha-Scannell on quadrisecants.   If there is time I will sketch recent generalizations where we compute subgroups of \pi_0 Diff(S^1 x D^n) for all n >= 3, connecting the work of Hatcher-Wagoner to our own.

26 July 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Degenerations of skein algebras and pants decomposition

Speaker: Hiroaki Karuo

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: For a surface with an ideal triangulation, Bonahon and Wong showed that the skein algebra of the surface can be embedded into a quantum torus, where a quantum torus is a non-commutative algebra with nice properties. However, the case of closed surfaces is still open since their proof used an ideal triangulation essentially and any closed surfaces have no ideal triangulations. In this talk, we give an embedding of a “degeneration” of the skein algebra of a closed surface into a quantum torus. This is joint work with Thang T. Q. Le (Georgia Institute of Technology).

21 July 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Gr\"{o}bner basis for the conjugacy problem of braid groups

Speaker: Xing Chen(Hunan Normal University)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: In 2007 Bokut gave a Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov basis $S$ of the braid group $B_{n+1}$ in the Artin-Garside generators and proved that $S$-irreducible words of the $B_{n+1}$ coincided with the Garside normal form words in the paper [Bokut L.A., Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov basis for the braid group in the Artin-Garside generators, Journal of Symbolic Computation 43 (2008) 397-405]. Using the given basis, we get a Gr\"{o}bner basis of the conjugacy classes of $B_3$, which is corresponding to a new algorithm for the conjugacy problem of this braid group.



19 July 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Uq(sl(2)) quantum invariants for links and 3-manifolds from lagrangian intersections in configuration spaces

Speaker: Cristina Ana-Maria Anghel

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The theory of quantum invariants started with the Jones polynomial and continued with the Reshetikhin-Turaev algebraic construction. In this context, the quantum group Uq(sl(2)) gives the sequence of coloured Jones polynomials. The quantum group at roots of unity gives the sequence of coloured Alexander polynomials. We construct a uni ed topological model for these two sequences of quantum invariants for links. More specifically, we define certain homology classes given by Lagrangian submanifolds in configuration spaces. Then, we prove that the Nth coloured Jones and Nth coloured Alexander invariants come as different specialisations of a state sum of Lagrangian intersections (de ned over 3 variables) in configuration spaces. As a particular case, we see both Jones and Alexander polynomials from the same intersection pairing in a configuration space. In the second part of the talk we discuss a topological model for the Witten-Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants for 3-manifolds, presenting the N th WRT invariant as a state sum of Lagrangian intersections in a fixed configuration space in the punctured disk.


14 July 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Satellite constructions and geometric classification of Brunnian links.

Speaker: Zsuzsanna Dancso (The University of Sydney)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: We study satellite operations on Brunnian links. Firstly, we find two special satellite operations, both of which can construct infinitely many distinct Brunnian links from almost every Brunnian link. Secondly, we give a geometric classication theorem for Brunnian links, characterize the com-

panionship graph defined by Budney, and develop a canonical geometric decomposition, which is simpler than JSJ-decomposition, for Brunnian links. The building blocks of Brunnian links then turn out to be Hopf n-links, hyperbolic Brunnian links, and hyperbolic Brunnian links in unlink-complements. Thirdly, we define an operation to reduce a Brunnian link in an unlink-complement into a new Brunnian link in 3-dimensional sphere and point out some phenomena concerning this operation.



07 July 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Brunn-Minkowski, Aleksandrov-Fenchel, Hodge-Riemann, and other related or similar inequalities that show the unity of mathematics

Speaker: Vladlen Timorin (HSE University, Russia)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: We will discuss important inequalities from different areas of mathematics (convex geometry, algebraic geometry, complex analysis, combinatorics, probability and information theory) as well as briefly comment upon deep relationships between them.




05 July 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Dehn colorings and vertex-weight invariants for spatial graphs

Speaker: Kanako Oshiro

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: In this talk, we consider Dehn colorings for spatial graphs, and give a family of spatial graph invariants which are called vertex-weight invariants. The invariants are used to give the complete classification for vertex conditions of Dehn colorings.

We give some examples of spatial graphs that can be distinguished by a vertex-weight invariant, whereas distinguished by neither their constituent links nor the number of Dehn colorings with no vertex condition. This is a joint work with Natsumi Oyamaguchi.


28 June 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Quantum invariants of 3-manifolds with boundary

Speaker: Eiji Ogasa

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Kauffman and the speaker defined quantum invariants of compacct oriented 3-manifolds with boundary such that the boundary is a disjoint union of two diffeomorphic closed oriented surfaces. We used quantum invariants of framed virtual links introduced by Dye and Kauffman (arXiv:math/0407407).



23 June 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Welded Tangles and the Kashiwara-Vergne Groups

Speaker: Zsuzsanna Dancso (The University of Sydney)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: In this talk I will explain a general method of "translating" between a topological problem - the search for homomorphic expansions, also known as universal finite type invariants - and the algebraic problem of solving equations of graded spaces. I'll introduce and review the applications of this method from the 90's to today: Drinfel'd associators and parenthesised braids, Grothendieck-Teichmuller groups, welded tangles and the Alekseev-Enriquez-Torossian formulation of the Kashiwara-Vergne equations, and most recently, a topological description of the Kashiwara-Vergne groups. The "recent" portion of the talk is based on joint work with Iva Halacheva and Marcy Robertson (arXiv: 2106.02373), and joint work with Dror Bar-Natan (arXiv: 1405.1955).


21 June 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: A Khovanov stable homotopy type for links in thickened surfaces

Speaker: Igor M. Nikonov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Khovanov homology is well known knot invariant that was enhanced in many ways. For example, M. Asaeda, J. Przytycki, and A. Sikora modified the homology construction for knots in thickened surfaces to appreciate the homotopical properties of the knot embeddings. On the other hand, for any classical knot, R. Lipschitz and S. Sarkar gave a construction of invariant topological space whose homology coincides with the Khovanov homology of the knot. In the talk we show how these two different enhancement of the Khovanov homology can be combined in one construction.


16 June 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Deck transformations for Digraphs and Twisted Path Homology

Speaker: Shiquan Ren (YMSC)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: In this talk, we study the covering spaces for digraphs. We define the corresponding deck transformations for digraphs. As examples, we try to calculate these deck transformations on some explicit digraphs. Finally, we define the twisted path homology for digraphs. (this is joint work with Prof. Yong Lin. This work is not finished yet.)

09 June 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Finite groups of birational automorphisms

Speaker: Constantin Shramov (Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS, Russia)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: A celebrated theorem of C.Jordan claims that  any finite subgroup of GLn(C) has a normal abelian subgroup  of index bounded by a constant that depends only on n. J.-P.Serre pointed out that a similar property holds  if one replaces GLn(C) by the much more complicated group of birational automorphisms of the projective plane. I will survey the known results about Jordan property of  automorphism groups and birational automorphism groups of algebraic varieties, and will also mention parallels with similar results concerning diffeomorphism groups

of smooth compact manifolds.


07 June 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On Fukaya-Seidel category and Khovanov homology

Speaker: Andriy Haydys

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: I will talk about a construction of the Fukaya-Seidel category for the holomorphic Chern-Simons functional. This involves certain gauge-theoretic equations, which are conjecturally related also to Khovanov homology.


02 June 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Virtual knot theory methods in topology II. Partiy and cobordisms in the cylinder.

Speaker:  Vassily O. Manturov

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: We shall present a general theory of constructing free-group valued invariants of knots in the full torus. We shall touch on the applications of these invariants: sliceness obstructions, potential invariants of 3-manifolds.


31 May 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: The algebraic theory of quandles

Speaker:  David Stanovsky

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract:  Quandle coloring provides an interesting knot invariant which is particularly useful for the algorithmic treatment of the knot equivalence problem. In the lecture, I will explain the algebraic tools that can be used to construct and enumerate various types of quandles suitable for knot coloring, including Joyce's classification of simple quandles, a group theoretic approach to connected quandles, and a universal algebraic approach to solvability and nilpotence for quandles.


26 May 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov bases for the Coxeter groups of the types  $G_2,F_4,E_6,E_7$ and $E_8$

Speaker:  Jun Wang (Capital Normal University)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract:  The author is mainly interest in the Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov bases of finite Coxeter groups.  It is known that the finite Coxeter groups are classified in terms of Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams. Under the fixed order, it is worth mention that the presentation of group determines the Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov bases of group. In this paper, the author rearranges the generators, marks them on Coxeter-Dynkin diagrams, and gets a simple presentation of the Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov bases for Coxeter groups of types $G_2, F_4, E_6$ and $E_7$. This article also gives the  Gr\"{o}bner-Shirshov basis of Coxeter group of type $E_8$.


24 May 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On biquandles for the groups $G^k_n$ and surface singular braid monoid

Speaker:  Igor M. Nikonov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract:  The groups $G^k_n$ were defined by V. O. Manturov in order to describe dynamical systems in configuration systems. In the talk we will consider two applications of this theory: we define a biquandle structure on the groups $G^k_n$, and construct a homomorphism from the surface singular braid monoid to the group $G^2_n$.



20 May 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Recent Progress on Diophantine Equations in Two Variables

Speaker: Minhyong Kim (University of Warwick)

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract:  The study of rational or integral solutions to polynomial equations f(x_1, x_2,.., x_n)=0 is among the oldest subjects in mathematics. After a brief description of its modern history, we will review a few of the breakthroughs of the last few decades and some recent geometric approaches to describing sets of solutions when the number of variables is 2.



19 May 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Algebraic nonintegrability of magnetic billiards on the sphere and hyperbolic plane.

Speaker:  Andrey Mironov (Novosibirsk State University)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract:  We consider billiard ball motion in a convex domain on a constant curvature surface influenced by the constant magnetic field. We examine the existence of integral of motion which is polynomial in velocities. We prove that if such an integral exists then the boundary curve of the domain determines an algebraic curve in C^3 which must be nonsingular. Using this fact we deduce that for any domain different from round disc for all but finitely many values of the magnitude of the magnetic field billiard motion does not have Polynomial in velocities integral of motion. The talk is based on joint papers with Misha Bialy (Tel Aviv University).



17 May 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Hyperbolic Brunnian links

Speaker:  Bai Sheng

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract:  We present practical methods to show a Brunnian link is hyperbolic. These methods, belonging to geometric topology, are based on observation and worked by hand. They are generally applicable. Typical examples illustrate their efficiency. We thus determine hyperbolicity for all of the known Brunnian links in literatures except two families. Especially, we discover several infinite families of hyperbolic Brunnian links.



12 May 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Quaternionic conjugation spaces

Speaker:  Theodore Popelensky (Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract:  There is a considerable amount of examples of spaces $X$ equipped with an involution $\tau$  such that the mod 2--cohomology rings $H^{2*}(X)$ and $H^*(X^\tau)$ are isomorphic.    Hausmann, Holm, and Puppe  have shown that such an isomorphim is a part of a certain structure on equivariant cohomology of $X$ and $X^\tau$, which is called an {\it $H$-frame}.

    The simplest examples are complex Grassmannians and  flag manifolds with complex conjugation.  We develop a  similar notion of $Q$-frame which appears in the situation when a space $X$ is equipped with two commuting involutions $\tau_1,\tau_2$ and the mod 2-cohomology rings  $H^{4*}(X)$ and $H^*(X^{\tau_1,\tau_2})$ are isomorphic.

Motivating examples are quaternionic Grassmannians and quaternionic flag manifolds equipped with

two complex involutions. We show naturality and uniqueness of $Q$-framing.

We prove that $Q$-framing can be defined for direct limits, products, etc. of $Q$-framed spaces.

This list of operations contains glueing a disk in $\HH^n$ with complex involutions $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$ to a $Q$-framed space by an equivariant map of boundary sphere.

An imporant part of $H$-frame structure in paper by H.--H.--P. was so called {\em conjugation equation}.

Franz and Puppe calculated  the  coefficients of the conjugation equation in terms    of the Steenrod squares.

As a part of a $Q$-framing we introduce corresponding structure equation and express its coefficients by explicit formula in terms of the Steenrod operations.



10 May 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: The Jones polynomial, Khovanov homology, and Turaev genus

Speaker: Adam Lowrance

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: The Turaev surface of a link diagram is a surface built from a cobordism between the all-A and all-B Kauffman states of the diagram, and the Turaev genus of a link is the minimum genus of the Turaev surface for any diagram of the link. The Turaev surface was first used to give simple versions of the Kauffman-Mursaugi-Thistlethwaite proofs of some Tait conjectures.


In this talk, we first give a brief history of the Turaev surface, the Turaev genus of a link, and some related applications. We then discuss some recent results on the extremal and near extremal terms in the Jones polynomial and Khovanov homology of a Turaev genus one link.



05 May 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Simple closed curves on surfaces

Speaker: Huang Yi

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: The behaviour of simple closed curves on surfaces can reveal a great deal of geometric information about the underlying surface. We look at three theories within this theme, all pertaining to hyperbolic surfaces:

1. Birman and Series's geodesic sparsity theorem,

2. McShane and Rivin's simple length spectrum growth rate asymptotics (as well as later improvements by Mirzakhani), and

3. McShane identities.

I plan to give a feel for why these results hold, as well as my input in extending these results to more general types of surfaces.




03 May 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Discontinuously basic sets and the 13th problem of Hilbert

Speaker: Ivan Rechetnikov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A subset $M \subset \textbf{R}^3$ is called a \emph{discontinuously basic subset}, if for any funciton $f \colon M \to \textbf{R}$ there exist such functions $f_1; f_2; f_3 \colon \textbf{R} \to R$ that $f(x_1, x_2, x_3) = f_1(x_1) + f_2(x_2) + f_3(x_3)$ for each point $(x_1, x_2, x_3)\in M$. We will prove a criterion for a discontinuous basic subset for some specific subsets in terms of some graph properties. We will also introduce several constructions for mimimal discontinuous non-basic subsets.



28 April 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Concordance invariants and Turaev genus

Speaker: Seungwon Kim (IBS, Korea)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: In this talk, we consider an infinite number of lower bounds of Turaev genus from differences between various concordance invariants of knots. Using the fact that our bounds are non-trivial for some quasi-alternating knots, we showed the additivity of Turaev genus for certain knots. This leads us to the first example of an infinite family of quasi-alternating knots with Turaev genus exactly g for any fixed positive integer g, solving a question of Champanerkar-Kofman. This is a joint work with Hongtaek Jung and Sunkyung Kang.



26 April 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title:A method for distingiushing Legendrian and transverse links

Speaker: Ivan Dynnikov

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Legendrian (respectively, transverse) links are smooth links in the three-space that are tangent (respectively, transverse) to the standard contact structure. Deciding whether two such links are equivalent modulo a contactomorphism is a hard problem in general. Many topological invariants of Legendrian and transverse links are known, but they do not suffice for a classification even in the case of knots of crossing number six.


In recent joint works with Maxim Prasolov and Vladimir Shastin we developed a rectangular diagram machinery for surfaces and links in the three-space. This machinery has a tight connection with contact topology, namely with Legendrian links and Giroux's convex surfaces. We are mainly interested in studying rectangular diagrams of links that cannot be monotonically simplified by means of elementary moves. It turns out that this question is nearly equivalent to classification of Legendrian links.


The main outcome we have so far is an algorithm for comparing two Legendrian (or transverse) links. The computational complexity of the algorithm is, of course, very high, but, in many cases, certain parts of the procedure can be bypassed, which allows us to distinguish quite complicated Legendrian knots. In praticular, we have managed to provide an example of two inequivalent Legendrian knots cobounding an annulus tangent to the standrard contact structure along the entire boundary. Such examples were previously unknown.


The work is supported by the Russian Science Foundation under

grant 19-11-00151

21 April 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title:Milnor-Witt Motive of Varieties

Speaker: Nanjun Yang

Organization:Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: The Chow-Witt group is a kind of cohomology theory of smooth varieties which encodes information of singular cohomology of both real and complex points. It admits significant applications in classifying vector bundles.
Recently, B. Calmès, F. Déglise and J. Fasel defined a kind of motivic theory representing the Chow-Witt groups, namely the Milnor-Witt (abbr. MW) motives. It's rationally equivalent to the motivic stable homotopy category defined by F. Morel. In this talk, we compute the MW-motive of projective bundles, blow-ups, Grassmannians and complete flags, which give new important technical tools to study MW-motives and motivic stable homotopy category.



19 April 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Multi-crossings and Petal Number for Classical and Virtual Knots

Speaker: Colin Adams

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Instead of considering projections of knots with two strands crossing at every crossing, we can ask for n strands to cross at every crossing. We will show that every knot and link has such an n-crossing projection for all integers n greater than 1 and therefore an n-crossing number. We also show that every knot has a projection with a single multi-crossing and no nested loops, which is a petal projection and which generates a petal number.  We will discuss these ideas for both classical and virtual knots.


14 April 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)


Title:An alternative construction of the zip period maps for Shimura varieties

Speaker: Yan Quijun

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: A modern way of defining Ekedahl-Oort stratification for the special fibre, say $S$, of a Shimura variety is via constructing some zip period map, that is a map from $S$ to a zero-dimensional Artin stack, called the stack of G-zips. I will explain in this talk how to construct the zip period map using p-adic methods.


12 April 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Derivation of Schubert normal forms of 2-bridge knots from (1,1)-diagrams
Speaker: Hyeran Cho, The Ohio State University

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: A genus one 1-bridge knot (simply called a (1, 1)-knot) is a knot that can be decomposed into two trivial arcs embed in two solid tori in a genus one Heegaard splitting of a lens space. A (1,1)-knot can be described by a (1,1)-diagram D(a, b, c, r) determined by four integers a, b, c, and r. It is known that every 2-bride knot is a (1, 1)-knot and has a (1, 1)-diagram of the form D(a, 0, 1, r). In this talk, we give the dual diagram of D(a, 0, 1, r) explicitly and present how to derive a Schubert normal form of a 2-bridge knot from the dual diagram. This gives an alternative proof of the Grasselli and Mulazzani’s result asserting that D(a, 0, 1, r) is a (1, 1)-diagram of 2-bridge knot with a Schubert normal form b(2a+1, 2r).


08 April 2021, 17:30 - (UTC+3)


Title:New criteria and constructions of Brunnian links

Speaker: Bai Sheng

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: We present two practical and widely applicable methods, including some criteria and a general procedure, for detecting Brunnian property of a link, if each component is known to be unknot. The methods are based on observation and handwork. They are used successfully for all Brunnian links known so far. Typical examples and extensive experiments illustrate their efficiency. As an application, infinite families of Brunnian links are created and we establish a general way to construct new ones in bulk. This is a joint work with Weibiao Wang.



07 April 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)


Title:An elementary introduction to Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type

Speaker: Eiji Ogasa

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: I will talk an elementary introduction to Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type.

The graded cohomology of Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type for a link is Khovanov homology of the link. Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type is stronger than Khovanov homology as link invariants.

I will explain an outline of the idea of Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type mainly.

Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type is generalized by Kauffman-Ogasa, and by Kauffman-Nikonov-Ogasa.

Kauffman-Ogasa: Steenrod square for virtual links toward Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type for virtual links

Kauffman-Nikonov-Ogasa: Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar homotopy type for links in thickened higher genus surfaces arxiv2007.09241[math.GT]

Kauffman-Ogasa introduced Khovanov-Lipshits-Sarkar homotopy type for Manturov’s extension of Khovanov homology. Alternative definitions of Manturov’s one are written in Dye-Kaestner-Kauffman, and Nikonov.
Kauffman-Nikonov-Ogasa defined Khovanov-Lipshits-Sarkar homotopy type for Asaeda-Pryzy-Shikora’s generalization of Khovanov homology. Alternative definitions of Asaeda-Pryzy-Shikora’s one is made by Manturov-Nikonov.



05 April 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)


Title:Virtual knot theory methods in classical topology. Part 2: Classical links on the cylinder

Speaker: Vassily O. Manturov, Sera Kim, Seongjeong Kim

Organization: Knots and representation theory

Abstract: This talk is a part of the project of creating ``non-commutative'' invariants in topology. The main idea is to replace ``characteristic classes'' of moduli spaces with ``characteristic loops''. We discuss ``the last stage'' of the talk devoted to the abstract objects we get in the end: the free knots, and discuss their invariants valued in free groups. These invariants allow one to detect easily mutations, invertibility, and other phenomena. We shall use parity on the cylinder to construct classical link invariants valued in free groups.


01 April 2021, 17:30 - (UTC+3)


Title:I Still don't Understand the Alexander Polynomial

Speaker: Dror Bar-Natan

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: As an algebraic knot theorist, I still don't understand the Alexander polynomial. There are two conventions as for how to present tangle
theory in algebra: one may name the strands of a tangle, or one may name their ends. The distinction might seem too minor to matter, yet it leads
to a completely different view of the set of tangles as an algebraic structure. There are lovely formulas for the Alexander polynomial as viewed from either perspective, and they even agree where they meet. But the "strands" formulas know about strand doubling while the "ends" ones don't, and the "ends" formulas know about skein relations while the "strands" ones don't. There ought to be a common generalization, but I don't know what it is.



31 March 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)


Title:Choosing points on cubic plane curves

Speaker: Weiyan Chen (YMSC)

Organization: Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar

Abstract: It is a classical topic to study structures of certain special points on complex smooth cubic plane curves, for example, the 9 flex points and the 27 sextactic points. We consider the following topological question asked by Farb: Is it true that the known algebraic structures give all the possible ways to continuously choose n distinct points on every smooth cubic plane curve, for each given positive integer n? This work is joint with Ishan Banerjee.


29 March 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)


Title:Toric topology of the Grassmann manifolds

Speaker: Svjetlana Terzi ́c

Organization :Knots and representation theory

Abstract: It is a classical problem to study the canonical action of the compact torus $T^{n}$ on a Grassmann manifold $G_{n,2}$ which is connected to a series of problems in modern algebraic topology, algebraic geometry and mathematical physics.

The aim of the talk is to present the recent results which are concerned with the description of the orbit space $G_{n,2}/T^n$ in term of the new notions:
1. universal space of parameters $\mathcal{F}_{n}$;
2. virtual spaces of parameters $\widetilde{F}_{\sigma}\subset \mathcal{F}_{n}$ which correspond to the strata $W_{\sigma}$ in stratification $G_{n,2} = \cup _{\sigma} W_{\sigma}$ defined in terms of the Pl\"ucker coordinates;
3. projections $\widetilde{F}_{\sigma}\to F_{\sigma}$ for the spaces of parameters $F_{\sigma}$ which correspond to the strata $W_{\sigma}$.

In the course of the talk it will be described the chamber decomposition of the hypersimplex $\Delta _{n,2}$ which is defined by the special arrangements of hyperplanes and represents one of the basic tools for the description of the orbit space $G_{n,2}/T^n$ in terms of the given notions.

24 March 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)


Title:Dual boundary complexes of Betti moduli spaces over the punctured sphere

Speaker: Tao Su (YMSC) 


The homotopy type conjecture is part of the geometric P=W conjecture in non-abelian Hodge theory over curves, which concerns how the irreducible components of the boundary divisor intersect in a log compactification of the Betti moduli space. More precisely, it states that: over a (punctured) Rimann surface, the (smooth) Betti moduli space/character variety M_B (of complex dimension d) has dual boundary complex homotopy equivalent to a sphere (of real dimension d-1).

In this talk, I will consider the case of Betti moduli spaces/wild character varieties over CP^1 with one irregular singularity at infinity, and explain how to verify the homotopy type conjecture in this case via a microlocal perspective. Work in progress.


22 March 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Surface knot theory and related groups

Speaker: Mahender Singh

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

Study of certain isotopy classes of a finite collection of immersed circles without triple or higher intersections on closed oriented surfaces can be thought of as a planar analogue of virtual knot theory where the genus zero case corresponds to classical knot theory. It is intriguing to know which class of groups serves the purpose that Artin braid groups serve in classical knot theory. Mikhail Khovanov proved that twin groups, a class of right angled Coxeter groups with only far commutativity relations, do the job for genus zero case. A recent work shows that an appropriate class of groups called virtual twin groups fits into the theory for higher genus cases. The talk would give an overview of some recent developments along these lines.


17 March 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)


Title:Span of the Jones polynomials of certain v-adequate virtual links

Speaker: Keiichi Sakai 


It is known that the Kauffman–Murasugi–Thislethwaite type inequality becomes an equality for any (possibly virtual) adequate link diagram. We refine this condition. As an application we obtain a criterion for virtual link diagram with exactly one virtual crossing to represent a properly virtual link.


15 March 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: On generalized quandle extensions of a quandle defined on a group

Speaker: Byeorhi Kim

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

In 1980s, Joyce and Matveev introduced a quandle which is an algebraic structure related to knot theory. In the papers, they also showed that for given a group and a group automorphism, there is a quandle structure on the group, later called ’generalized Alexander quandle’. In particular, when the automorphism is an inner automorphism by a fixed element $\zeta$, we denote the quandle operation by $\triangleleft_{\zeta}$. In this talk, we study a relationship between group extensions of a group $G$ and quandle extensions of a generalized Alexander quandle $(G,\\triangleleft_{\zeta})$ whose underlying set coincides with that of $G$. This is a joint work with Y.Bae and S.Carter.

10 March 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title:A special type of connections over symplectic manifold

Speaker: Jiawei Zhou (YMSC) 


Inspried by holomorphically flat, we are studying connections over symplectic manifolds whose curvatures are propotional to the symplectic form. We call these connections symplectically flat. After exploring some properties, I will talk about calculating and classifying this type of connections.

08 March 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Integer Geometry

Speaker: Mehdi Golafshan

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

In many questions, the geometric approach gives an intuitive visualization that leads to a better understanding of a problem and sometimes even to its solution. In the advanced mathematics we give an interpretation of the elements of continued fractions in terms of integer geometry, with the continued fractions being associated to certain invariants of integer angles. The geometric viewpoint on continued fractions also gives key ideas for generalizing Gauss–Kuzmin statistics to studying multidimensional Gauss’s reduction theory, leading to several results in toric geometry. The notion of geometry in general can be interpreted in many different ways.In this book we think of a geometry as of a set of objects and a congruence relation, which is normally defined by some group of transformations. For instance, in Euclidean geometry in the plane, we study points, lines, segments, polygons, circles, etc., with the congruence relation being defined by the group of all length-preserving transformations O(2, R) (the orthogonal group). The aim of this course is to introduce basic ideas of integer geometry.

04 March 2021, 17:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Flavors of bicycle mathematics

Speaker: Sergei Tabachnikov

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

This talk concerns a naive model of bicycle motion: a bicycle is a segment of fixed length that can move so that the velocity of the rear end is always aligned with the segment. Surprisingly, this simple model is quite rich and has connections with several areas of research, including completely integrable systems. Here is a sampler of problems that I hope to touch upon:

1) The trajectory of the front wheel and the initial position of the bicycle uniquely determine its motion and its terminal position; the monodromy map sending the initial position to the terminal one arises. This mapping is a Moebius transformation, a remarkable fact that has various geometrical and dynamical consequences.

2) The rear wheel track and a choice of the direction of motion uniquely determine the front wheel track; changing the direction to the opposite, yields another front track. These two front tracks are related by the bicycle (Backlund, Darboux) correspondence, which defines a discrete time dynamical system on the space of curves. This system is completely integrable and it is closely related with another, well studied, completely integrable dynamical system, the filament (a.k.a binormal, smoke ring, local induction) equation.

3) Given the rear and front tracks of a bicycle, can one tell which way the bicycle went? Usually, one can, but sometimes one cannot. The description of these ambiguous tire tracks is an open problem, intimately related with Ulam's problem in flotation theory (in dimension two): is the round ball the only body that floats in equilibrium in all positions? This problem is also related to the motion of a charge in a magnetic field of a special kind. It turns out that the known solutions are solitons of the planar version of the filament equation.

03 March 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On Heegaard genus of cyclic coverings of two-bridge knots

Speaker: Fengling Li

Organization : Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar (by Zoom)

In this talk, we discuss 3-manifolds which are cyclic coverings of 3-sphere branched over a special class of 2-bridge knots.

An upper bound for Heegaard genus of these 3-manifolds is obtained. This is joint work with Miaowang Li, Fengchun Lei and Andrei Vesnin.

01 March 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Introduction to universal construction of topological theories

Speaker: M. Khovanov

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

A multiplicative function on diffeomorphism classes of n-manifolds extends to a functorial assignment of state spaces to (n-1)-manifolds. Resulting topological theories are interesting already in very low dimensions. We'll explain the framework for these theories and provide a number of examples.

24 February 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Virtual knot theory methods in algebraic topology

Speaker: V.O. Manturov

Organization : Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar (by Zoom)

The aim of the program is to make invariants of topological objects "non-commutative", make them valued "rather in 1-homotopy than homology" and to look at "characteristic cycles instead of characteristic classes". In this talk I discussed only a part of that program: just for usual knots, but potentially we can take whatever non simply connected manifold (or moduli space) to study it by using these methods.


The key examples come from virtual knot spaces where one can easily calculate invariants valued in "pictures" (diagrams of virtual knots) which are quite similar to free groups (from the point of view of unique minimal representative).


These pictures contain much more powerful information than "polynomial", "homological" or even "categorified" invariants.


Such structures naturally appear whenever the moduli spaces of studied objects possess "nice real codimension 1-subspaces" which is often the case.

22 February 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Quaternionic conjugation spaces

Speaker: Th. Yu. Popelensky

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

There is a considerable amount of examples of spaces $X$ equipped with an involution $\tau$

such that the mod 2--cohomology rings $H^{2*}(X)$ and $H^*(X^\tau)$ are isomorphic.

Hausmann, Holm, and Puppe have shown that such an isomorphim is a part of a certain structure

on equivariant cohomology of $X$ and $X^\tau$, which is called an {\it $H$-frame}.

The simplest examples are complex Grassmannians and flag manifolds with complex conjugation.

We develop a similar notion of $Q$-frame which appears in the situation

when a space $X$ is equipped with two commuting involutions $\tau_1,\tau_2$ and

the mod 2-cohomology rings $H^{4*}(X)$ and $H^*(X^{\tau_1,\tau_2})$ are isomorphic.

Motivating examples are quaternionic Grassmannians and quaternionic flag manifolds equipped with

two complex involutions. We show naturality and uniqueness of $Q$-framing.

We prove that $Q$-framing can be defined for direct limits, products, etc. of $Q$-framed spaces.

This list of operations contains glueing a disk in $\HH^n$ with complex involutions $\tau_1$ and $\tau_2$ to a $Q$-framed space by an equivariant map of boundary sphere.


An imporant part of $H$-frame structure in paper by H.--H.--P. was so called {\em conjugation equation}.

Franz and Puppe calculated the coefficients of the conjugation equation in terms of the Steenrod squares.

As a part of a $Q$-framing we introduce corresponding structure

equation and express its coefficients by explicit formula in terms of the Steenrod operations.

18 February 2021, 17:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: On periodic solutions of the quasilinear Euler-Bernoulli equation

Speaker: Rudakov I.A.

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

The problems related to the problem of periodic solutions of the quasilinear Euler-Bernoulli equation with homogeneous boundary conditions on the segment are discussed. The asymptotic formulas of the corresponding Sturm-Liouville problem for eigenfunctions and eigenvalues, as well as the conditions for the invertibility of the differential operator of the equation, are obtained. For the quasilinear Euler-Bernoulli equation, the conditions of existence, uniqueness, non-existence, and countable solvability are obtained.

17 February 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: On the algebraic structures of the quantum generalized Heisenberg algebras

Speaker: Farrokh Razavinia

Organization : Moscow-Beijing Topology Seminar (by Zoom)

In this talk, I will present a newly defined noncommutative class of algebras which we call quantum generalized Heisenberg algebras (qGHAs for short) related to generalized Heisenberg algebras; and I will investigate some of their algebraic structures.
This talk is based on two of our recently published preprints with Arxiv identifications 2004.09301 and 2009.05270, which are joint work with Professor Samuel Lopes.

15 February 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: An excursion on doodles on surfaces and virtual twins

Speaker: Neha Nanda (Mohali, India)

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

Study of certain isotopy classes of a finite collection of immersed circles without triple or higher intersections on closed oriented surfaces can be thought of as a planar analogue of virtual knot theory where the genus zero case corresponds to classical knot theory. Alexander and Markov theorems for the classical setting is well-known, where the role of groups is played by twin groups, a class of right-angled Coxeter groups with only far commutativity relations. In the talk, Alexander and Markov theorems for higher genus case, where the role of groups is played by a new class of groups called virtual twin groups, will be discussed which is work in collaboration with Dr Mahender Singh. Furthermore, recent work on structural aspects of these groups will be addressed which is a joint work with Dr Mahender Singh and Dr Tushar Kanta Naik.

11 February 2021, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Некоторые граничные и геометрические свойства решений эллиптических систем на плоскости

Speaker: Астамур Багапш

Abstract: Обсуждаются вопросы разрешимости задачи Дирихле и однолистности отображений решениями эллиптических систем на плоскости. Для исследования этих вопросов оператор системы представляется в виде возмущения оператора Лапласа по малым параметрам, а сами решения аппроксимируются функциями с кусочно постоянными данными на границе. В докладе будет описано поведение решений систем вблизи граничной точки со скачком граничных данных, а также установлен принцип аргумента и его следствия для таких решений – нужный инструмент для дальнейшего исследования вопроса однолистности.


This is the joint work with Farrokh Razavinia and Alexei Kanel-Belov.

10 February 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Quantization proof of Bergman's centralizer theorem

Speaker: Wenchao Zhang

Abstract: Quantization ideas provides a new vision in some classical areas in algebra. In this talk, we will present a quantization proof of Bergman's centralizer theorem that the centralizer of any non-scalar element of the free associative algebra is isomorphic to one dimensional polynomial algebra. We first give the reduction of the free associative algebra to the algebra of generic matrices, then we proved that the "quantized commutator" of two non-singular generic matrices is non-zero which contradicts with the hypothesis. Thus, we obtain that there is non rank two commutative subalgebra in the free associative algebra.


This is the joint work with Farrokh Razavinia and Alexei Kanel-Belov.

08 February 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Algebraic structures in knot theory

Speaker: Manpreet Singh (Mohali, India)

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

A virtual knot is a smooth, simple closed curve in a thickened compact oriented surfaces considered up to ambient isotopy, stabilisation/destabilisation and orientation preserving homeomorphism of surfaces. Kuperberg proves that every virtual link has a unique representative as a link up to ambient isotopy in a thickened surface of the minimal genus. A classical knot theory is the study of smooth embedding of circles in the 3-sphere up to ambient isotopy. Considering classical theory as the study of links in the thickened 2-sphere, the preceding result implies that classical knot theory is embedded inside virtual knot theory. One of the fundamental problems in knot theory is the classification of knots. In the classical case, the fundamental group of the knot complement space is a well known invariant. But there are examples where it fails to distinguish distinct knots. Around the 1980s, Matveev and Joyce introduce a complete classical knot invariant (up to the orientation of the knot and the ambient space) using distributive groupoids (quandles), known as the knot quandle.

In the talk, I will describe the construction of knot quandle given by Matveev. I will introduce the notion of residually finite quandles and prove that all link quandles are residually finite. Using this, I will prove that the word problem is solvable for link quandle. I will discuss the orderability of quandles, in particular for link quandles. Since all link groups are left-orderable, it is reasonable to expect that link quandles are left (right)-orderable. In contrast, I will show that orderability of link quandle behave quite differently than that of the corresponding link groups. I will also introduce a recent combinatorial generalisation of virtual links to which we name as marked virtual links. I will associate groups and peripheral structures to these diagrams and study their properties.

04 February 2021, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On Quantization of Coulomb Branches

Speaker: Du Pei

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

The study of Coulomb branches of supersymmetric quantum field theories has in recent years led to many interesting insights into geometry and representation theory. In this talk, I will discuss the A-models with Coulomb branch targets, and show how to use them to better understand the representation theory of double affine Hecke algebras.

03 February 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On links in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$ and its lifting

Speaker: S. Kim

Organization : Moscow-Beijing topology seminar

A virtual knot, which is one of generalizations of knots in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ (or $S^{3}$), is, roughly speaking, an embedded circle in thickened surface $S_{g} \times I$. In this talk we will discuss about knots in 3 dimensional $S_{g} \times S^{1}$. We introduce basic notions for knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$, for example, diagrams, moves for diagrams and so on. For knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$ technically we lose over/under information, but we will have information how many times the knot rotates along $S^{1}$. We will discuss the geometric meaning of the rotating information.

01 February 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Invariants of free knots valued in free groups

Speaker: V.O. Manturov

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

This talk is a part of the project of creating ``non-commutative'' invariants in topology. The main idea is to replace ``characteristic classes'' of moduli spaces with ``characteristic loops''. We discuss ``the last stage'' of the talk devoted to the abstract objects we get in the end: the free knots, an discuss their invariants valued in free groups.

These invariants allow one to detect easily mutations, invertibility, and other phenomena.

28 January 2021, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Geometrization, integrability and knots
Speaker: A.P. Veselov (Loughborough University, UK and Moscow State University, Russia)

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU
Abstract: I will discuss the coexistence of the chaos and Liouville integrability in relation with Thurston’s geometrization programme, using as the main example the geodesic flows on the 3-folds with SL(2,R)-geometry.
A particular case of such manifold SL(2,R)/SL(2,Z) is known after Milnor and Quillen to be topologically equivalent to the complement of the trefoil knot in 3-sphere. I will explain that the remarkable results of Ghys about modular and Lorenz knots can be naturally extended to the integrable region, where in the limit we have only the cable knots of trefoil.
The talk is based on a joint work with Alexey Bolsinov and Yiru Ye.

27 January 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Alexander Polynomial of Ribbon Knots
Speaker: Bai Sheng

Organization : Moscow-Beijing topology seminar
Abstract: We will show that Conway-normalized Alexander polynomial of ribbon knots depend only on their ribbon diagrams. Here ribbon diagram means a ribbon spanning the ribbon knot marked with the information of singularities. This work is inspired by Chapter VIII in L. H. Kauffman's On knots.

25 January 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Links in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$ and its lifting
Speaker: Seongjeong Kim

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)
Abstract: A virtual knot, which is one of generalizations of knots in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$ (or $S^{3}$), is, roughly speaking, an embedded circle in thickened surface $S_{g} \times I$. In this talk we will discuss about knots in 3 dimensional $S_{g} \times S^{1}$. We introduce basic notions for knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$, for example, diagrams, moves for diagrams and so on. For knots in $S_{g} \times S^{1}$ technically we lose over/under information, but we will have information how many times the knot rotates along $S^{1}$. We will discuss the geometric meaning of the rotating information.


21 January 2021, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On disproving 4-dimensional Smale Conjecture
Speaker: Selman Akbulut (Michigan State University)

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU
Abstract: We present the construction of a self diffeomorphism of S^4 which is not isotopic to identity. This disproves a 4-dimensional version of the Smale Conjecture.


18 January 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Unexpected applications of homotopical algebra to knot theory.

Speaker : Victoria Lebed

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

Abstract: Interactions between knot theory and homotopical algebra are numerous and natural. But the connections unveiled in this talk are rather unexpected. Following a recent preprint with Markus Szymik, I will explain how homotopy can help one to compute the full homology of racks and quandles. These are certain algebraic structures, useful in knot theory and other areas of mathematics. Their homology plays a key role in applications. Although very easy to define, it is extremely difficult to compute. Complete computations have been done only for a few families of racks. Our methods add a new family to this list, the family of permutation racks. The necessary background on racks and quandles, and their role in braid and knot theories, will be given.

14 January 2021, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title:  Algebraic constructions of link homology

Speaker: Lev Rozansky  (Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: Almost 25 years ago M. Khovanov introduced link homology and interpreted the previously known `quantum' polynomial invariants of links as its graded Euler characteristic. I will review the algebraic methods of constructing the triply-graded and SL(n) link homologies, the emergence of matrix factorizations and the quantum theory interpretation of these constructions.

13 January 2021, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Interlocking structures
Speaker: A.J.Kanel-Belov, I.A.Ivanov-Pogodaev

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom
Abstract: Consider a set of contacting convex figures in $R^2$. It can be  proven that one of these figures can be moved out of the set by translation without disturbing others. Therefore, any set of planar figures can be disassembled by moving all figures one by one.

However, attempts to generalize it to $R^3$ have been unsuccessful and finely quite unexpectedly of convex bodies were  found.  Author proposed a follows mechanical use of this effect. In a small grain there is no room for cracks, and crack propagation should be arrested on the boundary of the grain. On the other hand, grains keep each other. So it is possible to get "materials without crack propagation" and get new use of sparse materials, say ceramics. Quite unexpectedly, such structures can be assembled with any type of platonic polyhedra, and they have a geometric beauty.
The talk is devoted to the different structures.

This is the work by A.Ya.Kanel-Belov (jointly with Estrin, Dyskin, Ivanov-Pogodaev, Pesin, E. Pasternak).

11 January 2021, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : On noncommutative geometry

Speaker : I.M. Nikonov

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)


Noncommutative (differential) geometry was introduced by Alain Connes about forty years ago. It is based on the correspondence between topological and geometrical objects (manifolds, bundles, differential forms etc.) and algebraic ones (algebras, modules, Hochschild homology etc.)In the talk we review the basic constructions of noncommutative geometry: C*-algebras, cyclic homology and Chern character.

30 December 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: The existence of contact structures on 9-manifolds

28 December 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Arithmetic and quasi-arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups

Speaker : Nikolay Bogachev (Skoltech & MIPT) 

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)


In 1967, Vinberg started a systematic study of hyperbolic reflection groups. In particular, he showed that Coxeter polytopes are natural fundamental domains of hyperbolic reflection groups and developed practically efficient methods that allow to determine compactness or volume finiteness of a given Coxeter polytope by looking at its Coxeter diagram. He also proved a (quasi-)arithmeticity criterion for hyperbolic lattices generated by reflections. In 1981, Vinberg showed that there are no compact Coxeter polytopes in hyperbolic spaces H^n for n>29. Also, he showed that there are no arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups H^n for n>29, either. Due to the results of Nikulin (2007) and Agol, Belolipetsky, Storm, and Whyte (2008) it became known that there are only finitely many maximal arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups in all dimensions. These results give hope that maximal arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups can be classified.
A very interesting moment is that compact Coxeter polytopes are known only up to H^8, and in H^7 and H^8 all the known examples are arithmetic. Thus, besides the problem of classification of arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups (which remains open since 1970-80s) we have another very natural question (which is again open since 1980s): do there exist compact (both arithmetic and non-arithmetic) hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes in H^n for n>8 ?
This talk will be devoted to the discussion of these two related problems. One part of the talk is based on the recent preprint  where some new geometric classification method is described. The second part is based on a joint work with Alexander Kolpakov  where we prove that each lower-dimensional face of a quasi-arithmetic Coxeter polytope, which happens to be itself a Coxeter polytope, is also quasi-arithmetic. We also provide a few illustrative examples.

23 December 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On topological representation theory from quivers
Speaker: Fang Li (Zhejiang University, China)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract :

In this work, we introduce  topological representations of a quiver  as a system consisting of topological spaces and its relationships determined by the quiver. Such a setting gives a natural connection between topological representations of a quiver and diagrams of topological spaces.

First,  we investigate the relation between the category of topological
representations and that of linear representations of a quiver via  $P(\Gamma)$-$\mathcal{TOP}^o$ and $k\Gamma$-Mod, concerning (positively) graded or vertex (positively) graded modules.
Second, we  discuss the homological theory of topological
representations of quivers via  $\Gamma$-limit $Lim^{\Gamma}$ and using it, define the homology groups of topological
representations of quivers via $H_n$. It is found that some properties
of a quiver can be read from homology groups.
Third,  we investigate  the homotopy theory of topological representations of quivers.
We define the homotopy equivalence between two morphisms in $\textbf{Top}\mathrm{-}\textbf{Rep}\Gamma$ and show that the parallel Homotopy Axiom also holds for top-representations based on the homotopy equivalence.
Last, we mainly obtain the functor $At^{\Gamma}$ from $\textbf{Top}\mathrm{-}\textbf{Rep}\Gamma$ to
$\textbf{Top}$ and show that $At^{\Gamma}$ preserves homotopy equivalence between morphisms. The relationship is  established between the homotopy groups of a top-representation $(T,f)$ and the homotopy groups of $At^{\Gamma}(T,f)$.


This is a joint work with Zhihao Wang, Jie Wu, Bin Yu.

21 December 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Virtual Knots, Index Polynomials and the Sawollek Polynomial

Speaker : Louis H Kauffman, UIC

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)


This talk will discuss the Affine Index Polynomial and its relationship with the Sawollek Polynomial for virtual knots and links.

17 December 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On triangulations of polyhedra, monotone sequences of flips, and decompisitions of 3d embedded prismatoids.Speaker: Hang Si

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: A fundamental fact exploited in computational geometry is that one can actually flip between regular triangulations monotonically, in a generalization of what happens for Lawson’s result in the planar Delaunay triangulation. However, the same is not true for non-regular triangulations, in dimensions three and higher.

16 December 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)


14 December 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : The homology cobordism group

Speaker : C. Manolescu

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)


The three-dimensional homology cobordism group is a fundamental object in the study of triangulations of manifolds. Its precise structure is still unknown, but significant progress has been made in recent years using Floer homology. I will present a survey of these developments. 

10 December 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title:Устойчивость порядка и типа при возмущении спектральной меры
Speaker: А. Д. Баранов

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract:  В 2011 году А. Боричев и М. Содин показали, что экспоненциальный тип меры устойчив относительно возмущений, состоящих из экспоненциально малого перераспределения массы и добавления экспоненциально малых слагаемых. Этот факт можно рассматривать как устойчивость цепочек пространств де Бранжа в соответствующих L^2-пространствах. Мы исследуем устойчивость цепочек де Бранжа в L^2-пространствах относительно возмущений той же структуры, допустимый размер которых связан с максимальным ростом функций в цепочке. При этом допустимые возмущения могут оказаться больше, чем в случае экспоненциального типа. Наш основной результат состоит в том, что при переходе к возмущенной мере имеет место альтернатива: либо исходная цепочка де Бранжа остается плотной, либо ее замыкание должно содержать функции с более быстрым ростом. Введено понятие порядка меры и доказаны свойства устойчивости и монотонности для него. Особую роль играют случаи экспоненциального типа (порядок 1) и очень медленного роста (логарифмический порядок не выше 2). Доклад основан на совместной работе с Харальдом Ворачеком (Technische Universität Wien).

09 December 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Distinguishing 4-dimensional geometries via profinite completions
Speaker: Jiming Ma (Fudan University)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : 

It is well-known that there are 19 classes of geometries for 4-dimensional manifolds in the sense of Thurston. We  could ask that to what extent the geometric information is revealed by the profinite completion of the fundamental group of a closed smooth geometric 4-manifold. In this paper, we show that the geometry of a closed orientable 4-manifold in the sense of Thurston could be detected by the profinite completion of its fundamental group except when the geometry is $ \mathbb{H}^{4}$, $\mathbb{H}^{2}_{\mathbb{C}}$ or $\mathbb{H}^2 \times \mathbb{H}^2$.



Moreover, despite the fact that not every smooth 4-manifold could admit one geometry in the sense of Thurston, some 4-dimensional manifolds with Seifert fibred structures are indeed geometric. For a closed orientable Seifert fibred 4-manifold $M$, we show that whether $M$ is geometric could be detected by the profinite completion of its fundamental group.

This is a joint work with Zixi Wang.


This represents joint work with Cristina Anghel and is based on

07 December 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Parity theories for links

Speaker : W. Rushworth

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)


Parity is an extremely powerful construction in the study of virtual knots. However, many of the most useful parity theories do not naturally extend to virtual links. I shall discuss some parity theories for virtual links, and give a number of applications. I'll also advertise some interesting open problems.

02 December 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On the different flavours of Lawrence-Bigelow representations
Speaker: Martin Palmer (IMAR, Romania)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : The family of Lawrence-Bigelow representations of the braid groups are of central importance in the study of the braid groups themselves, as well as their connections with quantum invariants of knots and links. They are an example of a wider class of homological representations of mapping class groups of surfaces, arising from twisted homology of configuration spaces. These homological representations come in many different flavours, depending on the kind of homology theory used, whether we forget part of the boundary or consider homology relative to part of the boundary, and whether we consider twisted homology or instead the homology of an associated covering space. 

We will describe these different constructions of homological representations, and then explain the fundamental relationships between them in terms of non-degenerate pairings, embeddings and isomorphisms. In many cases, the representations are free (as modules), and we will also describe, pictorially, explicit bases for these representations.


This represents joint work with Cristina Anghel and is based on

30 November 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Comparing a new homology theory for trivalent graphs with Khovanov homology for virtual links

Speaker : Scott Baldridge

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

Abstract: In this lecture, I will show how to categorify the 2-factor polynomial to get a homology theory of trivalent ribbon graphs with perfect matchings.  The 2-factor polynomial is useful in graph theory because it counts certain 3-edge colorings of a graph.  I will then introduce the notion of a graphene, which is an equivalence class of ribbon graphs that behaves like a virtual link. Finally, I will compare the homology theory to Khovanov homology of virtual links using graphenes and show that, while the two share many similarities, they are different theories.  


The work on graphenes is joint with Lou Kauffman and Will Rushworth.

26 November 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)



Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU


25 November 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Projective elliptic genera and applications
Speaker: Fei Han (National University of Singapore)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : 

Projective vector bundles (or gerbe modules) are generalizations of vector bundles in the presence of a gerbe on manifolds. Given a projective vector bundle, we will first show how to use it to twist the Witten genus to get modular invariants, which we call projective elliptic genera. Then we will give two applications around this construction: (1) given any pseudodifferential operator, we will construct modular invariants generalizing the Witten genus, which corresponds to the Dirac operator; (2) we will enhance the Hori map in T-duality to the graded Hori map and show that it sends Jacobi forms to Jacobi forms. This represents our joint works with Mathai.

23 November 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Introduction to Relations between Trivalent Graphs and Virtual Knot Theory

Speaker : Louis H Kauffman

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

Abstract: This talk will begin by discussing the Penrose formula for counting the number of proper edge three colorings of a trivalent (planar) graph and its relationships with both perfect matchings of trivalent graphs and with structures in virtual knot theory. We then build a natural functor from the category of virtual trivalent graphs and the category of virtual knot and link diagrams, showing how virtual link invariants inform the structure of the graphs and how the structure of the graphs informs the virtual knot theory. This is joint work with Scott Baldridge, Ben McCarty and William Rushworth.

18 November 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Hyperbolic invariants and some diagrammatic coordinates for SL(2,C) representations
Speaker: Seonhwa Kim (Korean Institute for Advanced Study)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : 

Hyperbolic invariants are knot invariants obtained by the hyperbolic structure of the knot complement. 
I will introduce various diagrammatic (arc-, region-, segment- ) variables and colorings for a knot diagram, which are related to SL(2,C) representation of the knot group.
These coordinates are grown out of the study of Kashaev volume conjecture and the essential idea is a decomposition of a knot complement into ideal octahedra. 

Although the conjecture turned out to be very difficult to prove, we can obtain a useful formula of hyperbolic invariants in terms of those  diagrammatic coordinates.

16 November 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : On the monopole Lefschetz number

Speaker : N. Saveliev

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)

Abstract: Let f be a finite order diffeomorphism of a rational homology 3-sphere M making it into an n-fold cyclic branched cover of a knot in an integral homology sphere. We prove a formula for the Lefschetz number of the map induced by f on the reduced monopole homology of M. This formula is motivated by a variant of Witten's conjecture relating the Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants of 4-manifolds. It has various applications in low-dimensional topology, gauge theory, knot theory, and contact geometry. This is a joint project with Jianfeng Lin and Daniel Ruberman.

05 November 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Khovanov homology and causality in spacetimes

Speaker: В. В. Чернов

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: Мы показываем что гомологии Хованова полностью определяют причинность в случае (2+1)-мерного глобально гиперболического пространства-времени в случае когда поверхность Коши гомеоморфна плоскости. Мы используем этот результат чтобы сделать вывод, что гомологии Хованова могут быть использованы для того чтобы полностью узнать причинность в случае когда поверхность Коши не является двумерной сферой или проективной плоскостью.

Доклад основан на совместной работе докладчика с Г. Мартином (Boston College) и И. Петковой (Dartmouth College), и базируется на технике связывающей Причинность и Лежандрову зацепленность разработанной Стефаном Немировским и докладчиком.

02 November 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title :  A volumish theorem for alternating virtual links

Speaker : I. Kofman

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)


Dasbach and Lin proved a “volumish theorem” for alternating links. We prove the analogue for alternating link diagrams on surfaces, which provides bounds on the hyperbolic volume of a link in a thickened surface in terms of coefficients of its reduced Jones-Krushkal polynomial.  Joint work with Abhijit Champanerkar.

My main topic will be the Voronoi conjecture, a century old conjecture which is, while stated in very simple terms, is still open in general.
The conjecture states that every convex polytope that tiles $\mathbb{R}^d$ with translations can be obtained as an affine image of the Voronoi domain for some lattice.

I plan to survey several known results on the Voronoi conjecture and give an insight on a recent proof of the Voronoi conjecture in the five-dimensional case. The talk is based on a joint work with Alexander Magazinov.

22 October 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Non-real zeroes of homogeneous differential polynomials and a generalisation of the Laguerre and Newton inequalities

Speaker: Mikhail Tyaglov (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: See here

21 October 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Torsion in Khovanov homology of links with smoothing number one
Speaker: Xiao Wang (Jilin University)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract :

Khovanov homology as a categorification of the Jones polynomial is an important link invariant. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the definition of Khovanonv homology(Viro's version), and then show some infinite families of links with smoothing number one, whose Khovanov homology contain 3-8 torsion. Then, we explore some connections between Hochschild homology and Khovanov homology. In particular, we can show that after certain i grading, the Khovanov homology of torus links are zero.

19 October 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Voronoi conjecture for five-dimensional parallelohedra

Speaker : Alexey Garber (The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Skype: knots-in-moscow)


In this talk I am going to discuss a well-known connection between lattices in $\mathbb{R}^d$ and convex polytopes that tile $\mathbdd{R}^d$ with translations only.

My main topic will be the Voronoi conjecture, a century old conjecture which is, while stated in very simple terms, is still open in general.
The conjecture states that every convex polytope that tiles $\mathbb{R}^d$ with translations can be obtained as an affine image of the Voronoi domain for some lattice.

I plan to survey several known results on the Voronoi conjecture and give an insight on a recent proof of the Voronoi conjecture in the five-dimensional case. The talk is based on a joint work with Alexander Magazinov.

15 October 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Reconstruction of the values of algebraic function via polynomial HermitePade m-system

Speaker: A.B. Komlov(Математический институр им. В. А. Стеклова Российской академики наук

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: See here.

14 October 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Braid group actions on the n-adic integers
Speaker: Benjamin Bode (Osaka University)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract :

Braids can be studied as loops in the space of monic complex polynomials with distinct roots. We use this to construct an infinite tower of covering spaces over the configuration space of $n$ unmarked points, which results in an action of the braid group $\mathbb{B}_n$ on the n-adic integers $\mathbb{Z}_n$, which play a prominent role in number theory. In this talk, I am going to prove several properties of this action and discuss possible applications and connections to other areas of braid and knot theory.

12 October 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Envy-free divisions, equivariant maps, and mapping degrees

Speaker : R. Karasev

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)


We consider problems that are inspired by questions of economy and game theory. In mathematical terms, we want to partition the segment into $n$ segments and give the parts to the players so that every player is satisfied and does not envy any other player.

This problem has several mathematically stated variants, for some of them we have a positive answer, for some negative, some of them remain open. We also review two-dimensional and other versions of envy-free partition or equipartition problems and the related abstract results in equivariant topology.

07 October 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Deformed hypertoric algebras and Fukaya categories of complexified hyperplane complements
Speaker: Andrew Manion (University of Southern California)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : I will discuss joint work with Aaron Lauda and Tony Licata giving a conjectural description of certain algebras \tilde{B}(V), deforming algebras B(V) that conjecturally describe Fukaya categories of hypertoric varieties, in terms of wrapped Fukaya categories of complexified hyperplane complements. I will also discuss our proof of this conjecture when V is a cyclic hyperplane arrangement, which makes use of known results describing the Fukaya category of the complement in this case in terms of algebras first introduced by Ozsvath-Szabo in 2016. If time permits, I will discuss relationships with the m=1 amplituhedron, a recent topic of interest in the physics of scattering amplitudes.

05 October 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Adequate Links In Thickened Surfaces And The Generalized Tait Conjectures

Speaker : Adam Sikora

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by Zoom)


We develop a theory of adequacy for link diagrams on surfaces and show that any alternating link diagram on a surface is adequate. We apply our theory to establish the first and second Tait conjectures for adequate link diagrams on surfaces, stating that any adequate link diagram has minimal crossing number, and any two adequate diagrams of the same link have the same writhe.

Let us denote the (Kauffman) skein bracket of a diagram D on a surface Σ by [D]. If D has minimal genus, we show that
span([D]) ≤ 4c(D) + 4|D| − 4g(Σ),
where |D| is the number of connected components of D, c(D) is the number of crossings, and g(Σ) is the genus of Σ. This extends a classical result of Kauffman,
Murasugi, and Thistlethwaite. We further show that the above inequality is an equality if and only if D is alternating. This generalizes a well-known result for classical links and it implies that the skein bracket detects the crossing number for alternating links. As an application, we show that the crossing number is additive under connected sum for adequate links in thickened surfaces. This is joint work with H. Boden and H. Karimi.

30 September 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Envy-free division problem, old and new

Speaker : Gaiane Panina (St.Petersburg State University)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : Imagine that $r$ friends are going to divide a birthday cake (represented by the unit segment).

For every division of the cake into $r$ tiles each of the friends prefers some of the tiles, according to his personal hidden reasons. 

Gale's theorem states that under some natural conditions on preferences,  there exists a partition of the cake such that each person gets a preferred tile. One of these conditions is that all the friends are hungry, and therefore  nobody prefers a degenerate tile, if any.

We will discuss a natural extension of this problem: what happens if it is allowed to choose a degenerate tile? 

(based on papers by Gale, Meunier,  Zerbib, Avvakumov, Karasev, Jojic, P., Zivaljevic)

28 September 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : The Gordon-Litherland pairing for knots and links in thickened surfaces

Speaker : Hans U. Boden

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by skype @knots-in-moscow)


We introduce the Gordon-Litherland pairing for knots and links in thickened surfaces that bound unoriented spanning surfaces. Using the GL pairing, we  define signature and determinant invariants for such links. We relate the invariants to those derived from the Tait graph and Goeritz matrices. These invariants depend only on the $S^*$ equivalence class of the spanning surface, and the determinants give a simple criterion to check if the knot or link is minimal genus. We apply the GL pairing to give a topological characterization of alternating links in thickened surfaces, extending the results of J. Greene and J. Howie. This is joint work with M. Chrisman and H. Karimi.

23 September 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On distribution of primes and divisor functions in arithmetic progressions

Speaker : Fei Wei (YMSC)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : In this talk, we first give a brief introduction to Zhang's work on bounded gaps between primes. He showed that there are infinitely many pairs of primes such that their difference is bounded by a positive constant. Then we introduce the joint work with Zhang and Xue on general divisor functions in arithmetic progressions.


[1] Yitang Zhang, Bounded gaps between primes, Annals of Mathematics, 179(2014), 1121-1174.

[2] Fei Wei, Boqing Xue and Yitang Zhang, General divisor functions in arithmetic progressions to large moduli, Science China Mathematics, vol. 59, issue 9, pp. 1663-1668

21 September 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Mathematics with a taste of Combinatorics on Words FOURTH PART: MATHEMATICAL LOGIC

Speaker : Mehdi Golafshan

Organization : Knots and representation theory 


First, we will review the concepts of first-order logic. Then we will talk about Logical characterization of words. Topics such as Presburger's theorem, Buchi's theorem and Characterization of k-automatic sequences. The application of the subject appears in the Thue-Morse word.

16 September 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: О гипотезе Чуи в пространствах Бергмана

Speaker: К. Ю. Федоровский

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: В докладе будет представлено решение задачи Чуи о наипростейших дробях (т.е. суммах ядер Коши с единичными коэффициентами) в весовых (гильбертовых) пространствах Бергмана. Для широкого класса весов будет показано, что для любого натурального N наипростейшая дробь с N полюсами на единичной окружности имеет минимальную норму в том и только том случае, когда ее полюса равномерно распределены на окружности. Мы приведем точную асимптотику соответствующих норм. Кроме того, мы опишем замыкание наипростейших дробей в весовых пространствах Бергмана. Доклад основан на совместной работе Е. Абакумова, А. Боричева и К. Федоровского (см.

15 September 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Mapping from sphere to Euclidean space

Speaker : Jun Wang (Capital Normal University)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : There are many problems about map from sphere to Euclidean space, like  Borsuk-Ulam theorem, Knaster's problem and so on. This talk is related to Knaster's problem, we  obtain that  the image of  points on sphere under some special maps are equal to each other.  In some sense, the result is  also a generalization of   Borsuk-Ulam theorem.

13 September 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Mathematics with a Taste of Combinatorics on Words,  THIRD PART: ALGEBRA

Speaker : Mehdi Golafshan, Alexei Kanel-Belov

Organization : Knots and representation theory 

Abstract: Abstract algebra is, in some sense, the birthplace of words. Indeed, basic algebraic objects, such as free groups for example, are defined explicitly using words. This has motivated, as we shall see here, the study of many important notions on words, such as Nielsen transformations for example. Also, we will talk about semigroup, quasigroups and so on.

9 September 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: On the poly-freeness of Artin groups

Speaker : Xiaolei Wu (Universität Bielefeld)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : Artin group is an important class of groups under intensive study in recent years. It is a generalization of the braid group. Bestvina asks whether all Artin groups are virtually poly-free. In this talk, we first give an introduction to poly-free groups and Artin groups. We explain some connections with the Farrell-Jones Conjecture. Then we explain some recent progress of Bestvina's question. In particular, we will give a short proof of the fact that Even Artin groups of FC-type are polyfree.  Part of this is joint work with Benjamin Brück and Dawid Kielak.

07 September 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Reidemeister moves for triple-crossing link diagrams

Speaker : Martin Palmer-Anghel 

Organization : Knots and representation theory 


Knots and links are classically represented by diagrams: immersed 1-manifolds in the plane where all crossings consist of exactly two strands intersecting transversely (together with over-under information). A diagram of a given link is unique up to ambient isotopy and the three classical Reidemeister moves. In 2013, Colin Adams introduced the concept of "n-diagrams" for any integer n (at least 2), which are immersed 1-manifolds in the plane where all crossings consist of exactly n strands intersecting transversely (together with over-under information). A natural question arises: are there "higher" Reidemeister moves for n-diagrams, in the sense that any two n-diagrams representing the same link are connected by a finite sequence of these moves? I will present a positive answer for n=3, describing a complete set of (five) moves for 3-diagrams. This represents joint work with Colin Adams and Jim Hoste.

2 September 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Right-angled hyperbolic polyhedra and hyperbolic 3-manifolds

Speaker : Andrey Vesnin (Tomsk State University and Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : A study of existence of bounded right-angled polyhedra in hyperbolic 3-space was started by Pogorelov [1]. These polyhedral are referred as Pogorelov polyhedra now. The methods to construct hyperbolic 3-manifolds (orientable and non-orientable) related to corresponding right-angled Coxeter groups are described in [2]. At the same time, Pogorelov polyhedra play an important role in the toric topology due to cohomological rigidity of manifolds related to them [3].  A census of bounded right-angled hyperbolic polyhedral is presented in [4]. We will survey results of Pogorelov polyhedral and construction of 3-manifolds from them. Also, we will present some results on census of finite-volume right-angled hyperbolic polyhedral with all vertices on the absolute of hyperbolic 3-space [5]. 


[1] A. Pogorelov, A regular partition of Lobachevskian space, Math. Notes, 1:1 (1967), 3–5.

[2] A. Vesnin, Right-angled polyhedra and hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Russian Math. Surveys, 72:2 (2017), 335–374. 

[3] V. Buchstaber, N. Erokhovets, M. Masuda, T. Panov, S. Park, Cohomological rigidity of manifolds defined by 3-dimensional polytopes, Russian Math. Surveys, 72:2 (2017), 199–256.  

[4] T. Inoue, Exploring the list of smallest right-angled hyperbolic polyhedra, Experimental Mathematics, Published online April 11, 2019. 

[5] A. Vesnin, A. Egorov, Ideal right-angled polyhedra in Lobachevsky space, 20 pages, Chebyshevskii Sbornik 2020, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 65-83. Preprint version is available at arxiv:1909.11523.

31 August 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Stick presentations of knots and their invariants

Speaker : Sungjong No (Kyonggi University)

Organization : Knots and representation theory 


A stick knot is a knot which consists of finite line segments. This presentation of knots can be considered to be a reasonable mathematical model of cyclic molecules or molecular chains. The stick number $s(K)$ is defined to be the minimal number of sticks required to construct a knot $K$.

A lattice knot is a stick knot in the cubic lattice. The lattice stick number $s_L(K)$ is defined to be the minimal number of sticks required to construct a knot $K$. The minimum lattice length $Len(K)$ is defined to be the minimum length to realize a knot $K$ as a lattice knot.

In this talk, we introduce upper bounds of $s(K)$, $s_L(K)$ and $Len(K)$ and show how to construct the stick knots. Furthermore, we introduce another upper bounds for some special knot types.

27 August 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Mathematics with a taste of Combinatorics on word

Speaker: Mehdi Golafshan

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: Word combinatorics is a branch of mathematics and theoretical computer science that applies combinatorial analysis to finite or infinite words. This branch developed from several branches of mathematics : number theory, group theory, probabilities and of course combinatorial.

 In this lecture, we will first state the main definitions and then introduce examples from different branches of mathematics related to combinatorics on word.

In the end, we will introduce some books and some open problems.

26 August 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Region crossing change on surfaces

Speaker : Zhiyun Cheng

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : Region crossing change is a local operation on link diagrams. It was first proved by Ayaka Shimizu that region crossing change is an unknotting operation on knot diagrams. A necessary and sufficient condition for region crossing change being an unknotting operation on link diagrams was given by the speaker in 2013. In this talk, I will discuss the effect of region crossing change on oriented closed surfaces. This is a joint work with Cheng Jiawei, Xu Jinwen and Zheng Jieyao.

24 August 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Noncommutative double relations

Speaker :

G.I. Sharygin

Organization : Knots and representation theory 


20 August 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Geometry of Umbilics on Surfaces in the Three-space

Speaker: Gautam Gangopadhyay

Organization: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: The review of the theory of umbilic points on surfaces in Euclidean three-space,their classification, local description and behavior with the variation of parameters.

A special account is devoted to the study of umbilic points on ellipsoids and surfaces of small genera (zero and one).

19 August 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Geometric approach to digital problems

Speaker : Mehdi Golafshan

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract : Digital problems of this type in Number theory are well-known to be difficult, e.g., in theliterature, least non-zero digits of $𝑛!$ in base $12$ (Deshouillers et al.) or digits of $n^n$ have been investigated.
In this lecture, we will study one of the problems of word combinations with geometric tools.
In particular, we examine the complexity function of a digital problem. Also, we are interested in the numberof factors of length n that may occur in such a sequence (i.e., the subsequences made of $𝑛$ consecutive digits). 
For example, the sequence made by powers of $2$ one the circle with an irrational angle is dense and generalization of this, i.e., powers of $2^k$. This work joint with Prof Kanel-Belov and Ivan Mitrofanov.

17 August 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Milnor construction and simplicial groups 

Speaker : Wu Jie

Organization : Knots and representation theory 


13 August 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Outer billiards outside regular polygons: sets of full measure and aperiodic points

Speaker: Fillip Rukhovich

Organizatinon: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU


Draw a tangent line to $\Gamma$ through point $p$ and reflect $p$ with respect to tangency point. Such a map is called  \it outer billiard map}. In terms of consecutive applying of outer billiard,  the point can be {\it periodic} (i.e. return to itself at some moment), aperiodic (never return itself) and also {\it boundary} (outer billiard can be applied only finite number of times).


An important case of $\Gamma$ is regular $n$-gon. In case $n=3,4,6$, a structure of points is simple (no aperiodic points); also a structure was researched by S.Tabachnikov in case $n=5$ and partially $n = 10$ (there exists an aperiodic point, but set of aperiodic points is of zero Lebesgue measure). In his Ph.D. author proved results for cases $n=8,12,10$.


Topics of report are following:


\item structure of periodic, aperiodic and boundary points;

\item what interesting fractal structures arise;

\item how to describe all possible periodic components;

\item what algorithms can be useful for search and proof of self-similarity;

\item why computer occurs necessary for full research.


12 August 2020, 15:30 - (UTC+3)

Notice that the time changes due to the time difference.

Title: Splitting cobordism orientations

Speaker Sanath Devalapurkar (Harvard University)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing by zoom

Abstract :

The cobordism invariants given by the mod 2 Euler characteristic, signature, and A-hat genus all define maps MO -> HF_2, MSO -> HZ, and MSpin -> ko of spectra. Each of these maps of spectra admits a splitting, which implies the existence of manifolds with given cobordism invariants. In this talk, I will describe a program to reprove the splitting of the A-hat genus, by describing a universal property for mapping out of ko. This program has the advantage of also working (with some modifications) for splitting the Ando-Hopkins-Rezk orientation MString -> tmf. The methods suggest many further directions of investigation, and we hope to highlight some of them in this talk.

About the speaker: 

Sanath Devalapurkar was born in India in 2000. He is a rising star in the field of algebraic topology. Though he recently graduated from MIT, he has many publications, see his homepage:

10 August 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Clasp diagrams

Speaker : J. Mostovoy

Organization : Knots and representation theory 


I will describe a new coding for knots and some of its applications.
This is a joint work with Michael Polyak.

This talk will be given by skype @knots-in-moscow.

06 August 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: A Khovanov stable homotopy type for links in thickened higher genus surfaces.

Speaker: Igor M. Nikonov

Organizatinon: Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract: Khovanov homology is well known knot invariant that was enhanced in many ways. For example, M. Asaeda, J. Przytycki, and A. Sikora modified the homology construction for knots in thickened surfaces to appreciate the homotopical properties of the knot embeddings. On the other hand, for any classical knot, R. Lipschitz and S. Sarkar gave a construction of invariant topological space whose homology coincides with the Khovanov homology of the knot. In the talk we show how these two different enhancement of the Khovanov homology can be combined in one construction.

05 August 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title: Unoriented tribrackets of surface-links

Speaker Jieon Kim (Pusan National University)

Abstract : By a surface link, or knotted surface, $\mathcal L$ of $n$ components ($n \geq 1$) we mean $n$ mutually disjoint connected and closed (possibly orientable or nonorientable) 2-manifolds $F_1, \ldots, F_n$ smoothly (or piecewise linearly and locally flatly) embedded in the standardly oriented $4$-space $\mathbb R^4$ (or $S^4$). In the case when each component $F_i$ is oriented, $\mathcal L$ is called an oriented surface link. 


In 2018, myself and S. Nelson defined invariants for oriented surface-links by using a biquasile, which

is used to define invariants of oriented classical links via their dual graph diagrams. Biquasiles can be understood as a special case of the ternary algebraic structures. Here we call it a vertical tribracket.


In this talk, we introduce a special case of vertical tribrackets, called an unoriented tribracket. By using unoriented tribrackets, we define an invariant of unoriented surface-links.

03 August 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : The Alexander polynomial as a universal invariant

Speaker : R. Kashaev

Organization : Knots and representation theory by zoom


I will explain an interpretation of the Alexander polynomial as a universal invariant of long knots associated to the complex Hopf algebra of regular functions on the affine linear algebraic group  of complex invertible upper triangular 2-by-2 matrices of the form 


a b 

0 1


Preprint: arXiv:2007.11036

30 July 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Generalised Knot theories and Markov and Alexander theorems
Speaker :  Roger Fenn

Organization : Математический коллоквиум


This is joint work with Andrew Bartholomew. We show which generalised knot theories can accommodate a version of the Alexander and Markov braid theorems

29 July 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Towards a categorical boson-fermion correspondence via contact topology
Speaker :  Yin Tian (YMSC)

Organization : Moscow-Beijing topology seminar (by Zoom)


The boson-fermion correspondence is an isomorphism between the bosonic Fock space and the fermionic Fock space. We present a  categorification of the fermionic Fock space based on Honda's category studying contact topology in dimension three. The bosonic counterpart is a modification of Khovanov's Heisenberg category. 

27 July 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : An introduction to the normalized homology for the set-theoretic Yang–Baxter equation

Speaker : Seung Yeop Yang (Kyungpook National University)

Organization : Knots and representation theory by zoom


Biracks and biquandles, which are useful for studying the knot theory, are special families of solutions to the set-theoretic Yang-Baxter equation. In 2002, a homology theory for the set-theoretic Yang-Baxter equation was introduced by Carter, Elhamdadi, and Saito.

We construct a normalized homology theory of certain set-theoretic solutions to the Yang-Baxter equation, such as cycle sets, biquandles, etc., which is a modified form of their set-theoretic Yang-Baxter homology. We, moreover, introduce homological and homotopical knot invariants obtained from the normalized homology theory.

22 July 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Evaluations of noncommutative polynomials on finite dimensional algebras
Speaker :  Sergey Malev (Ariel University of Samaria (Israel)) and Alexei Kanel-Belov (Bar-Ilan University (Israel))

Organization : Moscow-Beijing topology seminar (by Zoom)


Let $p$ be a polynomial in several non-commuting variables with coefficients in an algebraically closed field $K$ of arbitrary characteristic. It has been conjectured that for any $n$, for $p$ multilinear, the image of $p$ evaluated on the set $M_n(K)$ of $n$ by $n$ matrices is either zero, or the set of scalar matrices, or the set $sl_n(K)$ of matrices of trace 0, or all of $M_n(K)$. This expository paper describes research on this problem and related areas. We discuss the solution of this conjecture for $n=2$, some decisive results for $n=3$, and partial information for $n\geq 3$, also for non-multilinear polynomials. In addition we consider the case of $K$ not algebraically closed, and polynomials evaluated on other finite dimensional simple algebras (in particular the algebra of the quaternions).

20 July 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : From SL(2) to GL(N) foam evaluation

Speaker : M. Khovanov

Organization : Knots and representation theory by zoom


The talk is based on joint wrks with L.-H. Robert, L.-H. Robert and E. Wagner, N. Kitchloo, N. Kitchloo and Y. Kononov, plus on the idea of Y. Kononov for non-closed surface evaluation.

16 July 2020, 15:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Colouring bracket invariants of links
Speaker :  D.A. Fedoseev

Organization : Математический коллоквиум


 In the present talk we shall discuss the generalisation and variations on the picture-valued parity-biquandle bracket proposed by D.P. Ilyutko and V.O. Manturov as a natural combination of parity bracket (Manturov) and biquandle bracket (Nelson et al.).
We concentrate on the stadying what happens if one forfeits the (bi)quandle structure and allows arbitrary colourings of the arcs of a link diagram. It turns out, that this approach needs certain subtleties to work: the lack of the (bi)quandle structure makes the number of colourings not invariant under the Reidemeister moves. To make the construction of bracket invariant, one needs to involve additional structures. One of them, the connection operator, is interesting also from the viewpoint of state model topology and its applications to the bracket invariants of links.
The talk is based on a joint work with I.M. Nikonov and V.O. Manturov.

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Meeting ID: 819 2361 6916
Password: 780822

15 July 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Relation between group extension and quandle extension on a group
Speaker :  Byeorhi Kim (Kyungpook National University)

Organization : Moscow-Beijing topology seminar (by Zoom)


In 1980s, Joyce and Matveev introduced quandle which is an algebraic structure related to knot theory. In the papers, they also showed that for given a group $G$ and an automorphism $\varphi$, there is a quandle structure on the underlying set of $G$. When the automorphism is an innerautomorphism by $\zeta\in G$, we denote this quandle structure by $(G,\triangleleft_{\zeta})$.

 In this talk, we show a relationship between group extensions of a group $G$ and quandle extensions of the quandle $(G, \triangleleft_{\zeta})$. In fact, there exists a group homomorphism from $H_{gp}^{2}(G;A) \to H_{q}^{2}((G,\triangleleft_{\zeta});A)$. Also, we show a relationship between quandle extensions of a quandle $Q$ and quandle extensions of the quandle on the inner automorphism group of $Q$. Indeed, there exists a group homomorphism from $H_{q}^{2}(Q;A) \to H_{q}^{2}(({\rm Inn}(Q),\triangleleft_{\zeta});A)$. Finally, we introduce some interesting examples which is an observation for a relationship between extensions of a quandle and extensions of the inner automorphism group of the quandle. This is a joint work with Y. Bae and J. S. Carter.

The seminar will be held during 15:30--17:00 (Beijing time) on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 831 5020 0580

Password: 141592

13 July 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Studying complex manifolds by using groups G_n^k and \Gamma_n^k

Speaker : Zheyan Wan (YMSC, Tsinghua University)

Organization : Knots and representation theory(@knots-in-moscow)


In this talk, we study several complex manifolds by using the following idea. First, we construct a certain moduli space and study the fundamental group of this space. This fundamental group is naturally mapped to the groups G_n^k and \Gamma_n^k. This is the step towards ``complexification'' of the G_n^k and \Gamma_n^k approach first developed in arXiv: 1905.08049.

This is my joint work with Vassily O. Manturov (arXiv: 2001.02791).

09 July 2020, 15:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Чем фундаментальная группа бутылки Клейна отличается от всех остальных групп поверхностей?
Speaker :  Клячко А. А.

Organization : Математический коллоквиум


Теорема Мажуги говорит, что фундаментальная группа $H$ любой связной поверхности, кроме, быть может, бутылки Клейна, является ретрактом всякой конечно порождённой группы, содержащей $H$ в качестве вербально замкнутой подгруппы. Я расскажу об этой теореме и о других подобных фактах, а также о том, что происходит с бутылкой Клейна в действительности.

08 July 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : The strong homotopy fusion number of ribbon knots
Speaker :  Sungkyung Kang (IMS, CUHK)

Organization : Moscow-Beijing topology seminar (by Zoom)


The fusion number of a ribbon knot K is the minimal number of 1-handles needed to construct a ribbon disk for K. The strong homotopy fusion number of a ribbon knot K is the minimal number of 2-handles in a handle decomposition of a ribbon disk complement. The strong homotopy fusion number is a lower bound for the fusion number. We give examples of ribbon knots with strong homotopy fusion number one and arbitrarily large fusion number. Our main tools are Juhasz-Miller-Zemke’s bound on fusion number coming from the torsion order of knot Floer homology and Hanselman-Watson’s cabling formula for immersed curves.

06 July 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Foams and Surface Braids as Higher Categories and Generalizations

Speaker : Scott Carter

Organization : Knots and representation theory


Five Categorical Principles are articulated: (1) Different things are not equal. (2) Arrows are used to compare things. (3) Doing followed by un-doing may, or may not, be the same as not doing. (4) Simultaneity is illusory, (5) Change followed by exchange is comparable to exchange followed by change. Then starting from a modification of algebraic axioms (multiplication, comultiplication, (co)associativity,  and pairing) embedded foams are formulated as quadruple arrows in a certain multi-category. Briefly, quintuple arrows will be discussed in this context, and then we'll move to surface braids, braided 3-manifolds and illustrate a few braided 4-manifolds.

1 July 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : 3Domino tilings, Legendrian knots, braid action on knots and relatives of groups G_{n}^{4} and \Gamma_{n}^{4}
Speaker :  Vassily O. Manturov

Organization : Moscow-Beijing topology seminar (by Zoom)


I will discuss a generalization of groups G_{n}^{k} and \Gamma_{n}^{k} which appears when studying 

the group action of domino tilings of R^{2} and 2-surfaces. This allows one to get a purely combinatorial generalisation of groups G_{n}^{4} and \Gamma_{n}^{4} acting on surfaces and action of braids on (Legendrian) knot diagrams. Many unsolved problems will be suggested.


This work is partially joint with Denis A. Fedoseev.

29June 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Encoding and Computation on Textiles 

Speaker : Matt Bright

Organization : Knots and representation theory


We model a textile as an infinite collection of lines and circles whose embedding in a thickened plane maps to itself under periodic translation in two linearly independent directions.  Selection of a fixed unit cell allows a finite representation of a textile in a fixed thickened torus, from which we derive an abstract encoding of its structure based on the Gauss Code for knots. 


This enables an algorithmic approach to enumerating viable real world textile structures, and we will present our application of this approach to enumerating all oriented textiles with a given number of crossings, which is our main result to date on textile structures. 


However, unit cell selection in periodic structures is not unique, and topological classification should therefore be up to both deformation of the ambient space and changes in unit cell selection – this notion of periodic isotopy will be the key tool used to study real world examples of periodic structures.  We will discuss our preliminary approach to this topic, which has not to date received much study.

25 June 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Classification of compact complex surfaces
Speaker : Каледин Дмитрий Борисович

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract : 

I will give a brief overview of the classic results on the classification of compact complex surfaces, both Kaehler and non-Kaehler.  

24 June 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : 3-manifolds, q-series, and topological strings
Speaker : Sunghyuk Park (California Institute of Technology)

Organization : Moscow-Beijing topology seminar (by Zoom)

Abstract:  Is there an analog of Khovanov homology for 3-manifolds? Is there an analog of HOMFLY-PT polynomial for 3-manifolds? 

Motivated by the first question, Gukov, Pei, Putrov and Vafa conjectured the existence of an invariant of 3-manifolds valued in power series in q with integer coefficients. This talk will be roughly in two parts: In the first half of the talk, I will give an overview of what is known about this conjectural invariant and some recent developments. The second half of the talk, partly motivated by the second question, will be on the "HOMFLY-PT version" of this invariant and (if time permits) its connection to holomorphic curve counts.  The second part of the talk is based on the joint work with Tobias Ekholm, Angus Gruen, Sergei Gukov, Piotr Kucharski and Piotr Sulkowski. 

22June 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Об обходе пространства Роботом снабженным датчиком случайных чисел

Speaker : А.Канель-Белов, Е.Кондакова 

Organization : Knots and representation theory

Abstract:  Доклад посвящен поведению Робота (конечного автомата) в лабиринте, снабженного датчиком случайных чисел и одним камешком. Цель 

Робота - обойти весь лабиринт. Это значит, что для любой его комнаты найдется момент времени (с вероятностью 1), когда Робот там побывает. Робот может оставлять камешек в комнате (вершине графа), проверять наличие камешка и уносить с собой. В качестве Лабиринта нас интересует целочисленная решетка. 


Без камешков, но с датчиком случайных чисел Робот может обойти двумерную решетку, но не может обойти решетку высшей размерности. С двумя камешками (и с датчиком случайных чисел) он может эмулировать машину Минского и тем самым обойти решетку произвольной размерности. В случае одного камешка он может обойти решетку размерности не выше 4, но не может обойти решетку высшей размерности. 


Удивительно, что если зафиксировать «кирпич», - который нельзя таскать, но можно распознавать клетку с ним, - то с помощью кирпича и камешка можно обойти решетку размерности 6, а если зафиксировать плоскость из кирпичей, то размерности 8.  Для большей размерности 

фиксация подпространства кирпичей коразмерности 6, по всей видимости, не помогает. 


Однако, если при этом случайно расставить в клетках пространства числа 0 и 1 то осуществить обход уже можно. 


Доклад посвящен обсуждению возникающих вопросов. 

18 June 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Групповые структуры и их приложения
Speaker : Р. Н. Гумеровв

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract : Рассматриваются свойства накрытий компактных групп, в частности, P-адических соленоидов. Обсуждается теорема о накрывающей группе и ее приложения. Показывается, что накрытия тесно связаны с многочленами Вейерштрасса над банаховыми алгебрами непрерывных функций. Обсуждаются свойства ∗-автоморфизмов полугрупповых C∗-алгебр для полугрупп в группах характеров P-адических соленоидов.

17 June 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Multidimensional matrices in hypergraph matching and other combinatorial problems
Speaker : Anna Taranenko

Organization : Moscow-Beijing topology seminar (by skype

The talk aims to draw attention to the interplay between the hypergraph matching theory and the theory of diagonals in multidimensional matrices. We overview some classical or just nice results on existence and counting matchings in hypergraphs and see how the matrix approach works for them. At last, we consider applications of multidimensional permanents for transversals in latin squares and hypercubes. 

15 June 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Knot quandle decompositions
Speaker : Eva Horbat

Organization : Knots and representation theory (by skype @knots-in-moscow)

Abstract : download

11 June 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Тождества производных многообразий алгебр
Speaker : П. С. Колесников

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract : Пусть A — неассоциативная алгебра с дифференцированием d. Производными операциями назовем новые "произведения" (x>y) и (x<y), заданные правилом x>y=d(x)y, x<y=xd(y). Мы изучим связь тождеств, которым удовлетворяют производные операции, с конструкцией произведений Манина для операд, а также рассмотрим близкие по смыслу задачи с операторами Роты–Бакстера и усреднения.

10 June 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : The generalized Kummer construction and cohomology rings
Speaker : Iskander Taimanov (Novosibirsk State University)

Organization : Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: We discuss the formality problem for manifolds with special holonomy and demonstrate ow to apply the Poincare-Lefschetz-Pontryagin intersection theory to computing the cohomology rings of G_2 manifolds constructed by Joyce by using the generalized Kummer construction

08 June 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Skeins and algebras

Speaker : Hugh Morton

Organization : Knots and representation theory

Abstract: I will look at some algebras based on braids with a quadratic relation, which are natural candidates for Homfly skein theory models.  

The main theme will be the use of braids in thickened surfaces to construct algebras. These readily produce the Hecke algebras and the affine Hecke algebras of type A. I will point out a problem in doing the same for the double affine Hecke algebras, along with a way round it, which also allows for extensions to the algebras by the use of closed curves and tangles in addition to braids. This is part of recent work with Peter Samuelson.

03 June 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : More stable stems

Speaker: Guozhen Wang (Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences, Fudan University)

Organization : Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: Computation of stable homotopy groups of spheres has been a long standing problem in algebraic topology. Many questions can be reduced to computations of stable homotopy groups, such as the classification of manifolds up to various notions of cobordism, and the classification of smooth structures. Using motivic methods, we made breakthroughs on the stemwise computations of the stable homotopy groups of spheres, extending the knowledge from the range around 60 to the range up to 90. I will give an account of our new methods and show the resulting charts of the classical and motivic Adams spectral sequences.

About the speaker: Prof. Guozhen Wang received his bachelor's degree and master's degree from Peking University, and his PhD from MIT. He and his collaborators published a paper on Annals of Mathematics in 2017, which solved the problems of computation of 61-stem in the stable homotopy groups of spheres and smooth structures of odd dimensional spheres. 

28 May 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Hardy inequality on the tree and bi-tree and some (unexpected) combinatorial properties of planar measures.
Speaker : Pavel A. Mojolyako (Saint Peterburg state university)

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract : We consider embeddings of various spaces of analytic functions in polydisc into Lebesgue spaces with respect to a measure in the polydisc. These problems can be often moved to a discrete setting, by considering weighted Dirichlet spaces on (poly-) trees and weighted dyadic multi-parameter Hardy operator. We find the necessary and sufficient condition for this operator to be bounded in n-parameter case, when n is 1, 2, or 3. The answer is quite unexpected—it is a certain combinatorial property of all measures in dimension 2 and 3 --- and seemingly goes against the well known difference between box and Chang–Fefferman condition that was given by Carleson quilts example of 1974.

27 May 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Cubic forms, anomaly cancellation and modularity
Speaker :  Ruizhi Huang (Academy of Mathematics and Systems Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences)

Organization : Moscow-Beijing seminar

Abstract: Motivated by the cubic forms and anomaly cancellation formulas of Witten-Freed-Hopkins, we give some new cubic forms on spin, spin$^c$, spin$^{w_2}$ and orientable 12-manifolds. We relate them to $\eta$-invariants when the manifolds are with boundary, and mod 2 indices on 10 dimensional characteristic submanifolds when the manifolds are spin$^c$ or spin$^{w_2}$. 

This is a joint work with Fei Han, Kefeng Liu and Weiping Zhang. 

25 May 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : The Jones-Krushkal polynomial and minimal diagrams of surface links
Speaker : Hans U. Boden (McMaster University) 

Organization : Knots and representation theory

Abstract: We prove an analogue of the Kauffman-Murasugi-Thistlethwaite theorem for alternating links in surfaces. It states that any reduced alternating diagram of a link in a thickened surface has minimal crossing number, and any two reduced alternating diagrams of the same link have the same writhe. The proof holds more generally for links admitting adequate diagrams and the key ingredient is a two-variable generalization of the Jones polynomial for surface links defined by Krushkal. This result extends the first and second Tait conjectures to alternating links in thickened surfaces and also to alternating virtual links. This is joint work with Homayun Karimi.
   Time permitting, we will discuss a new invariant of link in surfaces called the homotopy Kauffman bracket. We give several examples to show the homotopy Kauffman bracket is stronger than the homological Kauffman braket, and we use it to extend the first and second Tait conjectures to weakly reduced alternating diagrams in surfaces. This part is work in progress and is joint with Homayun Karimi and Adam Sikora.

21 May 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title :  On 3-free links
Speaker :  V.O. Manturov, D.A. Fedoseev and S. Kim.

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract : In this talk, we combinatorially define free 3-links and construct well defined mapping from oriented classical links in R^3 to free 3-links (with end points). And then, we will talk about possible modifications and invariants of free 3-links, which are related with free knots and invariant valued in pictures.



20 May 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)


Title: Stability of persistent homology for hypergraphs.

Speaker: Shiquan Ren

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing

Abstract: In this talk, we review the TDA method of persistent homology and its stability. We generalize the stability of persistent homology and study the stability of persistent homomorphisms between persistent homology. We discuss about the stability of the persistent homology for hypergraphs. 

18 May 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Logarithmic invariants of knots and q-series invariants of 3-manifolds
Speaker : Sergey Gukov

Organization : Knots and representation theory


14 May 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title :  Extremal questions for geometric graphs. Экстремальные задачи о геометрических графах.
Speaker : Андрей Купавский (IAS, Princeton, CNRS, France и МФТИ, Москва) и Нора Франкл (London School of Economics и МФТИ, Москва

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU

Abstract : In this talk, we will cover some of the developments in the area of geometric graphs, related to the famous Erdos' unit distance problem. We will give a brief broad overview of the field and the techniques, as well as present some of our results.


В этом докладе мы расскажем о некоторых продвижениях в области геометрических графов вокруг известной проблемы Эрдеша о единичных расстояниях. Мы дадим краткий обзор области и используемых методов, а также расскажем о некоторых наших результатах.

13 May 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Discrete Morse theory for weighted simplicial complexes
Speaker : Chengyuan Wu (National University of Singapore)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing

Abstract :  In this talk, we discuss Forman's discrete Morse theory in the context of weighted homology. We develop weighted versions of classical theorems in discrete Morse theory. A key difference in the weighted case is that simplicial collapses do not necessarily preserve weighted homology. We work out some sufficient conditions for collapses to preserve weighted homology, as well as study the effect of elementary removals on weighted homology. We also give a brief introduction to weighted (persistent) homology.

11 May 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Minor's concordance invariants for virtual knots and welded links.
Speaker : Micah Chrisman

Organization : Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Milnor's $\bar{\mu}$-invariants for links in the 3-sphere vanish on any link concordant to a boundary link. In particular, they are are trivial for any classical knot. Here we define an analogue of Milnor's concordance invariants for knots in thickened surfaces $\Sigma \times [0,1]$, where $\Sigma$ is closed and oriented. The invariants are constructed from the nilpotent quotients of an extension of the group of a virtual knot due to Boden-Gaudreau-Harper-Nicas-White. These invariants, called $\overline{\text{zh}}$-invariants, vanish on any knot concordant to a homologically trivial knot in $\Sigma \times [0,1]$. Three applications are given. First, we use the $\overline{\text{zh}}$-invariants to give new examples of non-slice virtual knots having trivial Rasmussen invariant, graded genus, writhe polynomial, and generalized Alexander polynomial. Moreover, we complete the slice status classification of the 2564 virtual knots having at most five classical crossings and reduces to four (of 90235) the number of virtual knots with six classical crossings having unknown slice status. As a second application, we prove that in contrast to the classical knot concordance group, the virtual knot concordance group is not abelian. Thirdly, as a byproduct of the construction of the $\overline{\text{zh}}$-invariants, we obtain a generalization of the $\bar{\mu}$-invariants of classical links to concordance invariants of welded links.

07 May 2020, 17:45 - (UTC+3)

Title : Наследственно полные системы в пространствах функций 
Speaker : Баранов Антон Дмитриевич (Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет)

Organization : Mathematical seminars in BMSTU

Abstract: Пусть система векторов $x_n$ полна и минимальна в гильбертовом пространстве $H$. Будем говорить, что эта система наследственно полна, если каждый вектор в $H$ может быть аппроксимирован по норме линейными комбинациями частичных сумм его ряда Фурье по системе $x_n$. В течение многих лет оставалась открытой задача о наследственной полноте для систем экспонент в пространстве $L^2(-a,a)$. Несколько лет назад эта задача была решена в отрицательном смысле в совместной работе с Ю. Беловым и А. Боричевым. Таким образом,  существуют негармонические ряды Фурье, не допускающие линейного метода суммирования. В то же время, любая экспоненциальная система наследственно полна с точностью до одномерного дефекта. В докладе мы обсудим также сходные задачи для систем воспроизводящих ядер в гильбертовых пространствах целых функций (таких как пространства Пэли-Винера, де Бранжа, Фока). Доклад основан на совместных работах с Ю. Беловым (С.-Петербург) и А. Боричевым (Марсель).

6 May 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : New criteria and Constructions of Brunnian Links
Speaker : Sheng Bai

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing

Abstract : We present two practical and widely applicable methods, including some criteria and a general procedure, to detect Brunnian property of a link, if each component is known to be unknot. The methods are based on observation and handwork, significantly different from invariants. They are used successfully for all Brunnian links known so far. Typical examples and extensive experiments illustrate their efficiency. The flexibility of the new methods often leads us to create infinite families of new Brunnian links from a given Brunnian link. This is a joint work with Wang Weibiao.

29 April 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title :Higher dimensional structures of graphs, and a unified topological approach to data science
Speaker : Jie Wu (Hebei Normal University)

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing

Abstract: In this talk, we will report our current research for exploring topology of subgraphs and its applications. After reviewing the classical work by Lovasz and some recent work by S. T. Yau and others for exploring higher dimensional structures of graphs, we propose a general question concerning higher dimensional topological structures of graphs. Then we introduce the notion of super-hypergraph, which can be briefly described as Delta set with missing faces, as a model for topological structure of subgraphs. The applications are given by providing a unified topological approach to data science. This is a joint work with Professor Jelena Grbic from Southampton.

27 April 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : About algorithmic unsolvability of the embeddins problem for algebraic manifolds over field of zero characteristics
Speaker : Aleksey Chilikov

Organization : Knots and representation theory

Abstract: Let A and B be affine manifolds over fields of zero characteristics. Is exist an embedding from A to B? In this works we prove that there is no algorithm which can check this. We set this for manifolds which are defined by generators and defining relations. Moreover, this is true if A is an affine space and if A is an affine line over R.

23 April 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : The volume of polytopes and the tight frames.
Speaker : Grigory Ivanov

Organization : Mathematical seminars in BMSTU

Abstract :  The projection of an orthonormal basis of $\R^n$ onto $\R^k$ is called a \textit{tight frame}. This object appears in different areas of mathematics starting with quantum mechanics and convex analysis.

In this talk, we will discuss the use of tight frames in the volume extrema problems for centrally-symmetric polytopes. Namely, we will consider zonotopes, sections of the $n$-cube, projections of the $n$-cross-polytope, and then we will discuss how to reformulate the volume extrema problems for these classes of polytopes in terms of tight frames.

The volume extrema problems for these polytopes has been study intensively.

Yet there are a lot of open questions in the area.

We will show how to write a 'naive' variational principle for such problems, and then we will use it to obtain the geometric necessary conditions for extremizers and some new bounds on the volume of centrally-symmetric polytopes.

22 April 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : The volume and Chern-Simons invariant of a 3-manifold.
Speaker : Seokbeom Yoon

Organization : Seminar in Moscow and Beijing

Abstract :  For a hyperbolic 3-manifold with cusps, a decomposition into ideal tetrahedra allows us to compute its volume and Chern-Simons invariant. In this talk, we briefly recall such computation and present its generalization.

20 April 2020, 18:30 - 20:10 (UTC+3)

Title : Over then Under Tangles
Speaker : Dror Bar-Nartan

Organization : Knots and representation theory by Zoom

Abstract : Brilliant wrong ideas should not be buried and forgotten. Instead, they should be mined for the gold that lies underneath the layer of wrong. In this paper we explain how "over then under tangles" lead to an easy classification of knots, and under the surface, also to some valid mathematics: a separation theorem for braids and virtual braids, a topological understanding of the Drinfel'd double construction of quantum group theory, and more.

You may find the video recording in

16 April 2020, 17:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Introduction to Arakelov Geometry
Speaker : Denis Osipov

Organization : Mathematical colloquium in BMSTU by Zoom

Abstract : Геометрия Аракелова - это способ "компактифицировать" арифметические объекты при помощи эрмитовых метрик, чтобы работать с этими объектами как с проективными алгебраическими многообразиями над полем. Я расскажу про основные понятия геометрии Аракелова в размерности один и два, то есть для арифметических кривых и арифметических поверхностей.

15 April 2020, 16:20 - 16:50 (UTC+3)

Title : An Introduction to Framed 4-Graph Minor Theory
Speaker : V.O. Manturov


Abstract : The well-known Pontrjagin-Kuratowski Theorem says that a graph is non-planar if it does not contain K5 and K3,3 (in the modern formulation we can say does not contain as a minor). In the talk we deal with regular 4-graphs with an additional structure of opposite edges at each vertex (we call them framed 4-graphs) . A theorem due to the speaker (conjectured by V.A.Vassiliev) says that such a graph is non-planar if it does not contain two cycles with no common edges having exactly one transverse intersection. The equivalence of the Pontrjagin-Kuratowski Theorem and Vassiliev's conjecture was proved by I.M.Nikonov.

In the talk we prove that for framed 4-graphs (with source-sink structure) there is a unique graph which plays the role of planarity abstraction as well as intrinsic linkedness obstruction as well as obstruction of crossing number no more than two.


15 April 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : SL(3,C)-representations of two-generator groups
Speaker : Haimiao Chen, 

Organization : Skype seminar of Moscow and Beijing

Abstract : SL(3,C)-representations of fundamental groups of 3-manifolds are interesting in low-dimensional topology, due to their close connections to geometric and topological structures. But till now few computations are seen in the literature. After a brief survey on background, I will present an efficient method for computing SL(3,C)-representations of any two-generator group. In particular, the SL(3,C)-character variety of each rational link can be written down. 


13 April 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Topological Quantum Computing and Untary Representations of the Artin Braid Group
Speaker : Louis H. Kauffman, 

Organization : Knots and representation theory by skype (@knots-in-moscow)

Abstract : This talk will review the basics of quantum theory and quantum computation. Then we discuss how unitary braid group representations
associated with the Temperley Lieb Recoupling theory for the Jones polynomial can in theory give universal quantum computation.


09 April 2020, 16:00 - (UTC+3)

Title : An Upper Bound for Weak Bk–Sets
Speaker : Ilya D. Shkredov, 

Organization : Mathematical colloqbium by Zoom

Abstract : Please read the file. (see abstract)

08 April 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : On generalized configuration space and its homotopy groups
Speaker : Jun Wang

Organization : Skype seminar in Moscow and Beijing

Abstract : Let $M$ be a subset of vector space or projective space. The authors define  \emph{generalized configuration space} of $M$ which is formed by $n$-tuples of elements of $M$ where any $k$ elements  of each $n$-tuple are linearly independent. The \emph{generalized configuration space}  gives a generalization of  Fadell's classical configuration space, and Stiefel manifold. Denote  \emph{generalized configuration space} of $M$  by $W_{k,n}(M)$.
For studying topological property of the generalized configuration spaces, the authors calculate homotopy groups for some special cases. This article gives the fundamental groups of  generalized configuration spaces of  $\mathbb{R}P^m$  for some special cases, and the connections between the homotopy groups of generalized configuration spaces of $S^m$  and the homotopy groups of Stiefel manifolds. It is  also proved that the higher homotopy groups of generalized configuration spaces $W_{k,n}(S^m)$ and $W_{k,n}(\mathbb{R}P^m)$ are isomorphic.


06 April 2020, 18:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : On the geometry of polynomial automorphism $\Ind$-schemes
Speaker : Andrey Elishev (joint work with Alexei Kanel-Belov and Yu Jie-Tai)

Organization : Knots and representation theory by skype (@knots-in-moscow)

Abstract : My talk concerns certain topological and algebraic-geometric properties of $\Ind$-schemes $\Aut K[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$, $n>2$, of polynomial automorphisms, defined over an algebraically closed field $K$ of characteristic zero, together with their free algebra counterparts $\Aut K\langle x_1,\ldots, x_n\rangle$. In particular, I will explain the proof of the theorem which states that all $\Ind$-automorphisms of $\Aut K[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$ are inner, as well as comment on the embedding problem of $\Aut K[x_1,\ldots, x_n]$ into $\Aut K\langle x_1,\ldots, x_n\rangle$. The proof of the main result is based on Anick's theory of approximation of polynomial automorphisms and constitutes a rather curious case of interaction between adic topology and algebraic geometry. We will also consider the connection of this theory with the Jacobian conjecture.


01 April 2020, 10:30 - (UTC+3)

Title : Steenrod square for virtual links toward Khovanov-Lipshitz-Sarkar stable homotopy type for virtual links

Speaker : Eiji Ogasa

Organization : Skype seminar in Moscow and Beijing


30 March 2020, 18:30 - 20:05 (UTC+3)

Title : Quantum toroidal algebras and quantum field theory

Speaker : Egor Zenkevich

Organization : Knots and representation theory by skype


30 March 2020, 16:40 - 18:15 (UTC+3)

Title : Spin x_{Z_2} Spin (d) cobordism groups: Spin, Spin^c, Spin^h and so on

Speaker : Zheyan Wan

Organization : Knots and representation theory by skype


16 March 2020, 18:30 - 20:05 (UTC+3)

Title : Interlocking structures
Speaker : A.J. Kanel-Belov, I.A. Ivanov-Pogodaev

Organization : Knots and representation theory by skype

Abstract :

Consider a set of contacting convex figures in $R^2$. It can be proven that one of these figures can be moved out of the set by translation without disturbing others. Therefore, any set of planar figures can be disassembled by moving all figures one by one. 


However, attempts to generalize this statement to $R^3$ have been unsuccessful. The author proposed a following mechanical use of this effect. In a small grain there is no room for cracks, and crack propagation should be arrested on the boundary of the grain. On the other hand, grains keep each other. So it is possible to get "materials without crack propagation" and get new use of sparse materials, say ceramics. Quite unexpectedly, such structures can be assembled with any type of platonic polyhedra, and they have geometric beauty. 


The talk is devoted to different structures.


Time line

Chicago -8h

Moscow +0h

Beijing +5h

Seoul +6h

Tokyo +6h

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